This morning, we finally heard from Fauntleroy Church (UCC) leadership regarding the Tent City 3 proposal, which, as we reported on Sunday with reader assistance, is now tabled. Rev. David Kratz forwarded a letter to the community dated Sunday, and added a few additional comments. First, the letter, in its entirety:
Dear Neighborhood Friends,
During the first week of October, a small group of men and women from Tent City 3 (TC3) came to our church to present information, and to ask if we would consider hosting them from December through February because of their pressing need for somewhere to live at that time. Because of their need, we agreed to have TC3 make a similar presentation to our congregation last Sunday. A majority of church members at the meeting favored exploring the possibility of hosting TC3, but there were many concerns about whether we are well-positioned to explore this question right now.
Homelessness and housing is a multi-faceted issue that seriously concerns us. The growing gap between the rich and the poor, the diminishing of the middle class, the rapid loss of affordable housing across the nation and in Seattle, and more importantly coming to know individual homeless people prompt us to discern how we should respond as followers of Christ.
Fauntleroy Church has a long history of service on behalf of the poor. One of the things we’re most proud of is having helped found the original First Avenue Service Center in downtown Seattle (now called the Family and Adult Service Center). FASC is a program that provides the homeless with basic human services, such as nutritious meals, a place to shower, laundry facilities, access to phone and computer services, as well as case management, assistance finding safe and affordable housing, vocational training, and much more.
This morning our Church Council decided not to host Tent City 3 in the near future. We do plan to continue educating ourselves on the issue of homelessness. We directed our Outreach Ministry to create a Homelessness Task Force, with the charge to explore the whole range of theological, biblical, social, and psychological dimensions of homelessness and seek appropriate responses for our church. We plan to start this effort in 2008. We will keep you apprised of our process. Perhaps you may want to join our conversations and learn with us–we would welcome your wisdom and questions. We honor our relationship with you just as much as we do our call to serve the “least among us.”
David Kratz, Senior Pastor
Susan Towner Larsen, Associate Pastor
Steve Sundquist, Moderator, Church Council
Rev. Kratz added in his e-mail to WSB that he has read the comments on our previous posts and, “I would invite anyone who would like to participate in a broader conversation about how to respond to people who are homeless to become part of a mailing list we are starting. As the letter states in the winter we will take a broader
look and would welcome the wisdom of concerned folks.”