BIZNOTES: Three bites of food/drink news

Three West Seattle food/beverage business notes:

WESTWOOD PANDA EXPRESS UPDATE: Back in October, we reported that Panda Express is moving into the ex-Pet Pros spot next to Westwood Village QFC, according to the shopping center’s site map (which is the only place WWV’s new-ish owners usually “announce” new tenants). The Chinese-food chain hasn’t responded to our inquiry yet but there’s further confirmation of the plan – it’s now appeared in the city permit system.

HOTWIRE’S MANAGER MOVING ON: Hotwire Coffee wants to be sure ustomers have a chance to say goodbye to longtime manager Nicole Crisostomo – this is her last week.

Hotwire says Nicole is “moving on to a new opportunity” after 10 years at Hotwire. “Nicole has played an integral part in our journey with Hotwire, first as loyal customers and then in 2016 as owners. She was part of the deal when we took over the business and promoted her to manager,” explains co-proprietor Jeffrey Silva. “We will miss her and wish her the very best with her next adventure!”

HOLIDAY FOOD: Husky Deli is again offering to prepare a full holiday dinner for you – ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and ice cream, serves 5 – $150, last order December 22nd for pickup on Christmas Eve. … If you’d rather buy something to cook yourself, Lady Jaye‘s annual Meat Market, with wagyu beef and more, is one week from tomorrow – 4-8 pm December 19.

7 Replies to "BIZNOTES: Three bites of food/drink news"

  • Chris December 11, 2023 (10:44 pm)

    I can confirm that Panda Express is “aggressively” interviewing/hiring for this location. I’ve heard that they plan to open sometime between xmas/new years. 

    • miws December 12, 2023 (8:06 am)

      • Ron M December 12, 2023 (8:38 am)

        This is a masterpiece

  • WSCurmudgeon December 12, 2023 (2:37 am)

    Nicole, Hinc Hotwire ad astra!*

    (*) From Hotwire to the stars!

  • Jeepney December 12, 2023 (7:06 am)

    Nice to have another Chinese food option with Yen Wor gone.

  • WSKW December 12, 2023 (8:15 pm)

    Also hear The Lodge is closing at the end of the month. 

    • WSB December 12, 2023 (8:16 pm)

      Their location is listed for lease.

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