Crime 6768 results

FOLLOWUP: Where East Admiral tree-cutting investigation stands; City Attorney’s Office says ‘could be a felony’

(Saturday WSB photo by Tracy Record – south end of area where trees were cut)

4 PM: We’ve obtained new information today about the investigation of more than 100 trees cut on city-owned Duwamish Head Greenbelt slopes in East Admiral. First report came from The Seattle Times late Friday night; we published a much-commented followup on Saturday (including maps showing exactly where it happened). Today – first weekday since this all came to light, though it happened weeks ago – we contacted the City Attorney’s Office with some questions. City Attorney Pete Holmes had gone out to the site on Saturday and met with City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Holmes’ spokesperson Kimberly Mills has just sent the replies to our questions, which included, how did the city find out about it, where does the investigation stand, and even, what ARE those metal tags on the stumps for? Mills writes:

A neighbor in the area contacted SDOT arborist Nolan Sundquist in January to alert him to some number of trees being cut.

Early last month a private attorney for two of the area homeowners wrote the Parks Department, seeking a way to, in my words, make things right with the City. We do not know who actually cut the trees or how many homeowners were in the group seeking their services.

That letter was forwarded on Feb. 14 to our Torts Section, which hired a private company to determine what it would take to reforest the area (which is about 1.5 acres (two-thirds SDOT and one third Parks).

(Saturday WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
The tags were placed by (the company).

We also asked if there’s an SPD report number for this. Not yet, Mills replied, but says Holmes “has asked that the matter be investigated.” She quotes him as adding, “We’re going to make sure the City is made whole as well as try to deter future conduct,” and calling the area “incredibly fragile.”

Mills notes that “the estimated damages are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is way out of our misdemeanor ballpark. This could be a felony.” If you have information that might help in the investigation, call SPD’s non-emergency number, 206-625-5011.

P.S. If you saw helicopter activity over east West Seattle earlier – it’s related to this, as TV helicopters took their first chance for aerial views of the damage.

ADDED 5 PM: Just out of the WSB inbox:

I am sharing this statement on behalf of a client who, along with other neighbors, hired a landscaping business to top and prune some trees to improve the view from their respective residences. After limited discussions with the contractors, my client returned from an out-of-town trip to find the scene shown in the news reports: To our clients’ surprise and dismay, several trees were cut at or near the base, as opposed to just limited pruning work.

I was retained soon thereafter, with instructions to disclose this work to the City, offer to restore any damage caused by the work, and coordinate full restoration of the site with the City. We hired an experienced urban forester (who used to work with the City on this exact type of site restoration) to advise on an appropriate scope of work to restore the site. We reported the cutting work to the City in a letter dated February 5, 2016. We shared our urban forester’s conceptual restoration proposal with the City Attorney’s office on March 9, 2016, and offered to provide a detailed restoration plan (complete with tree size, species, placement and ongoing care obligations) from our client’s urban forester when the City was ready to review it.

We understand the City is still evaluating its options, as well as what work will be necessary to restore the damage to this site. We believe the work affected far fewer than the 150 trees and the “one acre” of City-owned land that has been cited in the news reports. I believe this is because the City’s current damage assessment for this hillside includes another area of cutting (immediately to the south on the other side of some blackberry bushes) that was not done by our client’s contractors. In any event, our client remains ready, willing, and able to work with the City to restore the area affected by their contractors’ work.

In sum, these neighbors made a mistake by authorizing this work. They have the utmost respect for City Parks and its property, and commit to make every effort to make this right. After discussing this matter in detail with the urban forester they retained, my clients are optimistic that the site can be fully restored.

Clayton P. Graham
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

West Seattle Crime Watch: Message to a toy thief; mystery purse and shoes; more…

Today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup starts with a message to (and picture of) a toy thief:

TOYS TAKEN: The message accompanying that photo:

To the fine gentleman in the tan Kia Sorrento who stole all of my kids’ toys from my front porch on Atlas Place at 11:30 am on Sunday morning: Just a quick suggestion before you play with the red fire truck in particular – give it a good scrubbing. My neighbor’s pomeranian recently mistook it for a fire hydrant.”

ARE THESE YOURS? Sarah‘s car was prowled – and somebody else’s stuff was left behind:

Hi, I came home last night around midnight and found my car door open, with someone else’s black purse and a pair of shoes in the front seat. I assume I interrupted a car prowler who ran off when my uber pulled up. I’d like to try returning the items to their owners, I live on 24th and Cloverdale and assume they came from nearby.

Missing a purse and/or shoes? Let us know.

Also over the weekend:

7-11 ROBBED: Another armed robbery at the South Delridge 7-11. We just talked with SPD to get a few more details, after seeing it on the Tweets by Beat log. It happened around quarter till midnight on Saturday night; the clerk at the store was held up by a man and woman with a gun. They made off with cash and cigarettes. A K-9 team helped officers search but they didn’t find the robbers.

