FOLLOWUP: Delridge Playfield still in the dark

(WSB photo, last month)

With Daylight Saving Time ending this weekend, we’re about to enter the months of early sunsets. That’s bad news for some sports programs – newly resurfaced Delridge Playfield is unusable after dark right now, because of wiring theft, and that’s apparently not going to change in time for the time change. When we first asked Seattle Parks about the theft last month, they told us they hoped to fix it within “a couple of weeks.” After hearing from a coach this week that it’s not fixed yet – almost three weeks after our previous report – we checked back. Parks’ reply: “We are still working on reinstalling and securing the new wiring. We don’t have a timeline on when the work will be done.”

11 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Delridge Playfield still in the dark"

  • Seth November 1, 2023 (1:47 pm)

    Clearing the parks department is too busy dealing with pickleball issues to get to this.

  • Julian November 1, 2023 (2:32 pm)

    Would be nice if the skatepark could get some lights. Disappointing not being able to skate there after work.

  • Chuck Jacobs November 1, 2023 (3:51 pm)

    They’ve placed new concrete blocks to cover the wiring vaults. They’re three times the size of the old ones.

  • Josh November 2, 2023 (6:24 am)

    If some ravens or owls start nesting around there while the lights are off are people gonna be pissed if SPD turns the lights back on without asking their opinion first?

    • heartless November 2, 2023 (4:38 pm)

      I laughed at your comment.  But, no, not a peep out of those folks regarding these lights, nor about the astroturf in place of real grass.  Makes one wonder.

  • Kyle November 2, 2023 (6:44 am)

    This is the stuff I wish our city council member cared about. Basic infrastructure and expediency for repairs. But cool that Parks has no plan and will just cancel more youth activities.

    • Jeepney November 2, 2023 (10:15 am)

      Exactly, we deserved better.  Hopefully her replacement will be more in tune with the area they represent.

  • bradley November 2, 2023 (1:25 pm)

    On the positive side, the new fencing on the south side to block balls running down the side street is a HUGE improvement.

  • Marshall_JAC November 2, 2023 (3:46 pm)

    I’m as frustrated as anyone with the delay, but I will focus my ire on the unknown individual(s) that stole the wiring in the first place. 

    • Kyle November 2, 2023 (9:41 pm)

      You mean the people who are still at large and SPD likely isn’t even investigating anymore? I’d love to see a working city where justice is served to those who steal from kids and a competent Parks department that could at least give a timeline.

      • Marshall_JAC November 3, 2023 (8:16 am)

        I’m as frustrated as anyone (except Kyle) with the delay, but I will focus my ire on the unknown individual(s) that stole the wiring in the first place. 

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