More speed cushions and other Safe Routes to School plans for West Seattle

More speed cushions are in the works for West Seattle, and this time they’re not at the beach. SDOT sent us a list of projects they plan to build by year’s end as part of the Safe Routes to School program, aimed at making it “easier for students to walk and bike to school.” The descriptions are from SDOT:


To support Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School students, we’ll install traffic calming on SW Trenton St between 25th and 29th. It will include “speed cushions” and “paint and post” bulbs to improve the visibility of the crossing at Trenton/26th – next to Westwood Village.

Last year, SDOT installed an all-way stop at 25th/Trenton, followed by speed cushions in the CSIHS vicinity on SW Thistle.


Denny students held a design contest for a decorative Community Crosswalk in front of their school on Kenyon.

The crosswalk marks the central entrance to the school and will be installed with an all-way stop.


We’re making the Genesee Hill Elementary School Street permanent. Both entrances to the School Street will feature more durable signage, painted curb bulbs, and art. Genesee Hill students designed the pavement art that crews will install on SW Dakota St to support a safe and welcoming school environment.


Connecting between Louisa Boren STEM K-8 and the newly redeveloped Delridge Wetland Park, we’re installing a walkway with a planter strip and trees on the west side of 23rd Ave SW.

SDOT’s website lists a few other Safe Routes to School plans for West Seattle but notes they’re “paused pending funding.”

11 Replies to "More speed cushions and other Safe Routes to School plans for West Seattle"

  • Bbron August 16, 2024 (7:33 pm)

    fantastic follow up to the all way stop. glad the children will have a safer street during school

  • Oerthehillz August 16, 2024 (8:50 pm)

    great creative design!

  • Seattlite August 16, 2024 (9:20 pm)

    The city needs to get rid of the dilapidated RVs and cars on SW Trenton directly adjacent to Sealth High School’s athletic fields.  Kids walk through West Wood Village and cross the street right where these broken down RVs and cars are parked.  In my opinion, it is not a safe situation for many reasons.

  • D August 16, 2024 (11:05 pm)

    Curious if the city will do anything about that RV encampment by Trenton street before school starts

  • Confused August 17, 2024 (7:12 am)

    I can’t picture where the Denny crosswalk/all way stop will be given that there is already a traffic circle at the main entrance. Will they ad stop signs to the circle? Always seem to defeat the purpose of the circle when they do that. 

    • WSB August 17, 2024 (10:34 am)

      The info came to us missing a few specifics such as exact placement of that crossing, exact placement of the Trenton speed cushions, so I’m following up.

  • 35th and thistle August 17, 2024 (5:24 pm)

    I’m hoping for a protected bike lane on Thistle. It’s plenty wide enough.

  • Ts August 17, 2024 (9:04 pm)

    I hope the cushions are not part of the crosswalk.  Maybe before them a bit, very hard to stay straight on them as a wheelchair user or while using a walker. The garbage cans close to the crosswalk on Trenton need to be moved, very hard to see people because of them. Also, with students walking to school soon we need sidewalks clear. Both sides of Trenton were blocked today by people living there. The north side had a canopy over it and chairs and other things blocking. Also seems to be a bike chop in bushes by post office

  • WSresident August 17, 2024 (11:07 pm)

    I guess this is one way to know Stem isn’t closing. 🫣

    • Scott August 19, 2024 (6:45 am)

      Its the City of Seattle don’t count on that. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing most the time. They are all about wasting taxpayers money. 

  • JJ August 18, 2024 (9:14 pm)

    Can anything be done to stop for the one at genesee hill school On Dakota between 50th and 51st? Not only will this make it a pain to by the school as it will force people to detour around the block 24/7 365 days a year.   This will also block 3 houses from being able to use their driveways, garages etc.  1 specific house will not be able to park in front of their house at all as it faces Dakota and can only access from the alley maybe. Garbage pickup will also be a challenge through the alley as they will not be able to enter or exit on Dakota between 50th and 51st. I can give them block it off during school hours but not 24 hours a day , 365 days a year. Teach kids to use sidewalks and have crossing guards for before after school pickup/dropoffs.  

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