And a followup:

STOLEN CAR FOUND: A comment on our Friday report about a car theft in The Triangle says it was found over the weekend in Federal Way.

We hope you *never* have anything to share for Crime Watch – but if something does happen, once you have reported it to police (911 if it just happened or is happening now), please let us know so we can keep your neighbors all around the peninsula informed – police-report/scanner info is not as readily available as you’d think so you’re the best source – 206-293-6302, text/voice 24/7, or – thanks!

UPDATE: Outrage after 100+ trees cut without permission on city-owned West Seattle slopes

(UPDATED 7:27 PM with additional information from Councilmember Herbold)


Story by Tracy Record
Photos by Christopher Boffoli

“Is THAT the clearcut?”

The question came from someone we passed while walking up from the first East Admiral street end where we’d stopped to seek an overview of the city-owned slope where, as first reported by The Seattle Times last night, 100+ trees have been cut illegally.

We were in the wrong place but subsequently found the two street ends where you can see the trees’ remains firsthand: 33rd and City View, where a short trail leads north to an overview of the south end of the area, and the north end of 35th SW, where you can look directly onto the slashed slope. Those areas are below and to the left of the “AW1” designation in the Green Seattle Partnership map we’ve embedded below:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Triangle car theft; burglar(s) target Junction midwives

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports today:

CAR STOLEN FROM THE GROVE: The photos above and below are from The Grove/West Seattle Inn, where the general manager’s vehicle was stolen around 6:45 this morning.

The missing vehicle is a “white ’89 Toyota 4Runner with gray graphics on the side. There are no major modifications or noticeable body damage. The license plate is Washington State and reads (B31-606V). The Police have been contacted and have made a report.” If you have any information about the whereabouts or knowledge of a possible suspect please call 911, and GM John at 760-709-0321.

ATTEMPTED BURGLARY AT MIDWIVES’ CLINIC: In addition to the burglaries we listed in last night’s Crime Watch, we’ve heard about one more, from the victims: Taylor at In Tandem Midwifery, 4522 44th SW, e-mailed to report: “Someone tried to break into our office the night before last. … Our incident occurred at our back door, from inside the secured apartment building. They didn’t get in, which is lucky for us as they would have been terribly disappointed and more likely to cause damage. … We don’t keep an patient data, meds or valuables in the office so we aren’t really sure why we were targeted.”

Plea bargain for West Seattle serial arsonist Jacob Kokko

(Reader photo, courtesy Aaron: October arson outside Senior Center)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After 4 1/2 months in jail, West Seattle serial arsonist Jacob Kokko has pleaded guilty – and could go free as soon as he’s sentenced.

A plea bargain sent him to court on Thursday to admit to three crimes, one a lesser charge than the original ones filed, according to court documents we found during a routine check online early today.

(WSB photo: October arson outside Hamm Building)

Kokko, 22, was arrested last November and charged in connection with three October arsons – two in The Junction, outside the Senior Center and the historic Hamm Building (home to businesses including Easy Street Records, Twilight Gallery, and Alaska Street Tattoo Parlor), and one outside a house on the same block in High Point where he lives.

The charges at the time were second-degree arson (a Class B felony), and second-degree reckless burning and third-degree malicious mischief (both gross misdemeanors). In the plea bargain, the first charge – related to the Senior Center fire – was reduced to first-degree reckless burning (a Class C felony); the other two remained the same.

Kokko, who has no prior criminal record, was arrested after a series of arsons including those fires unnerved West Seattleites for weeks. He has never been charged in the other fires during that same time period – police say he confessed to one fire in which he was not charged, the bus-stop arson on Morgan south of 35th on October 12th (shown on the surveillance video that led to his arrest), but denied any involvement in the October 18th Sylvan Ridge car arsons, the October 19th High Point rental-office waste-bin fire that did more damage in a later flareup, or the October 21st 40th/Morgan recycling-bin fire.

As for the potential penalty:

The recommendation accompanying Kokko’s guilty pleas is for a sentence of “credit for time served” in jail, which will be almost five months by his scheduled sentencing date – that’s longer than the standard “up to 60 days” sentence for someone with no criminal record. Also recommended, a year in jail that will be suspended unless he fails to make it through a year of probation. He would also be recommended for 50 hours of community restitution work and to pay monetary restitution, determined at a future date, to the victims of the four fires to which he has confessed.

The documents give no further hint of a motive; last fall, Kokko was quoted as saying he set the fires because he needed help.

Kokko is scheduled to be sentenced at 1 pm April 1st by King County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Ramsdell.

UPDATE: Homicide investigation after man fatally stabbed in South Delridge

(WSB photo: Search area on SW Henderson)

12:26 AM: An “assault with weapons” response is headed for 17th and Henderson, where a man is reported to have been stabbed.

