WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police investigating two Delridge armed robberies

8:52 PM: Police are investigating two armed robberies reported in Delridge minutes apart in the past half-hour – whether they’re related is not yet clear. Here’s the early information via police radio – the first one was a street robbery near Delridge/Findlay; the robber is described as Black, male, late teens, braces, black beanie, Nike jacket, dark shoes. The second one was reported to have happened at the Delridge/Andover Subway shop, with two robbers, described as Black, male, 20s, 6′, thin, both in black masks, one with a black hoodie, one in a red hoodie. A K-9 team is joining at least one of the searches, so people in the area will be hearing some “siren trips” (a required warning). If you have any information, call 911. (The robbery near Delridge/Findlay is SPD incident 24-263019, the one near Delridge/Andover is 24-263022.)

10:14 PM: No luck in the searches here but South Precinct police are now investigating a robbery in which the robbers match the description of the two in the Subway holdup here. They might be associated with a vehicle described as a white RAV-4.

ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: Police summaries reveal a few more details:
-The street robbery victim reported being held up at gunpoint after they got off a Metro bus in the 5400 block of Delridge. They said they were rushed by the robber, who pointed a gun at the and demanded their earbuds.

-Four minutes later, the robbery at Subway was reported. Police say the robbers pointed a gun at an employee and demanded money from the till; they also got away with the employee’s wallet containing cash, cards, and ID.

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police investigating two Delridge armed robberies"

  • Jen Smith September 17, 2024 (4:18 pm)

    That’s terrible.  I’ll keep my eyes out for anyone or any vehicle matching that description! I live in Burien area so that’s very scary! Thanks for the update!

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