Online personal-safety class set for Thursday

Just received from SPD crime-prevention coordinator Sarah Lawson:

We will be holding a Personal Safety Class on November 9th from 6 PM to 8 PM virtually. We will discuss things such as awareness, trusting our instincts, making a safety plan, how to stay safe in different situations, how to call 911, etc. The class is suitable for anyone 14 years old and older who would like to learn some basic tips and tricks to live, learn, and work safety in Seattle. Here is the link to register.

While the webpage for the class says it’s “full,” Sarah says it’s NOT, so sign up for the waitlist and you’ll be registered from there.

She also has provided four flyers with personal-safety information, in light of recent robberies targeting all ages:

Purse Snatching
Phone Snatching
Safety for Youth, part 1
Safety for Youth, part 2

6 Replies to "Online personal-safety class set for Thursday"

  • Mike November 6, 2023 (5:23 pm)

    Any chance they’ll have this posted online as a recording for viewing later?

  • MW November 6, 2023 (6:17 pm)

    Says FULL. Just SIGN UP on WAITLIST TO BE REGISTERED. Simply repeating Ms Lawson & WSB for any members of community in a rush. Thanks!

  • Daniel November 6, 2023 (6:50 pm)

    Situational awareness is definitely #1.  Too many people glued to their phones these days. (He says, from a phone…)

  • wssz November 6, 2023 (11:25 pm)

    Just watched this report on KIRO tv that has some important recommendations —

  • curious November 7, 2023 (7:50 am)

    Our password for what is bing requested in order to sign in?

  • Steph November 9, 2023 (4:49 pm)

    I was going to attend this and forwarded it to others. Then I got to the “nonprivacy rights” section of the sign up page and decided it’s not worth it to me. I forgot how invasive Seattle’s digital policies are. I realize it’s not unusual and, but I am declining , unplugging, and trying to soon just get offline .  This carrot is not worth the stick. I probably really screwed up filling that online police report last week.Does anyone want to share a source for fake ID? I’m so sick of being tracked, tricked, spammed, spoofed, stolen from, etc. I’m ready to go live in the woods.

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