12:32 AM: The victim is being taken to Harborview Medical Center. No suspect in custody so far, nor do we have any information on the circumstances.

12:36 AM: Medical radio communications describe the victim as a 35-year-old man with a single stab wound to the upper chest.

1:11 AM: Police are still searching for the attacker at last report – possibly a woman in her 30s.

1:29 AM: Police confirm they’re looking for a female suspect and describe this as a case of domestic violence.

8:09 AM: SPD has just announced that the victim died at Harborview Medical Center. That makes this the first homicide case of the year in West Seattle. Via SPD Blotter, police have these additional details:

On March 25th, at approximately 12:20 am, officers responded to a 911 call of a domestic disturbance in the 9000 block of 17th Avenue SW. When officers arrived, they found the victim in his car parked in the alley suffering from a stab wound to his chest. Seattle Fire Department Medics rushed the victim to Harborview, where he died from his injury.

A witness told investigators that the victim and his girlfriend had been involved in a physical altercation inside their residence prior to the victim being stabbed. The suspect fled before officers arrived.

This is an active and ongoing homicide investigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Seattle Police at (206) 233-5000.

The last homicide investigation in West Seattle was a shooting death in Delridge five months ago; an arrest was made but the suspect was released and to date has never been charged. A month before that, a toddler was kicked to death in a Morgan Junction apartment and his father’s girlfriend, Alicia Goemaat, was charged with murder; she remains in jail and her case continues proceeding through the system. That September 2015 homicide case was at the time the first in WS in almost two years, since the still-unsolved New Year’s Eve 2013 shooting death of Stephen Jeffries, Jr.

ADDED 11:03 AM: As noted in comments, the SPD Blotter item has been updated with this:

SPD detectives are seeking any information that could help them locate a woman involved in this morning’s fatal domestic violence incident in Delridge. Police believe Beverly Carr, 35, is six-months pregnant and may have sustained injuries during this morning’s incident. Detectives would like to get her medical attention and obtain her statement about the circumstances surrounding the incident. If you have any information about Carr’s whereabouts, please contact Seattle police at 684-5550 or call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglaries

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight – we’re looking at burglaries.

GATEWOOD BREAK-IN: A burglary in the 8200 block of California SW on Thursday afternoon is reported to have been associated with this pickup truck:

The witness who reported it says “two young girls” were in the truck and appeared to have cased other houses in the neighborhood before the break-in just after 2:30 pm. If you have any information, the incident number is 16-102310.

WHERE BURGLARS ARE STRIKING: We checked the SPD police-report map to see where else in West Seattle burglaries have been reported this week – this is a screengrab of the map, sorted for burglaries only (it shows many other categories of crime if you look at it unsorted):

North to south, the icons shown correspond with these reported burglaries:
*Saturday afternoon, 2700 block Belvidere
*Monday night, 4400 block 35th SW
*Last Friday morning, 4500 block California SW
*Sunday afternoon, 4800 block Delridge Way
*Last Friday morning, 7100 block Delridge Way
*Tuesday morning, 8400 block 41st SW (reader report here)
*Saturday morning, 8800 block 30th SW
*Monday night, 9400 block 22nd SW (noted here)

ABOUT THAT HELICOPTER EARLY THURSDAY: Didn’t get a chance to mention it in the middle of the power-outage coverage, but the helicopter heard briefly over West Seattle early Thursday was Guardian One, tweeting afterward that they were checking for a Fauntleroy prowler but didn’t find anything.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Little Free Library vandalized, then stolen

Another unique stolen item to watch for: Linda Sabee‘s Little Free Library:


Linda is the proprietor of The Junction boutique Carmilia’s, and the stolen LFL (shown in her photo from its time outside her Alki-area home) has sentimental value:

My dad and son built it in honor of my mom, who was an elementary school teacher and sadly died in 2007. She was a lover of education and a huge supporter of reading, book,s and literacy.

About a year and a half ago, when I did a freshening-up of the shop, I decided to put the free library in front of Carmilia’s. It was very wel- used and a fun addition to the ‘hood and my shop.

About two weeks ago it was vandalized; someone tore it off its base. I left it on the sidewalk where it continued to be used. My dad will be returning from his snowbirding soon and I figured he and my son could fix it. Unfortunately, it was stolen last week. It really sickens me that people would treat any piece of personal property with such disrespect, but such a sentimental piece confounds me all the more.

Contact police if you have info – or Linda, who can be reached via her shop (4528 California SW).

Police staffing spotlighted again as Councilmember Herbold guests @ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network


By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

About 50 people filled the Southwest Precinct’s public-meeting room tonight, as the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network heard from – and talked with – District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold for the first time.

One big issue is one that she and other councilmembers will discuss tomorrow morning – Seattle Police staffing – also a hot topic at WSBWCN two months ago.

