SPORTS: West Seattle High School’s volleyball champs head east for state showdowns

West Seattle High School volleyball head coach Scott Behrbaum shared that video shown at WSHS on Wednesday as his team prepared to head east today for the start of the state 3A tournament in Yakima tomorrow. After winning the district championship, the Wildcats’ next challenge is a 1:30 pm Friday match against either Stanwood or Lakes, depending on which of those teams wins its opening match hours earlier. However their first contest turns out, they’ll have a second match Friday evening. This is WSHS’s first trip to the state tournament in a half-century; you can follow their progress via the tournament bracket here.

2 Replies to "SPORTS: West Seattle High School's volleyball champs head east for state showdowns"

  • Coach AL November 21, 2024 (1:33 pm)

    Go represent, ‘Wildcats’!!!”Air Five”

  • Susan November 21, 2024 (2:34 pm)

    Watched one the district games and was blown away by the teamwork, athleticism and JOY these girls bring to their sport. Go Westside!!!!

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