WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white work truck

The report and photo are from FL:

Sometime between 8 pm 1/24 and 7 am 1/25 my 1998 Chevy (white) 1500 pickup was stolen from sw Henderson st / 35th Ave SW. It was parked on SW Henderson St between the public library and the Shell gas station. The Shell gas station camera was pointed directly at the spot it was parked in. It was a work truck that I used daily. It had a metal tool rack on the back in place of a canopy. This is the second white truck my family has had stolen from us in the last six months from this location. About 6 months ago our other truck was stolen at roughly the same time of night within a block of this location. Rampant car theft in the area.

License plate # is C13705B. We’ll add the police-report # when we get it.

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white work truck"

  • Mark January 25, 2024 (6:25 pm)

    Sorry that has happened to you…twice.   Way to much car theft in Seattle..

  • sick of thieves January 26, 2024 (5:17 pm)

    this problem could be solved by a handful of individuals with badges. is the shell gas station footage not being volunteered? 8pm to 7am is a huge window. no description of the thieves makes it hard to isolate the individual or group that is responsible. had footage of a group of 4 steal my car on jan24 at 4am and sent it to the blog but wasnt posted.

    • WSB January 26, 2024 (6:16 pm)

      Hi, we didn’t receive anything about a car theft on 1/24. I just checked our mailbox again to be sure I hadn’t missed it. Please resend. (westseattleblog@gmail.com)

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