The meeting also included SW Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis‘s usual briefing; more on what he said, after our recap of Councilmember Herbold’s appearance.

“About the public-safety work I’ve been doing this year,” she listed matters including her request for further breakdown of 911-response-time data – particularly the two sectors in the SW Precinct, drilling down further to the “beats, so we can see if there are any conclusions we can draw.” Among other factors she wants to look at is response/distance correlation. 9.4 minutes and 10.9 minutes were the average response times for the two sectors, she said.

She said she’s been working with the “nuisance crime” problem in South Park, and also is “excited to dig into the (SPD staffing) study … I still believe that it is a correct belief that we are understaffed as a department.”

“We would all agree with that!” interjected an attendee.

Herbold continued, “I was disappointed that we could not reach an agreement to make some gains while we waited for the staffing report,” which will be reviewed tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 9:30 am at City Hall by the Gender Equity, Safe Communities, and New Americans Committee, chaired by at-large-but-West Seattle-residing Councilmember Lorena González.

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Loot to look for, and more

Four reader reports in tonight’s West Seattle Crime Watch:

UPPER FAUNTLEROY BURGLARY: M & K report this from 41st and Thistle:

Basement windows broken to gain access to the outside entry basement. Bedroom window forced open to gain access to main area of the house, sometime between 10 am and 3 pm today.

Our house was ransacked, drawers emptied, jewelry, silverware and electronics stolen.

Neighbors described a man in his late 50’s walking back and forth behind our house along the 42nd street side while talking on a cell phone midday.

We are also speaking with neighbors who have security cameras for footage. If anyone reports seeing something, please contact us or SPD.

PRESCHOOL BURGLARY: Who steals from a preschool? Somebody, apparently: The Community School of West Seattle 22nd/Roxbury) was broken into overnight, according to a note sent to its families. We haven’t yet procured the report nor school permission to quote the note forwarded to us by a parent, so we hope to have more on this tomorrow.

CAR BREAK-IN, SPORTS GEAR STOLEN: Kristin is asking that you be on the lookout for what was stolen in this car prowl:

My daughter’s car was broken into parked on 27th Ave SW by Chief Sealth HS today between 1:15 pm and 3:10 pm. She is certain the doors were locked, but it’s an older car, and not difficult to get into with the right tools. Stolen from the trunk were a navy blue duffel bag with her volleyball gear (shoes, knee pads, spandex, etc) and a black backpack with softball gear (new glove, cleats, batting gloves, Under Armor, face mask, etc). I would assume these items have no street value, and may have been dumped somewhere in the surrounding neighborhood. If they are found, we would be happy to know and come retrieve. It’s already cost us almost $250 just to replace the necessities to get through this week’s high school softball games.

A report is filed with police.

PROWL ATTEMPT CAUGHT ON CAMERA: From a Sunrise Heights apartment garage, a would-be prowler caught on camera:

Here we have a prime example of ‪‎Prowlus Interruptus‬, a sub-species that clings to the bottom rungs of society and attempts survival by taking things that do not belong to them.

Thankfully, I came down into the garage just in time to scare them off. Police have been notified and a case is open. Please keep your eyes open for this white Jeep in the neighborhood.

We believe this was a targeted attempt to prowl one of our residents, but there was definitely some casing of the garage going on as well.

THANKS … for sharing the reports – our peninsula is one community and crime crosses neighborhood borders; a thief who strikes in Admiral could strike next in Arbor Heights … or, if it’s happening now, text/call 206-293-6302 – once you’ve called 911, of course!

P.S. We covered tonight’s well-attended West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting and will have the story up around 10 if breaking news doesn’t interrupt.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Classic car stolen; more vandalized windows, & a victim’s bill…

In West Seattle Crime Watch, the newest reader reports start with a stolen classic car:

STOLEN 240Z: The 45-year-old car at right has been stolen. Nick says it’s “a dark blue 1971 Datsun 240z, pretty hard to miss. It was last seen at Dere automotive at 9201 35th Ave SW. It disappeared sometime last night before dawn. I appreciate any leads I can get, and any info should be reported to SPD, it is in the system.” The car has “collector plates,” #35707.

ANOTHER CAR WINDOW: We had two Crime Watch reports over the weekend with more than a few car-window-vandalism incidents (here and here – and see the comments for more reports). We’ve since received two more reports – first, from Brian:

Just a heads up for those in Gatewood. On Saturday night/early Sunday morning, someone broke the driver’s side window of our neighbors’ vehicle on California Ave at Holden [map]. It was an older Ford Explorer.

And from Elizabeth, also in Gatewood, noticed today: “Car window smashed on Thistle Street between 37th and 39th. [map] No theft, looks like window just smashed.”

