WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Sounds from Around the World at Roxhill Park

(Photos by Omar Abdulkadir for WSB)

Saturday was so busy, we still have a few more events to acknowledge, in case you weren’t there! Throughout Saturday afternoon, Roxhill Park filled with music, for this year’s Sounds from Around the World music festival. Above is the Lion of Judah Band, with musicians from the Virgin Islands, Ethiopia, and the Pacific Northwest; below, Bob and Chet, specializing in songs from Gambia, Senegal, and Mali, as well as originals:

The festival featured vendors including Africa Mama:

Organizer of the festival was Janean Wjvold of Urgent Africa, in partnership with Seattle Department of Arts and Culture’s Arts In the Parks program:

Lots more outdoor music yet to come this summer – watch our calendar!

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Sounds from Around the World at Roxhill Park"

  • Oakley34 June 2, 2024 (11:11 am)

    I feel stupid I missed this. I was just sitting around in a different park at the same time. Caught the fest a few years back and it’s worth the time.

  • Patricia washington June 3, 2024 (6:27 am)

    I was here on Saturday, extremely disappointed. I arrived at 12:50 , left at 1:45 and music still had not started. Waited in the rain., waste of time. 

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