Working to find out how the fire started

New photos from the fire scene: Investigators are there, looking around the nearby buildings as well as the burned condo project itself. Several people who lived in apartments to the south are still staying somewhere else because it’s too dangerous. No updates yet on how this started. This will have interesting ramifications for the block in general, since besides the project that burned, several other nearby sites are slated for construction.


5 Replies to "Working to find out how the fire started"

  • ian August 17, 2007 (9:42 am)

    Just wanted to compliment you on an amazing reporting job. You had more information, faster, than anyone else in Seattle.

    Here’s my experience with the whole thing:

    A Fire, And Open Source Journalism

    I used a few of your photos and hope you don’t mind…

  • Jen V. August 17, 2007 (3:33 pm)

    I have to agree. This is the first place I look now when there is news in West Seattle- the rest of the city so often forgets that anything exists this side of the bridge. Bravo WSB and keep up the great work! Although, I wonder when you sleep….? :)

  • Jan August 17, 2007 (5:24 pm)

    Jen…I thought the same thing…was he there with his jammies on?

  • WSB August 17, 2007 (7:26 pm)

    Well, we’re not all “he”‘s … Last night, anyway, we were truly just minutes away from turning in — the desk lamp went off, the computer programs were closing, we were about to hit “shut down” on the Mac … then we heard the siren sound of, well, sirens. Far away but lots of them. Opened the browser again, looked at the city 911 site, saw the incredible number of units, pulled our seldom-used portable scanner out of a drawer, turned it on, heard a lot of urgency, decided, ok, we better go look in person. So we did, and the night developed from there, especially once we heard from Garrett, the heroic guy who took the actual flame photos. But since there’s more than one of us, the one who stayed up till the wee hours working on the fire, got to sleep a little while this morning while the team member who slept through all the excitement got to get up early and go get pictures of “the morning after.”

  • misty August 17, 2007 (8:09 pm)

    You sure do make a great team! Thanks for all you do!

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