FOLLOWUP – WHAT VANDALISM CAN COST: And if you think window-breaking sounds like a petty crime, consider the note we received from the first person to report his window and car were hit more than a month ago (yet another Gatewood victim): “We finally got the car back from the body shop and the repairs were about $3600 and three weeks with a rental car, so the total cost is approaching $5,000. Did the police ever find the person responsible for this?” Not so far as we’ve heard; we have an inquiry out to the precinct, too, but haven’t yet received a reply.

BURGLARY: Artur e-mailed us today about a burglary at his home last week, 7100 block of 34th SW [map]:

I had left my door unlocked and woke up to my dog barking at somebody who had opened my door and was standing at the doorway. By the time the cops came (10 mins), the man had left. Reminder to keep doors locked even if you’re at home.

CAR PROWL: Jenny reports spotting a car prowler in progress at 36th and Brandon [map] early today. Police responded but the suspect had fled in this case, too.

NEXT CRIME/SAFETY MEETING: As previewed here earlier today, the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets tomorrow (Tuesday) night at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), 6:30 pm. All welcome – hear from (and bring your questions/concerns to) precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis and special guest City Councilmember Lisa Herbold.

West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network announces Tuesday’s guest: Councilmember Lisa Herbold

March 21, 2016 1:26 pm
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What do you want your City Councilmember to know about safety/crime in your neighborhood? The West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network has just announced that Councilmember Lisa Herbold will be their guest tomorrow (Tuesday) night, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct. She’s already addressed a variety of public-safety topics – you can scroll through her blog-format website to see – but this is your chance to hear from her, and ask her questions, firsthand. You don’t have to be part of a Block Watch to attend – all welcome; the precinct is at 2300 SW Webster, and the meeting room is right off the parking lot.

West Seattle Crime Watch: More car windows hit

Just got another car-window vandalism report – from Stacie on Puget Ridge:

Our car window and one of our neighbors’ car window were busted out this evening. 3-19 between 7:30 and 9:20.

We are on 16th Ave SW not too far from the college. We have filed a police report but also thought it would be good to let our community know.

This follows multiple reports from Admiral and points just south, published in Crime Watch this morning, plus secondhand mentions from Sunrise Heights and North Delridge. Call 911 fast if you see/hear something happen, to increase the chances whomever’s doing this will be caught before somebody gets hurt.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car windows shot out/broken; busy car prowlers; found bicycle

We start this West Seattle Crime Watch update with two reader reports of multiple cars with shot-out/broken windows:

CAR WINDOWS SHOT OUT/BROKEN, FIRST REPORT: That’s one of several photos Mark sent along with this report:

I wanted to make readers aware and ask if anyone saw this incident happen. I parked our vehicle between Admiral Way and SW Lander Street on the East side of the street while we went to dinner at the Copper Coin. Sometime between 9:15 and 10:15 someone shot out 3 of our windows and also damaged the side panels with a BB gun. We filed a police report and now are dealing with the aftermath.

CAR WINDOWS SHOT OUT, SECOND REPORT: Just as we were about to hit “publish,” this hit the inbox, from Alice:

Our truck window was broken last night, along with those of four other cars on our block.

We are at 44th/ Spokane. The police came and said there were other broken windows south of us and he’s looking around for others. They were all the driver-side rear window and the cars were not opened or rifled. Some of the windows have a small hole but the officer couldn’t say if it was a small gun or not.

Too soon to have any idea if this is related to any of the other windows-shot-out incidents that happened around West Seattle some weeks back; no arrests in those as of the last time we had checked.

CAR PROWLS: As this continues to be our area’s biggest crime problem, as noted by police at every community meeting we’ve covered recently, we checked the police-report map to see what’s there for the past week – and found 26 (this does not count incidents from yesterday/today that haven’t even made the map yet but are likely on Tweets by Beat, which you can see on our Crime Watch page) – here’s our screengrab, after configuring the map to only show car prowls:

The mapped car prowls are, as shown north to south:

Thursday morning – 2300 block of California SW
Monday evening – 3200 block of 60th SW
Monday morning – 3000 block of SW Bradford
Sunday afternoon – 4500 block of 36th SW
Wednesday evening – 4800 block of California SW
Tuesday morning – 5000 block of 51st SW
Tuesday morning – 5000 block of 36th SW
Wednesday night – 5900 block of High Point Drive
Sunday night – 6300 block of Beach Drive
Wednesday morning – 2600 block of Sylvan Heights Drive
Last Friday night (reported last Sat.) – 34th SW/SW Myrtle
Last Saturday morning – 3600 block SW Webster
Sunday afternoon – 2400 block of SW Holden
Wednesday night – 2200 block of SW Holden
Tuesday morning – 7700 block of 35th SW
Last Friday night (reported last Sat.) – 7900 block 34th SW
Sunday morning – 600 block SW Kenyon
Thursday afternoon – 8000 block Fauntleroy Way SW
Last Saturday afternoon – 8100 block 16th SW
Last Friday afternoon (reported last Sat.) – 8100 block 34th SW
Last Friday night (reported last Sat.) – 8100 block 34th SW
Last Friday night (reported last Sat.) – 26th SW/SW Thistle
Last Sunday morning – 8500 block 16th SW
Last Sunday night – 8600 block Delridge Way SW
Last Wednesday afternoon – 8600 block 20th SW
Last Friday night (reported last Sat.) – 9200 block 35th SW

FOUND BICYCLE: A potentially stolen “small pink Barbie bike with white tires” was found in California Place Park this past week; if your household is missing one, please contact police to reclaim it.

