2:17 PM: Thanks to Juanita for the tip. Three months after the city cleared the RV encampment along SW Trenton by Westwood Village, new parking-restriction signs are in place, declaring it a four-hour-maximum zone between 7 am and 6 pm, Mondays through Saturdays. The signs are on both sides of Trenton between 26th and 28th.
We have an inquiry out to SDOT for more info.
This isn’t the first area where the city has made changes after clearing an RV encampment – others include Harbor Avenue (overnight-parking restrictions) and SW Andover (bike lane added). This area also has had school-zone-related changes in recent months, with Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School a short distance north (on the other side of Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex) – speed cushions and a new four-way stop – but these are the first changes directly affecting parking, which is in abundant supply (more than a thousand spaces) at the adjacent shopping center.
6:04 PM: To be a little more precise, WWV has just under 1,300 parking spaces. Nonetheless, SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson says supporting access to the “commercial areas” is a goal of the new restrictions:
The new parking restrictions were added based on community requests relayed to SDOT staff by the Unified Care Team. The changes are intended to support parking turnover and curb access near parks and commercial areas. The parking time limits will apply to a slightly larger area than you mentioned, on the north side of SW Trenton St between 26th Ave SW and 29th Ave SW, and on the south side of the street for most of the block between 26th Ave SW and 28th Ave SW. The paint and posts that you describe are intended to help clarify the areas where parking is not allowed near crosswalks in order improve visibility for people to safely cross the street.
The paint-and-posts are “curb bulbs” we also noticed in the area – here’s one at 26th/Trenton: