WEST SEATTLE MUSIC: New album out, Easy Street show ahead for Brent Amaker & The Rodeo

That’s “Wanted,” from what West Seattle musician Brent Amaker calls the “first proper album in 10 years” from him and his band The Rodeo, titled Philaphobia. This Thursday (February 8), 6-9 pm, Brent Amaker & The Rodeo will perform at Easy Street Records as part of a West Seattle Art Walk slate; it’s the kickoff to a West Coast tour that will also take them to Oregon, California, and Nevada before they return home to Seattle. If you haven’t seen them before – every member performing in black cowboy gear – Amaker describes their genre in the album announcement as “cowboy music” and “Western performance art,” filling Philaphobia with “tracks that span from rollicking motivational romps, to criminal confessions.” Thursday’s show at Easy Street is free, and the evening also will feature DJ Aleens and an art-print show by Bella Petro and Chicle de Uva.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE MUSIC: New album out, Easy Street show ahead for Brent Amaker & The Rodeo"

  • Big Dave February 5, 2024 (7:13 pm)

    Brent Amaker and the Rodeo is a great show. Unlike most shows, very unique. It’s great art.

  • Amy February 5, 2024 (8:53 pm)

    I’m sure it’s a great show-but why the need talk down about other shows while praising it? 

    • Big Dave February 6, 2024 (7:48 am)

      If I become aware of anyone talking down other shows I’ll correct them directly. 

    • Big Dave February 6, 2024 (8:11 am)

      Well his show IS unique and unlike other acts. That truth doesn’t throw shade on any other act. Brent is a beloved local talent who supports west seattle. I urge you to check him out Thursday for yourself. Then you will gain understanding. 

  • Not So Big Bob February 6, 2024 (8:33 am)

    I understood what you meant.  I was skeptical when a friend invited me to go hear/see them at the Triple Door many years ago.  It was a very, very good musical performance, but different (unique) in comparison with the many other fine musical performances I have witnessed by more well known artists.

  • valvashon February 6, 2024 (11:53 am)

    I miss Dorkweed but that was pretty good.

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