UPDATE: 1 to hospital after crash on West Marginal Way SW

12:18 AM: Police are closing West Marginal Way at the scene of what’s reported as a one-vehicle crash. The driver is said to have hit a pole and been ejected from the vehicle “near the railroad tracks” in the 4500 block of West Marginal. SFD medics are treating him now for what are reported to be significant injuries.

12:26 AM: This is a short distance north of the Duwamish Longhouse. According to the plate information discussed over the air, the car is a 1991 Honda Civic. The driver is described as in his 30s. What police have reported finding at the scene indicates speed and alcohol likely factored into the crash.

1:02 AM: West Marginal has reopened both ways, police told dispatch; the driver has been taken to Harborview.

6 Replies to "UPDATE: 1 to hospital after crash on West Marginal Way SW"

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy August 18, 2024 (2:21 am)

    Rough. I lost a loved one to being thrown from a car. Wear your seatbelts folks. May this human come out alright.

  • Marcus August 18, 2024 (6:51 am)

    While it is important to be compassionate to injured people and hope this becomes a lesson for life improvement, this person could have kill any innocent people who just happend to be on the road at the same time in the wrong place.  

  • Emma-Lou August 18, 2024 (7:43 am)

    This was a case of a stupid wreckless fast and furious idiot driver being super dangerous. He was driving without his car lights on, speeding, and doing “tricks” in one of the intersections. My husband was in a car next to him and Im happy he didn’t get killed or hit.  He chose to wait at the corner stop longer than necessary to be further away from this guy and whaddya know, 30 seconds later guy wrecks the car. Thank God they only hurt themselves. 30 years old and you should know better! 

  • Crick August 18, 2024 (11:11 am)

    I drove past the scene just after 1:00 a.m. It looked like they hit a utility pole at highway speeds. It was also pouring rain around that time. I’m surprised it was survivable.

    • 1994 August 19, 2024 (10:22 pm)

      KIRO TV news said his leg got ‘ripped off’ from the impact with a utility pole.  Gruesome  description to use on TV & must have been high speed impact if that was an accurate description of the injury.

      • WSB August 19, 2024 (10:48 pm)

        The term used on emergency radio was “traumatic amputation.” I’m not much for gore, especially in the early moments/hours after an incident when a loved one might not know yet what happened to the person, though by now they surely must.

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