West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 update, with registration deadline approaching

“We’re downsizing to a motor home to travel the country, so everything must go!” one West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 seller explains. Another has clearly racked up some miles already, offering “Odd treasures from travels.” Yet another promises “no broken electric knives or Tupperware without lids here.” And another seller declares, “I am famous for my garage sales.” Lots of reasons, lots of promises, lots of merchandise in the 350+ sales listings we’ve received after three weeks of registration for WSCGSD, which is happening Saturday, May 11, 9 am-3 pm, all over West Seattle (and a bit beyond). If you plan to be a seller but haven’t registered yet, you have four more days – Thursday night (April 25) at 11:30 pm, we close the list so we can get busy making the map and guide, which will be ready a week before WSCGSD so shoppers can preview who has what and where. Maybe you’re looking for something specific, or maybe you just want to see who’s hosting a sale in your neighborhood so you can walk over to look. And if you’re one of those not-registered-yet-but-ready sellers, just go here!

6 Replies to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 update, with registration deadline approaching"

  • WSR April 22, 2024 (10:11 pm)

    is there a way for apartment residents to participate in the garage sale? 

    • WSB April 22, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      Two possibilities: 1. If you can have a sale at or near your building – some do it in courtyards, community rooms, etc. Or you can check with a site that offers spaces to individual small sellers – I just found out via their registration form that Hotwire Coffee is doing that again this year and may have some room left – register via https://hotwirecoffee.com

  • Susan Hanley April 23, 2024 (7:45 pm)

    We are moving and have lots of housewares, garden implements & some furniture. Our address is 4033 47th Ave. SW. I am hoping this post serves as registering for the WSGS!

    • WSB April 23, 2024 (7:52 pm)

      Hi, no, it does not, you need to follow the link in the above post (and our other announcements) to officially register (for which there is a small fee) to be on the map – thank you!

    • 2 Much Whine April 26, 2024 (9:55 am)

      Hi Susan, please consider paying the nominal fee of $12 to properly register.  You’ll need to do this today as the registration ends at midnight.  The folks behind the blog work really hard to pull this all together and $12 is a very small price to pay for the incredible service they provide.  Also, posting in a comment section of one of many Garage Sale Day articles will do little to generate traffic to your location while an official post has proven to garner interest time and time again.  

  • Tiffany April 26, 2024 (5:47 pm)

    Is there any way to register today? Just seeing this posting. 

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