WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Multigenerational shoplifting at Junction businesses; Admiral mini-mart burglary

Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

MULTIGENERATIONAL SHOPLIFTING: The report is from Jennifer at My Three Little Birds:

Hoping this might help other small businesses. I borrowed these photos from Doll Parts Collective. This large group of 3 families came into our store (THREE LITTLE BIRDS) as well as Doll Parts down the road. The kids trashed the store causing complete chaos while the women distracted the staff with questions and requests.

In the meantime the 7 or so kids left one by one stealing many items from our store. Definitely an organized crime. They had clearly done this before. Sharing everywhere. I know the police won’t do much, but maybe getting the photos out will prevent this from affecting another small business. We are so stunned, violated and disheartened today. … They stole a really expensive stroller system, toys, and clothing. They work quickly and seemed to know in advance what they were taking. At Doll Parts they also went through the employee’s purse and wallet. The police officer helping today says they tell small businesses to never allow large groups in the store all at once because of this.

We’ll add the police-report # when we get it.

MINI-MART BREAK-IN: We requested this report from police the day it happened, Tuesday, and just got it today. They responded to the 41st/Admiral mini-mart around 2:16 am after a report that a store manager or owner checked their camera following a call from their alarm company and saw “front door smashed and cigarettes all over.” They subsequently confirmed that someone had broken in by smashing the front glass with a large rock; the burglar(s) took “several items of merchandise.” Video of the burglary was provided to police later but the report summary provided to us did not include a description.

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Multigenerational shoplifting at Junction businesses; Admiral mini-mart burglary"

  • Morgan August 16, 2024 (6:40 pm)

    Horrifying…hope SPD catches perps.does the BIA have any paid security?

    • WSB August 16, 2024 (8:35 pm)

      Yes, they do.

  • Patrick August 16, 2024 (7:06 pm)

    So sorry to hear about the shop lifting at three little birds and doll parts. It’s shocking that adults are using children in organized crime sprees.

  • Andreea August 16, 2024 (8:24 pm)

    The attack on My Three Little Birds is both heartbreaking and infuriating. They are truly the nicest folks running such an invaluable business in our community. Someone knows who those people are. In the meantime, we’ll be stocking up for fall and holiday gifting there this weekend and urge others to do so, also!

  • Question Authority August 16, 2024 (9:34 pm)

    By appearance they seem to be the same clan who beg around the city with children, turns out they run a huge scam.

  • Wow August 17, 2024 (7:51 am)

    Watch for the items on Facebook marketplace and offer up!

  • Seriously August 18, 2024 (10:38 am)

    You may want to consider locking the door while they are inside and calling the police. Then you can have the police get identification and call CPS to protect these children from a parent involving them in a life of crime.  It also protects other businesses when they don’t get away with that behavior…. talk about bad parenting!

  • Dog Whisperer August 18, 2024 (5:54 pm)

    Crime families using children isn’t new. It’s worldwide and a part of some cultures. 

  • Julio August 19, 2024 (1:56 pm)

    They def look local…I’ve seen them at The Junction

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