WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 business break-ins, and a dumped cash-register drawer

January 22, 2024 4:24 pm
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Seattle Police confirm two business burglaries reported over the weekend – Early Sunday, West Seattle Liquor and Wine in outer west Jefferson Square was hit for the second time in less than a week; after a break-in attempt last Wednesday, this time someone did get in, according to the report, and stole what was described as an “unknown amount of product.” Early Saturday, a burglary was reported at the Itto’s building (California/Genesee). In that one, police say, the cash register was stolen – which might be linked to this discovery just sent by a reader:

That turned up dumped near Fauntleroy/Hudson. The California/Genesee incident # is 24-017994; the Jefferson Square # is 24-019098.

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