WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN: More scintillating skeletons

As we continue showing you Halloween decorations from around West Seattle – with two weeks to go until the big night – we have three different photos of creatively displayed skeletons. Above, Marsha Munson spotted those two on Beach Drive SW near Lowman Beach; below, we happened onto this campy scene in the driveway of a Gatewood home:

And John sent the photo of his skeleton lookout on a deck near California/Genesee:

All the decorations we’ve shown so far can be found in this WSB coverage-category archive, and on the Halloween Guide page we’ll be launching before the night’s out. If you have a suggestion, please email us – with or without photo(s) – at westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN: More scintillating skeletons"

  • waikikigirl October 18, 2023 (6:25 am)

    I’ve noticed (it seems) this is the year of the skeleton(s), which is great because there are some very ingenious yard decor of them! 💀🎃

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