(Photo sent by Kellie, sighting near 41st/Alaska)
They’re not turkeys, though they’re often mistaken for them. The wandering Guinea Fowl of West Seattle have been seen for months north of The Junction – we’ve featured them in some of our galleries of bird photos sent by readers. But these past few days, readers have sent photos of them closer to the heart of The Junction, expressing concern for their safety – the next photo was from Kristin, who emailed this morning to say, “They’re on the corner of 41st and Oregon. Cars on Oregon are dodging them.”
Those two photos above are from today; the next one was sent by James last week, taken near 41st/Genesee, closer to the north-of-Junction location of most previous sightings people have mentioned to us:
If these are your birds, we’d be interested in the story behind them, after so many sighting reports – westseattleblog@gmail.com.