BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Flower Lab’s plan

(Katie, in photo provided by Flower Lab)

When we reported this past week on changes coming to the southeast corner of the Admiral Junction, Bebop Waffle Shop‘s end-of-year closure news included word that co-housed Flower Lab (2600 California SW) would eventually be going online only. Flower Lab proprietor Katie wants to be sure you know that’s not happening any time soon: “We are going to be remaining open in the Admiral location through Mother’s Day – we do want people to stop in and shop our floor (we’ll be selling off giftware), and we will be keeping our coolers stocked to continue selling in-person and for deliveries over these next months prior to moving things online. We’re so grateful for the chance to continue serving as your retail florist in this special space, which will have new life breathed into it once again in 2025. As we prepare for the future, we’re gradually transitioning to focus more on e-commerce flower delivery, but in the meantime, we’re here — ready for your calls, online orders, and visits to the shop. We’d love to welcome you in and help bring beauty into your lives as you’ve brought it into ours.”

3 Replies to "BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Flower Lab's plan"

  • Question November 18, 2024 (10:10 am)

    I would appreciate an answer to this question: is something happening to the actual ownership of the building that they are in?  I know Virgil Shepherd on that building for decades.. it’s something going on with a new owner or some major construction/changes? Does anybody know?

    • WSB November 18, 2024 (11:37 am)

      No, the building has not changed ownership.

  • Patricia Harnish November 18, 2024 (10:34 am)

    Katie, We are friends of your grandparents and always order flowers from you.  Your bouquets  are always stunning.  Glad we can still order on line.

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