ELECTION 2024: First primary results

checkbox.jpgVoting ended at 8 pm in our state’s primary, and King County Elections has released its first and only ballot count for the night. Most of the night’s races of interest are statewide. It’s the primary, so the top two candidates in each race advance to November. First, we look at the one and only Seattle race, for the final year of what was Teresa Mosqueda‘s unexpired citywide City Council Position 8 term when she moved to the County Council; Tanya Woo was appointed to serve this year, but there had to be an election for this next year. Woo is among the five candidates on the ballot. Tonight’s count:

SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL POSITION 8 (citywide, full results here) – top two advance

Alexis Mercedes Rinck 45,914 46.60%
Tanya Woo 40,790 41.40%
Saunatina Sanchez 4,321 4.39%
Tariq Yusuf 3,971 4.03%
Saul Patu 3,173 3.22%


Emily Alvarado (D)* 18,164 84.72%
Kimberly M. Cloud (R) 3,218 15.01%


Joe Fitzgibbon (D)* 18,057 83.78%
Jolie Lansdowne (R) 3,466 16.08%

STATE/FEDERAL RESULTS (as of 8:45 pm the Secretary of State website was finally showing them properly)

GOVERNOR – top two advance

Bob Ferguson (D) 459,407 45.49%
Dave Reichert (R) 281,993 27.92%
Semi Bird (R) 94,938 9.4%
Mark Mullet (D) 58,934 5.84%

ATTORNEY GENERAL – top two advance

Pete Serrano (R) 416,064 41.85%
Nick Brown (D) 356,851 35.9%
Manka Dhingra (D) 220,485 22.18%

(Nick Brown is a West Seattle resident.)


Jaime Herrera Beutler (R) 221,678 22.64%
Sue Kuehl Pederson (R) 198,343 20.26%
Dave Upthegrove (D) 194,412 19.85%
Patrick DePoe (D) 129,467 13.22%

U.S. HOUSE DISTRICT 7 – top two advance

Pramila Jayapal (D)* 86,049 78.39%
Dan Alexander (R) 9,683 8.82%
Liz Hallock (D) 8,581 7.82%
Cliff Moon (R) 5,213 4.75%

(Rep. Jayapal is a West Seattle resident.)

We’ll be checking the statewide results for updates later, since other counties may release vote counts before the night’s out.

47 Replies to "ELECTION 2024: First primary results"

  • Derek August 6, 2024 (9:23 pm)

    I’m so happy for Alexis Rinck!!! The most genuine and hardest working person I’ve ever met. Happy to help with her campaign! 

  • poi August 6, 2024 (10:35 pm)

    Hope the new elected officials can return the state and the cities back to its former glory. 

    • Derp August 7, 2024 (3:42 am)

      You do know this is a primary election ? Right ?

    • Nora August 7, 2024 (6:46 am)

      This is just a primary. Nobody has been elected yet; just weeded out.

    • 937 August 7, 2024 (7:19 am)

      Only the primary.

      General elections in 2.5 months.

      No one was elected – just winnowing the herd. Please vote.

    • K August 7, 2024 (8:33 am)

      You mean back to the 1990s when everyone was on heroin or 1790 before white people showed up?

  • Rhonda August 6, 2024 (10:37 pm)

    Republicans are doing great in the statewide races! 🇺🇸

    • DC August 6, 2024 (11:45 pm)

      Don’t get your hopes up. Late votes lean left in Washington.

      • Rhonda August 7, 2024 (1:17 am)

        At least we’re free from Manka Dhingra.

        • Ivan Weiss August 7, 2024 (8:24 am)

          I just love it when right-wingers are reduced to grabbing at straws.

          • 937 August 7, 2024 (10:58 am)

            Yeah – cause its always and should be an “us vs each other”.

            You’re carrying the water for them…

            Seems like you’re already fomenting your own un”civil war”

            We should be Americans 1st. Our government was founded to HELP us. Not control us.

            Do better.

    • Peter August 7, 2024 (8:28 am)

      No, they’re not. The number of votes for Democrats is clearly higher than for Republicans. The Rs are on their way to getting swept in statewide races again. 