P.S. For other lost/found items that are NOT pets – please remember we now have a special WSB Forums section for those – please use it if you have lost or found something!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-and-run ‘tree trimmer’; plus, twice-prowled truck

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports today. The first one, a tale of hit-and run from Tim McConnell:


Last night around 12:40, on the corner of Hanford and Belvidere, someone decided to remove the speed limit sign that was in the parking strip in front of our house. They also decided to trim our trees and some of our shrubs. The problem is, we didn’t ask them to, and they did it with their car.

After I picked up a bunch of the car parts they left behind, obviously as a way to pay us for our damaged landscaping, I did some research on those parts, and learned they used a dark blue 1999-2002 Land Rover. Now, me personally, would have just used a regular shovel and hedge trimmers, but I guess they were pressed for time and figured one quick pass through our yard at high speed should do they trick. It was effective, as the sign was taken completely out of the ground, concrete post and all. The tree trimming was less than professional, as they removed the top of one tree and just pushed over the other. The second tree had already been trimmed that way by a previous “auto landscaper” and somehow survived. This time, I am not so sure I can revive it.

As my wife and I work every day (yes, every day – our last day off was Jan 1st, our next will be Easter – small business owners), we do not have the time, nor the resources, to replace our damaged plants. We would really like it if the vehicles owner (or the person they let drive it) would come fix the damage they caused. If they could come replant what they destroyed and pick up all the plastic and glad they left, we would really appreciate it. We love our yard, but we don’t have the time to spend on it like we used to.

We would also like to find out of anyone has a few big rocks they would like to get rid of. We have a couple of spots in our yard where trees used to be that could use a more sturdy landscape material. One that can’t be “trimmed or moved” by late night, high speed, amateur yard maintenance.

The car should be easy to spot – it’s most likely a 1999-2002 dark blue Land Rover Discovery, or possibly a Range Rover, with massive damage to the passenger side front end. It is definitely missing a headlamp and fog light, and the trim for the fog light, as well as the plastic quarter panel around the wheel well, and a mud guard. If you are the owner or know the owner, please contact us through the Blog.

The “small business” he mentioned is West Seattle Runner, a longtime WSB sponsor, owned by Tim and wife Lori McConnell.

Also today:

HIT BY CAR PROWLER(S) TWICE: Sheryl reports, “In the last two weeks, my husband’s Chevrolet Silverado has been broken into twice. He typically parks on California Ave between Manning & Spokane streets (3600 block). While nothing of value has been taken, and they were kind enough not to break the windows, I wanted to let others in the neighborhood know so they could be vigilant and not leave valuables in their cars. ” Car prowling remains a top West Seattle crime issue, as reiterated at last night’s WS Crime Prevention Council meeting.

Another letter home: Trespassing arrest at Boren campus

Two more schools’ parents are getting a letter home this afternoon. This is about an incident this afternoon at the Boren Building campus, home to STEM K-8 and temporary home to Arbor Heights Elementary.

To STEM K-8 and Arbor Heights’ Families,

I am writing to let STEM and Arbor Heights’ families know that this afternoon at approximately 2:15 pm a young man entered the main doors without checking in. He was immediately noticed and because he did not have school business was politely asked to leave school property. He left the building but would not leave school grounds.

Seattle Police and SPS security were notified and the young man was arrested for trespassing. At no point were any threats directed towards SPS staff, students, or property. Some students observed the arrest during afternoon recess.

Thanks for regularly checking in and wearing visitor badges when you visit our schools. It creates a safe environment where exceptions are immediately noticed.

Benjamin Ostrom, Principal
Louisa Boren STEM K-8

Thanks to STEM parents for letting us know.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 suspects arrested after 2 robberies targeting students

(UPDATED TUESDAY EVENING with word of arrests, WEDNESDAY AM with more details)

2:10 PM: A Denny International Middle School student told school administrators and police that he was robbed on his way to school this morning. This letter is going out to Denny and Chief Sealth International High School families right now, the district tells us:

This morning, one of our sixth-grade scholars reported to us that he had been robbed on his walk to school today near 20th Ave SW and SW Thistle St. He was approached by two males who were wearing hoods. At the time, he was walking alone. Our scholar did the right thing and cooperated with their demands to give them his valuables — they stole his iPhone. The two then ran east on Thistle and our scholar ran to school where he reported it right away. School staff called the police, who came to take a statement. Our scholar did a great job by reporting it right away. The Seattle Police and Seattle Public Schools staff will both be providing extra presence in that area.

