FOLLOWUP: New parking-restriction signage in former RV-encampment area along SW Trenton

2:17 PM: Thanks to Juanita for the tip. Three months after the city cleared the RV encampment along SW Trenton by Westwood Village, new parking-restriction signs are in place, declaring it a four-hour-maximum zone between 7 am and 6 pm, Mondays through Saturdays. The signs are on both sides of Trenton between 26th and 28th.

We have an inquiry out to SDOT for more info.

This isn’t the first area where the city has made changes after clearing an RV encampment – others include Harbor Avenue (overnight-parking restrictions) and SW Andover (bike lane added). This area also has had school-zone-related changes in recent months, with Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School a short distance north (on the other side of Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex) – speed cushions and a new four-way stop – but these are the first changes directly affecting parking, which is in abundant supply (more than a thousand spaces) at the adjacent shopping center.

6:04 PM: To be a little more precise, WWV has just under 1,300 parking spaces. Nonetheless, SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson says supporting access to the “commercial areas” is a goal of the new restrictions:

The new parking restrictions were added based on community requests relayed to SDOT staff by the Unified Care Team. The changes are intended to support parking turnover and curb access near parks and commercial areas. The parking time limits will apply to a slightly larger area than you mentioned, on the north side of SW Trenton St between 26th Ave SW and 29th Ave SW, and on the south side of the street for most of the block between 26th Ave SW and 28th Ave SW. The paint and posts that you describe are intended to help clarify the areas where parking is not allowed near crosswalks in order improve visibility for people to safely cross the street.

The paint-and-posts are “curb bulbs” we also noticed in the area – here’s one at 26th/Trenton:

28 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: New parking-restriction signage in former RV-encampment area along SW Trenton"

  • Obdachloser Raus December 30, 2024 (3:19 pm)

    Now maybe they can clear out the tents that have returned to the wooded area just east of there.

    • Bbron December 30, 2024 (11:56 pm)

      Because it’s being so useful either as a magnet for businesses to illegally dump or a blackberry overgrowth 🙄

  • Marcus December 30, 2024 (3:20 pm)

    So overnight parking is allowed?

    • K December 30, 2024 (3:38 pm)


    • CW December 30, 2024 (3:59 pm)

      That’s right!

    • Derek December 30, 2024 (4:12 pm)

      As it should be!

      • K December 30, 2024 (5:49 pm)

        Why?  The nearby apartments and townhouses all have provided off-street parking.  Free overnight parking just enables entitled car owners who feel like the street is “theirs” so they can go ahead and turn the garage into a bonus room.

        • Trenton resident December 30, 2024 (6:43 pm)

          We have three cars for two adults, one strictly bus rider, one mom who uses car for work/medical appointments/grocery shopping if more than can carry. One adult who uses car for school, errands, travel. We have one spot off street. We are not entitled. We do not have a garage.  We are living our lives. We walk when we can, plan errands to drive less. Quit being a troll 

          • Bbron December 30, 2024 (11:55 pm)

            Except the off street spot isn’t “yours”. Anyone has a right to park there; it would be entitlement to say otherwise. Your above average person-to-car ratio is being subsidized by everyone else.

          • Dr Wu December 31, 2024 (12:37 pm)

            Bbron- I would gladly pay for street curb parking in front of my house. I would own it and main it. 

        • Neighbor December 31, 2024 (1:24 pm)

          K, cars pay for the roads through their tabs right?  And they even subsidize transit.  I don’t see why parking on the street is such a big deal.

      • Desperately Seeking Saka December 30, 2024 (8:48 pm)

        Derek, you’re the one who has always said that no one should be able to park for free on public streets at any time. Now you say free overnight parking is ok. Is this your new policy? If so, I agree 1000 percent.

        • K December 30, 2024 (9:46 pm)

          Pretty sure Derek is implying that anyone has the right to park overnight on the public street as long as it is allowed—not that we should go out of our way to subsidize free parking for car owners. The rule as written allows for any type of vehicle, except for semi trucks (not that it matters much for the guy running a trucking business on 35th Ave SW by the water tower).

