January 11, 2025 6:07 am
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(Mount Rainier from Constellation Park at sunset – photo by David Hutchinson)

Happy Saturday! Here’s the list for today/tonight from our West Seattle Event Calendar:

SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) at 8 am for the regular Saturday morning run.

SAM MIND + BODY FEATURING WEST SEATTLE BOOK CLUB: Downtown, but with West Seattle participation! A free day of self-indulgence including silent reading time with the West Seattle Book Club, doors open at 8:30 am at Olympic Sculpture Park (2901 Western Avenue) – details and schedule in our calendar listing.

HEAVILY MEDITATED: Free community meditation, 9 am at Inner Alchemy‘s sanctuary/studio (3618 SW Alaska).

INTRODUCTORY WALK: Prelude to the next event – meet at the same spot, 47th/Fauntleroy, 9:30 am, for a flat-terrain 1-mile walk.

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Then at 10 am, you’re invited to join others for the weekly walk in Lincoln Park (also meet at 47th/Fauntleroy).

TILDEN SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon, visit independent K-5 Tilden School (4105 California SW; WSB sponsor) – our preview explains what they want you to learn about Tilden.

THE BRIDGE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon, the cooperative elementary at 10030 28th SW invites you to visit: “Kids welcome, snacks and coffee served. Staff and current families will be onsite to show families around and answer questions. Come find out what makes cooperative elementary unique and learn about our whole-child approach to education!”

HEALTH FAIR & RESOURCE EVENT: 10 am-2 pm, Highland Park Elementary (1012 SW Trenton) offers a variety of services and resources for community members who need them. Free food truck too!

MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.

FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am – “This is a free, weekly, in-person active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space. Writers of all levels welcome, 16 and up.” Our calendar listing has location and RSVP info.

FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).

LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm – see the newest exhibit, about the West Duwamish Greenbelt! (61st/Stevens)

VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER OPEN: The center is also open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2236 SW Orchard)

DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE & CULTURAL CENTER OPEN HOUSE: 1-3 pm, celebrate the 16th anniversary of the Longhouse’s grand opening with this drop-in event. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).

PRE-CRAWLER MOTOR-SKILLS GROUP: 3 pm at Viva Arts (4421 Fauntleroy Way SW).

ASTRA LUMINA: The illuminated walk at Seattle Chinese Garden on Puget Ridge continues. 5 pm and later entry times; ticket cost varies. (6000 16th SW)

WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIE: 6:30 pm, “A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks,” movie at 7, discussion 8:30-9, WSUU (7141 California SW); more info in our calendar listing.

BENEFIT FOR THE SKYLARK: Bent Not Broken, My Next Planet, Space Tractor, doors 7 pm, music 8 pm, $10 donation to benefit The Skylark. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)

REVELRY ROOM DJ: 9 pm, Soul Focus FM DJs. (4547 California SW)

KARAOKE AT TALARICO’S: 10 pm start time for Saturday singing at Talarico’s Pizzeria. (4718 California SW)

West Seattle event coming up? If the community’s welcome, your event is welcome to a spot on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

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