As a precaution, we are reminding our scholars this afternoon about safety tips for walking to and from school. We would appreciate your help by having a similar conversation at home. The walking safety advice includes:


 Avoid walking alone.
 Keep valuable items, such as expensive phones, out of sight.
 Pay close attention to your surroundings, avoid “automatic pilot.”
 Walk with a purpose; project an assertive, business-like image.
 Use common sense; plan your route to avoid uninhabited parks, parking lots, garages and alleyways.
 Stick to well-lit areas.
 Develop a plan before you see trouble. Crossing a street or entering a store may get you out of a potentially bad situation.
 If a car follows you or beckons you while you are walking, do not approach it. Instead, turn and quickly walk the opposite direction.
 Consider wearing clothing and shoes that you can move freely and quickly in, especially when walking or waiting for the bus.
 Always plan your route and stay alert to your surroundings. Avoid shortcuts. Walk confidently. Scan your surroundings and make eye contact with people.

In addition, as a part of our ongoing collaboration with the Seattle Police Department Southwest Precinct, we have been encouraged to let all scholars know that they should not be hanging out unsupervised at the Southwest Athletic Complex during non-school hours (or during high school lunch times). Being a part of a PE class or a sports team using the field or being at the Southwest Community Center is fine; hanging out in the parking lot area or bleachers without supervision should be avoided. This recommendation is being made by the police, who have noticed an increase in suspicious behavior by some adults in that area. After school, our scholars should be a part of an organized after-school program at school or head home.

As always, safety is our top priority. Thank you for your ongoing support.

The letter is signed by Denny principal Jeff Clark and Sealth principal Aida Fraser-Hammer. This happened just six days after a meeting held at Sealth to address student safety; WSB was the only media organization there – here’s our coverage.

2:17 PM: SPD Blotter has just published more details, even before we could call SPD to follow up:

Seattle police are working with school officials and seeking a pair of young robbers suspected of holding up a middle-school student Tuesday morning at knifepoint.

The student was reportedly walking in the 2100 block of SW Thistle St around 7:30 AM when two teenage boys approached him. One suspect brandished a knife, demanded money from the victim, and forced him to empty out his backpack. Both suspects then fled with the student’s cell phone.

The student ran to school and contacted staff, who called 911.

Officers searched for the suspects but were unable to find them. The victim described the suspects as a white male, 15 years old, 5’7, wearing tan cargo shorts, a green hooded jacket and white shoes and a Hispanic male, also 15, 5’5, wearing a black hooded jacket and white shoes.

P.S. If you have questions for police about this or any other local incident, or neighborhood concerns, remember that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets TONIGHT, 7 pm at the precinct (2300 SW Webster).

6:19 PM UPDATE: We’ve just learned from Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis that two suspects are in custody in connection with this robbery and another holdup. We’ll add anything more we find out tonight.

7:39 PM UPDATE: Capt. Davis confirmed at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting that the arrests followed a second robbery this afternoon, and that what they recovered from the suspects included what was taken in the first holdup.

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: A few more details in this SPD Blotter update.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this stolen Subaru?

Seen this stolen car? It was stolen around 4 am today in Highland Park, from 12th SW/SW Holden: “All green, bright green wheels on driver’s side, child’s car seat, iPhone, children’s clothes inside.” Plate number is AIC0067. Call 911 if you see it.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Mail theft; hit-run; stolen-bike update

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:

MAIL THEFT: Surveillance video caught someone stealing mail on Beach Drive near Lowman Beach around noon Friday:

The victim is offering a thousand-dollar reward if a tip leads to identification. You can refer to police incident #16000087115.

HIT-RUN: Emily reports her vehicle was hit “on Fauntleroy coming off the ferry (Friday). If you see a maroon Mercedes SUV missing its front emblem, with license plate AYJ4***, please call 911 and report to SPD, attn: Officer Johns!”

STOLEN-BIKE UPDATE: We reported Friday on Kim‘s stolen bike. Now, an update: “The boneheads couldn’t ride it and crashed. Found by neighbors where it was ditched. Back home in locked space.”

P.S. Reminder that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets Tuesday (March 15th), 7 pm at Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) – bring your crime/safety concerns directly to local police, as part of the meeting.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Business burglary; car prowl; stolen bicycle

Three incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch so far today:

BUSINESS BREAK-IN: Pharmaca in The Junction opened late today because of a burglary. Damage was visible to the shop’s door on the SW Alaska side of the drugstore the first time we went by at mid-morning after a tip; we went by again, and someone fixing the door said the shop would open as soon as the repairs are done. No other details about the burglary yet.

