WEDNESDAY: HPAC talks bus changes, public safety, ‘Hum’ redux

Lively agenda announced for Wednesday night’s online meeting of HPAC, the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge. They’re bringing in Metro to talk about the changes recently reported here and here – bus-stop closures (and a relocation) plus city-funded plans to add more service hours to Route 125 (which we have since learned was buried in this SDOT announcement). Public-safety concerns are on the agenda too. So is the recurring noise that some speculate might be a return of “The Hum” (traced more than a decade ago by HPAC’s then-leadership and WSB to dry-cargo unloading on the Duwamish River). Don’t miss this meeting, 7 pm Wednesday – connection/call-in info is in the preview here.

11 Replies to "WEDNESDAY: HPAC talks bus changes, public safety, 'Hum' redux"

  • waikikigirl February 27, 2024 (8:25 pm)

    If someone lived in the Endolyne Joe/Brace Point neighborhood would they hear the “HUM”? I’m asking because we have a family member that’s been hearing “something” for the past 4 years. ☹️

  • Window February 27, 2024 (8:59 pm)

    The “hum” is back and has been driving me crazy at night for the past few months. I would love for it to stop. Live in the Delridge area. 

  • Lina February 27, 2024 (9:28 pm)

    Hearing the hum some nights in High Point, drives us nuts!  

  • Erithan February 27, 2024 (9:42 pm)

    Oh no, not the Hum! Hopefully they fix it asap for everyone affected, I was living in Delridge area the first time, and it was maddening. ><

  • Brian February 28, 2024 (6:26 am)

    I work at plant2 at Boeing and in the mornings sometimes you can hear the source of the hum right here. 

  • KayK February 28, 2024 (10:12 am)

    Hi- the link to SDOT seems to deal with the changes around the Madison rapid ride area? Am I missing something?

    • WSB February 28, 2024 (10:15 am)

      That’s just the headline. The part about the 125 is buried in the story. That’s why I didn’t see it on original publication (SDOT pointed the link out in our exchanges with them and Metro related to the stop closures); I’ve pointed out to them that a headline at least hinting at “and other parts of the city” would have been helpful … TR

  • KayK February 28, 2024 (4:43 pm)

    That is some deep fine print! Also interesting that by their own measures this route is underserved- but the solution is to cut stops (AKA service).

    • DC February 29, 2024 (12:26 pm)

      Spacing stops appropriately increases efficiency and reliability. An efficient and reliable bus is one that is able to come more frequently with the same resources. If you’ve been on the route, you know you wont have to travel much further at all to get to one of the remaining stops. A walk well worth increased frequency and reliability! 

  • foop February 28, 2024 (7:15 pm)

    Seriously: How can we contact metro about these stop closures?  Thistle is much more accessible from H line than some of these other stops for the sake of transfers, and the beg button makes it safer for pedestrians crossing. This will just make transit more inconvenient.

    • WSB February 28, 2024 (7:28 pm)

      This topic is up at HPAC meeting right now.

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