WEST SEATTLE MUSIC: Endolyne Children’s Choir registration time

If you were at the West Seattle Junction GLOWS festival in the early going this past Saturday, you saw/heard the Endolyne Children’s Choir. (We featured a video clip in our first festival report.) Starting today, the choir is opening registration for new members – here’s the announcement:

Embark on a musical journey with Endolyne Children’s Choir at our upcoming winter session, featuring “We Are the Voices” by the incredible Jim Papoulis! 🎶 Explore songs that nurture personal and vocal confidence through expressive lines and harmonies. Join Megan Booth, Clara Dorst, and Dylan Petersen as we discover the power of your voice together!

Endolyne Children’s Choir is a secular, non-audition, community choir, open to any child in grades K-12 who loves to sing. We offer a joyful, inclusive environment that supports children’s emotional, social, and musical development.

Registration is open December 13-22. Learn more at endolynechoir.org

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE MUSIC: Endolyne Children's Choir registration time"

  • lucy December 13, 2023 (10:22 am)

    What a great group of happy kiddos!

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