Chief Sealth homecoming game tonight: Meet the captain

(Chief Sealth’s Daniel Davis explains why the team’s Oregon trip last week [Clatskanie 21, Sealth 14] was fun)
By Patrick Sand
West Seattle Blog co-publisher

When Chief Sealth High School varsity-football captain Daniel Davis was a freshman, he thought the best way to go about the first week of football practice was to not say much and get the lay of the land.

That changed a couple of days into that week, when he and another player decided to throw the ball around. Near the end of practice, Daniel launched a pass to a friend that covered almost 40 yards. “Coach ran over to me, ” he said, “and asked, ‘Freshman, did you throw that ball?'” After he said he did, the coach asked, without hesitating, “You want to play quarterback?”

15 years old at the time, Davis found it to be a pretty daunting question. But after talking to cousins who had played not only high school but college ball, he decided to give it a try. At his very first game as the freshman starting quarterback he remembers his first series as being nothing to write home about, but the next time he got the ball he found a receiver on the sideline and managed to put together an 80-yard pass play that led to a touchdown. Near the end of that same game he threw another touchdown pass to his friend and fellow freshman, Greg Wilson.

He’s never looked back … though his high-school accomplishments overall are worth reviewing and celebrating!

Daniel Davis is now a senior and in his fourth and last season as Sealth’s starting quarterback. He’s one of those rare kids who’s spent his high school years as a starter. That means he’s gone through any number of playbook, player, and coaching changes, but one thing’s remained constant: “You have to be a consistent leader, “he says, “you have to work on convincing others and motivating them. When I was a freshman it was easy, there were upperclassmen to help.”

He’s not only involved in football – Daniel also is a multi-year letterman on the basketball court (power forward) and on the baseball field (first base). He maintains a 3.6+ GPA, takes International Baccalaureate classes, and is a member of the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism. Plus, he’s Senior Class Vice President and Vice President of the Black Student Union.

Back to football: Once he became a sophomore, Daniel said it was clear he had to step up and take charge of the quarterback role, a role he says that includes getting the players to believe in the system and the coaches. Daniel smiled after talking about all that and said, “My mom says I’m here for a reason.”

Whatever that reason is, it keeps him on track. So how does he think Sealth will do against Franklin tonight?

By the way, he’s got even more going on than academics, organizational leadership and athletics: He has a weekend job at Salty’s on Alki, and last summer, he interned with the Seattle Mariners.

Next winter, his leadership challenges will move to a new level: Daniel will coach the freshman basketball team as part of the Senior Project that’s required for graduation. But first – tonight, it’s Homecoming.

Chief Sealth High School plays Franklin tonight at Southwest Athletic Complex (2600 SW Thistle), 7 pm. Also tonight, West Seattle High School plays Rainier Beach at Southeast Athletic Complex (8815 Seward Park Ave. S.), 6:30 pm. Tomorrow, Seattle Lutheran High School is on the road, playing a 2 pm game at Naselle.

18 Replies to "Chief Sealth homecoming game tonight: Meet the captain"

  • Jen October 16, 2009 (8:31 am)

    What a great kid (I was going to say ‘what a great young man’, but that made me feel like my grandma!) – good luck, Daniel!!

  • zero-to-life in West Seattle October 16, 2009 (8:33 am)

    I love to read such positive stories about great kids! Congratulations to you Daniel. I am certain that colleges will notice your dedication, hard work and well-rounded high school “transcript”.

  • Sam Reed October 16, 2009 (9:24 am)

    Daniel is truly a great example of a student-athlete, and is someone that I’m proud to have seen develop into a terrific person and competitor.

    It’s a been a pleasure to coach and advise him over the last couple of years.

  • amnesiak October 16, 2009 (9:44 am)

    Wow, what an excellent person to root for. Great story!

  • Mz. C October 16, 2009 (10:47 am)

    What’s not to love about Daniel Davis???? He’s the whole package. I have watched him for four years with awe and great admiration.

  • C-Hawks October 16, 2009 (11:47 am)

    Daniel has done a lot for the Seahawks, not just as their QB, but also as a leader and role model on and off the field. Go Seahawks!!! Beat the Quakers!

  • Jordan Davis October 16, 2009 (12:14 pm)


    I am beyond proud of you! You are such an amazing, amazing example! You will do wonders in this world!! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! The world is at your hands!

    I love you.

    Your sister!

  • dburns October 16, 2009 (1:04 pm)

    Our Daniel!
    We are so incredibly proud of him today and every day. His example to others is invalueable in our community. The future holds great things for him and we are all so very proud.
    Go Seahawks!!
    The Burns Family

  • Ian Linton October 16, 2009 (1:15 pm)

    This kid is special, has all of the necessary qualities to succeed in sports and in life, its not often you find a kid in our inner city communities that has their head on straight and handles the pressures of life like he has. Keep growing and learning – that should be your only concern and focus at this point.

    Peace…See you at the game…

  • Shawnette Sampson October 16, 2009 (1:30 pm)


    I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. I know we haven’t seen anything yet!!!

    “Big thinking precedes great achievement” – Wilfred Peterson

  • The Ballards October 16, 2009 (3:13 pm)

    Daniel IS remarkable. His dedication to his family, his faith, his school and his team is inspiring. He sets examples for everyone, everyday, on and off the field. Go Seahawks!
    We love you Daniel!

  • GenHillOne October 16, 2009 (4:55 pm)

    I know this took more time to put together, but what a great twist on a football story. With all due respect, much more impactful than a sideline interview with the coach. Way to go, Daniel, and good luck tonight, Hawks!

  • Coach Slingsby October 16, 2009 (5:10 pm)

    Daniel is the consummate example of a “student-athlete”. He has represented his school for four years with great class and pride and is a great role model to all!!

  • claire warren October 16, 2009 (7:17 pm)

    Way to Go Daniel!!!!! Wish We could see you play, but we’re always thinking about you!
    Love Ya’ kido
    Your Cousins
    Claire and Ross

  • miws October 16, 2009 (8:04 pm)

    Good on ya, Daniel!


    CSHS Spirit of ’76!

  • Daniel Imoesiri October 17, 2009 (6:37 pm)

    and we keep it goin!!!! you diggggggg!!!!:LOL Whats up world DANIEL DAVIS DO YOU !!!!!

  • Vicki Price Hembroff October 18, 2009 (11:56 am)

    Daniel….so proud of you!!!! Keep up the great work and good luck in basketball and baseball too!!

  • Betelihem October 20, 2009 (4:21 am)

    I am beyond proud of you, & I have seen you develop into such an intelligent, understanding, well rounded leader in my life, and I know I can always look up to you and learn something new from you everyday. I’m excited to see the great things things you will do for this world. Good job my love and God Bless.

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