  • Juanita December 30, 2024 (3:53 pm)

    It would appear overnight parking is allowed for now.  Hey, its a start.  The RVs will be gone before school starts , and the daycare,  post office and mall opens and can return after many of the things effected would be closed or near to closing.  The RVs that do park there will be street worthy as they will have to move every day.  That should keep the sidewalks relatively clean and allow the street sweepers to clean every week.  If someone needs to park on the street overnight in order to get some rest in a spot that’s not in front of someone’s home, I’m OK with that, as long as this site doesn’t revert to what it was.  There are plenty of people who are just one paycheck away from being homeless or have some other horrible thing happen that lands them in that circumstance.

  • CarDriver December 30, 2024 (3:59 pm)

    The way the sign reads someone can park until 11am (1st 4hr) and then back at 2pm(last 4hr) until the next day at 11am. 24hr parking on Sundays and holidays. The other issue will also be how often will parking enforcement actually go down this street monitoring.

    • WSB December 30, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      They respond to complaints, so the question is more, will there be cause for anyone to call and complain? No RVs there when I went through in late afternoon, nor yesterday. Most recently, I saw a grand total of one RV in that area, and it didn’t (re?)appear until some time after the sweep. (I pass that way at least 6x a week.)

  • Lon chanley December 30, 2024 (3:59 pm)

    Think They could Park essentially 2:01pm until 11:01 am the next morning essentially . Tickets start at 11:01 Am since it’s 4 hours past 7.  Rvs would have to move each day or be fined . It’s a start ! 

  • Derp December 30, 2024 (4:01 pm)

    That’s what the sign says and yes,  it would be allowed

  • Kyle December 30, 2024 (4:44 pm)

    People, the RVs can’t part right now for longer than 72 hrs! Going to 4 hours is meaningless because enforcement takes weeks and even then if someone is living in it I’ve heard from buth the UCT and Seattle Police that they won’t tow or do anything except ask if they want services and every once in awhile make them move 1 block. The unified care team doesn’t track how often the same RV has been cited, nor do they track how often someone denies services. A more holistic approach would be to track both, with escalating consequences for folks who continue to live in the public right of way. First time? Maybe they are down on their luck and don’t actually need housing service help. 10th time? These RVs have been in the area for years and will not change habits unless forced to. 

    • Darren December 30, 2024 (6:51 pm)


    • Thomas December 30, 2024 (10:21 pm)

      You’re exactly right!They know how to play the system.

  • DRW December 30, 2024 (4:44 pm)

    Lets just enforce the laws.

    • Darren December 30, 2024 (6:51 pm)

      What I have been suggesting for over a decade.

  • WSB December 30, 2024 (6:10 pm)

    Added SDOT’s explanation, and one more photo, above – TR

  • Mellow Kitty December 31, 2024 (7:40 am)

    I wonder if they’re going to do the same on 16th. That’s where the RVs end up after they’ve been “cleared” from other areas. 

  • Scarlett December 31, 2024 (2:24 pm)

    Another day and another beatdown on those trying to survive another day on the streets, avoid being a permanent, helpless ward of the state and thus maintain some semblance of human dignity and autonomy.  No wonder some learders of the Russian Revolution held special contempt for the little sanctimonious and insufferable petit bourgeoisie.  This is society we all had a hand in creating, either by negligence or self-interest, so deal with it. 

    • OneTimeCharley December 31, 2024 (5:26 pm)

      Whether or not they accept assistance with shelter has no bearing on whether or not they are a “ward of the state” as you call it; they are already, shelter or no.

    • Kyle December 31, 2024 (9:34 pm)

      I honestly don’t think moving from a 72 hour limit that is not enforced to a 4 hour limit that is not enforced is some beat down like you say. I also think if you continually deny services to help you “get off the streets” some of that change may need to be forced upon you to continue to live in this society.

Sorry, comment time is over.