(Bufflehead starting a dive, photographed by James Tilley)
Here’s what to know about today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
DOWNTOWN (ETC.) TRAFFIC ALERT: If you’re going downtown or points north this morning, you might encounter the Hot Chocolate Run, which has 5K/10K/15K routes – here’s the map.
MINI-POLAR PLUNGE: 9 am every Sunday, you’re welcome to join a group plunge into Puget Sound off Alki – meet at Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki).
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES: Third day of cookie booths at various locations – some starting as early as 9 am. Search here for your nearest locations.
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet at 9 am at rotating locations – today it’s C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
HELP OUT AT THE BEE GARDEN: Lots of work – planting, transplanting, compost-moving – 10 am-1 pm at the West Seattle Bee Garden (Lanham/Graham).
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open as usual between SW Alaska and SW Oregon on California, offering winter vegetables and fruit plus cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from cider to kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, candy, more! Here’s today’s vendor list.
WHILE YOU’RE AT THE MARKET … go check-out the Small Business Pop-Up Market inside Jet City Labs (4527 California SW), with vendors and music! 10 am-2 pm.
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Need to borrow something for a home project? Visit the WSTL 11 am-4 pm. (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center)
ART EXHIBITION: First weekend for Lucha Libre-themed show at Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery (9414 Delridge Way SW). Open today noon-4 pm.
TOY SWAP: 2-4 pm at Fit4Mom Studio (2707 California SW) – details in our preview.
FREE FAMILY-HISTORY RESEARCH HELP: Get expert help for free, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm at West Seattle Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (4001 44th SW).
MUSICIANS FOR THE WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK: Good music, good cause! 3 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
DRAG BINGO: 5:30 pm at The Locöl Kitchen & Bar (7902 35th SW), 21+.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: See and hear the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8-10 pm.
Planning something that should be on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Please email us the info – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!