CAR PROWL: Joe in Arbor Heights reports his car was gone through overnight in the 9800 block of 32nd SW. Charging cables were taken.

BICYCLE STOLEN: Kim is asking that you be on the lookout for this bicycle stolen from a backyard patio around 9 pm last night in the 8400 block of 8th SW: “Voodoo titanium cyclocross bike. Serial number b115420.” If you have any info, in addition to calling police, you can contact Kim at

We hope crime doesn’t happen to you. If it does, once you’ve reported it (911 if it’s in-progress or just happened), let us know so we can get the word out via Crime Watch – or 206-293-6302 text or voice – thank you.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Preventing car prowls

Car prowls remain our area’s biggest crime problem – we hear that every time someone from SPD speaks at a community meeting, and we see it in the reader reports we receive and publish. So tonight, the Southwest Precinct is sharing a “crime prevention bulletin” one-sheet with advice on preventing/deterring/reporting car prowls. Click the image above, or go here, for the full-size PDF version; use the Share This button below to e-mail or otherwise circulate it.

P.S. Questions/concerns about crime in your neighborhood? Bring them to the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting at the precinct (2300 SW Webster) next Tuesday, 7 pm.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Shooting-incident followups; car prowls

Two followups and two new reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

GUNFIRE FOLLOWUP: We’ve finally obtained the report narrative from Sunday night’s gunfire incident at 11th SW and SW Barton. It says the original call came from the family whose home was hit by a single gunshot; one resident was in the bathroom when she heard what she thought was a light bulb popping, until she found and picked up what turned out to be a .22-caliber bullet. It had gone through the western side of the house, into the wall of what the report describes as “the nursery,” and then ricocheted off the bathroom door before landing on the bathroom floor. Police believe it was fired from 12th SW but none of the neighbors with whom they spoke saw or heard anything. No one was hurt, but judging by the description, it was a close call.

SHOOTING FOLLOWUP: On February 28th, we reported on the investigation of a shooting whose victim was “dropped off” at a hospital but had ties to an address in the 6500 block of 18th SW on Puget Ridge. A commenter today pointed out this story about charges filed in the case. We’ve subsequently pulled up the court documents. The suspect, 29-year-old Corey X. Brown, is in the King County Jail, in lieu of a quarter-million dollars, charged with first-degree domestic-violence assault and unlawful gun possession. Court documents say the victim is his pregnant 37-year-old ex-girlfriend, shot in the leg by Brown in front of witnesses outside a house in the area mentioned above, described as her family’s home, then driven to a hospital by her current boyfriend. Brown, whose record includes assault, robbery, and car-prowl convictions, was in jail on an unrelated warrant when the new charges were filed.

And two reader reports:


Our Nissan Xterra was broken into last night in High Point at 29th and SW Raymond. The window was smashed out. Small items and personal belongings were stolen including our dog’s bed!!!

Not sure what kind of lowlife steals a dog bed but I’m very disappointed. Attached is a picture of the dog bed. It’s a hammock style to safely transport your dog in the back seat. It’s bright red and had a red stuff sack, also stolen.

My wife’s Mazda was broken into two weeks ago in the same fashion. After speaking to some of our neighbors this morning, at least 6 other cars have had windows smashed out and personal belongings stolen in the past few weeks.

CAR PROWLER WITH STROLLER: From Jim: “At 12:30 am (Wednesday), our vehicle was broken into using a filed-down ford key. According to the police officer who showed up, this is becoming commonplace and it does not trip the car alarm. Few items were taken. This took place on the 9200 block on 11th SW.” Per a surveillance camera, he added, “Looks like a male with backpack and a dog – Rottweiler mixed – pushing a baby stroller.”

P.S. Next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting is Tuesday (March 15th), 7 pm @ the precinct (2300 SW Webster).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Tools taken from truck; items found

March 7, 2016 11:51 pm
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Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

TRUCK BREAK-IN: Early Monday morning, Nancy reports discovering that her husband’s truck had been broken into. “They took about $2500 in tools, mostly Makita items.” This happened in Arbor Heights.

LIKELY LOOT: A Puget Ridge resident wonders if any of this looks familiar, “various socket gears and an ammo (?) box” that appeared Sunday morning:


The tipster suspects it was dumped loot.

SAFETY MEETINGS: Reminders of three – Tuesday night, the Admiral Neighborhood Association hosts a Community Police Team officer, 7 pm at The Sanctuary at Admiral (42nd/Lander); Wednesday night, it’s the student-safety meeting for the Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School communities at Sealth (2600 SW Thistle); March 15th, it’s the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, 7 pm at the SW Precinct (2300 SW Webster).