    • Jeff P August 7, 2024 (8:47 am)

      Rhonda, only 22% turnout in the primary, this is a presidential year which will be much higher in the actual, no Republican statewide or on western WA have a chance. Many won’t move past the next batch of ballot count…

  • Danimal August 6, 2024 (11:08 pm)

    Jamie H Butler? Really? Come on, Washingtonians. You can do better than that! 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • Schett August 6, 2024 (11:32 pm)

      Yeah we’re up the creek if the two contenders are R. Rip to WA water and air quality in the state lands as well as protection for the dwindling wild animal population – wolf, eagles, owls, etc. 

  • DC August 6, 2024 (11:39 pm)

    Tanya Woo never belonged on the Council. She lost her election but the reactionary centrists don’t care about their voters and appointed her anyways. Good to see she is once again losing this race. Hope they don’t find a new way to overturn the will of the voters when she loses. 

    • Ex-Westwood Resident August 7, 2024 (1:39 am)

      You do realize that this is the primary and the top two will appear in the General in November, right?

      So that means, if the results stay the same as they are, it will be Rinck and Woo for the position and Woo stands a decent chance as indicated by the closeness of the race as it stands now. 

      • CAM August 7, 2024 (9:00 pm)

        You do realize that neither of the supporters of the 3rd or 4th place finishers in the primary are going to swing to Woo, right? Rinck, Sanchez, and Yusuf are essentially the anti-Woo vote. 

    • Nolan August 7, 2024 (5:19 am)

      Co-signed. Allowing our lowest-turnout election cycles to elect our city’s entire council is a colossal mistake we’re already paying for, and I’m glad Rinck will be able to provide us some minor course corrections between election day and the 2025 legislative session.

      • Anne August 7, 2024 (4:57 pm)

        She hasn’t been elected yet-you do realize that right??

    • Unsure August 7, 2024 (11:56 am)

      I don’t like Tanya Woo’s policies or lack thereof. She doesn’t stand for anything independently. But I don’t believe in Rinck campaigning with no substance either and may have to vote Woo. If Rinck is a good candidate for moving the city forward I hope they will announce policies they will commit to supporting while in term and not turn out to be another Rob Saka. 

  • jj August 7, 2024 (12:29 am)

    A vote for Dem is essentially a vote to keep things exactly the way they are. 

    • Nolan August 7, 2024 (5:03 am)

      Which “things”, precisely?

    • Derek August 7, 2024 (7:17 am)

      Vote for Republican is making things a LOT worse so that’s the trade off

    • Felix Grounds August 7, 2024 (8:03 am)

      Perhaps, but a vote for a Republican is a vote to go backwards.

    • helpermonkey August 7, 2024 (8:25 am)

      Yes, thank goodness for that! Glad to live in a state where equality and quality of life continue to matter. Thanks to the Dems! 

    • Mr Henry August 7, 2024 (8:28 am)

      jj you are so correct.  The Dems will just do more of the same to keep Seattle from moving ahead. A very sad situation. :(

      • Derp August 7, 2024 (9:23 am)

        Too bad the republicans haven’t had a candidate in years. Maybe that tells you something

        • 937 August 7, 2024 (12:08 pm)

          I think that it’s more of a “able aren’t willing, and the willing aren’t able.” (ahem – Loren Culp??)

          Take a look at the political climate around these parts… Do you think ANYONE wants to lose their business? Their clientele? friends? There used to be a time when you’d see political signs in EVERY yard… Not any longer. When flying our beloved American Flag means that you are “Pro Trump” or a MAGAt. Any idea anywhere LEFT of center gets one instantly labelled as a FASCIST or NAZI or (laughably) “Weird”

          No no no, dear Derp – anyone who would run for the Right is either fooling themselves, willing to risk it all to be drubbed at the pols and the media. Get $hit thrown at their house (yup, happened to me – and I am no fan of DJT) or ostracized from their social circles.

          Politics has become a zero sum game where we ALL lose and our political “tribal leaders” get richer and richer. Meanwhile (as said above to Weiss) all those pols you (and I vote for) get us to fight each other.

          We need…. No… We DESERVE better.

          • Anony August 8, 2024 (10:37 am)

            I have flown the American flag outside our house for ten years now, and have never had any of those issues.  Maybe the problem is you, and not everyone else.

          • lamp August 8, 2024 (11:10 am)

            “… I am no fan of DJT” -937                    

            “DJT did more for POC than his predecessors.” -937                           

            About the Trump presidency: “4 years of no new wars. Peace accords in the middle east. Economy creating record wealth across the board, women and minority record employment. World security, with the known bad actors in check.(So sorry about the meanie words)” -937                      

            “… I am no fan of DJT” -937


          • Scarlett August 9, 2024 (10:34 am)

            Maybe your political convictions don’t really run that deep if you’re afraid of being unpopular and losing some friends.  A lot of Republicans quietly are quite willing to take the financial goodies that go along with Big Government but then cry foul when the goodies go to someone else.   

    • Really? August 7, 2024 (8:32 am)

      As opposed to plutocracy cloaked in divisive theocracy awash in gun violence? I prefer not to live in the handmaid’s tale. 

  • Seattlite August 7, 2024 (3:37 am)

    Jayapal, in my opinion, is a biased divider who should not be representing citizens who want unity not division.  Ferguson, in my opinion, will be worse than Inslee which does not bode well for those Washingtonians who are looking for a unifying, common sense leader that has the best interests of ALL Washingtonians at heart.

    • Ivan Weiss August 7, 2024 (9:45 am)

      Jayapal is leading with 78 percent of the vote, and later returns could put her over 80 percent. If that isn’t unity, maybe you can tell us what is.

    • Up is down apparently August 7, 2024 (12:01 pm)

      Bob Ferguson the attorney general who went after corruption to fight for Washingtonians isn’t going to look out for people? What…As opposed to Dave Reichert who has always been clear he supports one way which is ultra conservatism and only works for those who do the same. We know this because he’s been an elected official and has supported policies that do that. Oh ok. 

    • anonyme August 7, 2024 (12:09 pm)

      Seattleite, I agree with you on Jayapal.  I’d always voted for her until I heard an interview on KUOW a month or so ago.  Absolutely biased, as you said.  She went on a name-calling rant vilifying anyone who even dared question her immigration stance, accusing them of being “MAGA loving”, etc.  I’m so sick and tired of ultra-liberals launching vitriolic attacks against moderate liberals.  Not only is this divisive,  but it makes clear that the candidate in question does NOT represent all constituents, but only those in regimented lockstep with their own dogma.

    • Jeff August 7, 2024 (12:55 pm)

      Jayapal and Ferguson are strongly supported. You are in the minority.  Reichert is no “unifying” person.

    • Cood August 7, 2024 (9:59 pm)

      What do you mean biased? Politicians aren’t supposed to be neutral, they’re supposed to forcefully advance and advocate the positions on which they were elected. Elected rather overwhelmingly, in Jayapal’s case.

  • Kt August 7, 2024 (6:06 am)

    Sad so few people bothered to vote.

  • SeaWalk August 7, 2024 (7:26 am)

    Schett – You claim “RIP to air and water quality” if an R is elected. Have you been to Lake Wa or Green Lake this Summer? Have you noticed the enormous piles of trash on I-5?  On air quality, how’s that looking later this week? The evergreen state can do better, change is good.

    • Schett August 7, 2024 (12:28 pm)

      You can Reply to me if you’re going to address something I said so I see it. 

      • Herrera Beutler has voted most of the time along party lines which is R. You can look up the statistics to verify but it’s almost 8/10 times during Trump’s admin and 9/10 overall. The EPA was gutted under Trump. You do the math on what she will likely do when she gets to office. She’s already voted in favor of lower taxes for rich, repealing same sex marriage, getting rid of Obamacare. I can guarantee you here that she will gut the remaining environmental protections in place to help her rich republican friends to wreak havoc on wa lands. Come back in 1 year to see if I was wrong. I won’t be.
  • sf August 7, 2024 (8:38 am)

    Here you go everyone, feel free to just cut and paste, insert your selections.

    I voted for ______ party and I am sure they will win.
    If you don’t vote for ________ , you must not __________ (understand/have done your research).
    There is only this one pathway to success and if you don’t vote my way then you must hate _________ (America/society/progress/god).

    Additionally, posting on social media or comment sections is political debate and persuasive speech. 
    I am changing hearts and minds to my way of viewing the world.

  • KB August 7, 2024 (9:23 am)

    @West Seattle Blog – maybe i missed it above but in the updates moving forward, it would be great to see the supreme court election results too! I’m so grateful for all your work and the care you put into all this. Thank you for your consideration. 

Sorry, comment time is over.