DEVELOPMENT: Design Review meeting canceled for Aegis Living project at California/Brandon, city says project shelved

12:21 PM: This Thursday, the 100-unit senior-living complex proposed by Aegis Living for California/Brandon – site of long-vacant, much-vandalized commercial buildings – was supposed to go back before the Southwest Design Review Board. Late last night, preparing to write one last preview, we checked the city website – and discovered the notation, MEETING CANCELLED. We followed up first thing this morning with Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections spokesperson Bryan Stevens, to find out why. He responded, “We received notice from the applicant on Monday (10/16) that they have decided not to proceed with the project. We don’t have any details as to why they have decided not to move forward.” We have a request for comment out to Aegis. The proposal won unanimous approval from the SWDRB back in February; we first reported in July 2022 on Aegis’s plan for the site, which previously had a proposal for townhouses. The King County website does not show ownership having changed from the company that had pursued that project. We’ll update this story when we hear back from Aegis Living, which built and operates a facility in west Admiral.

4:43 PM: Just heard back from Aegis Living. They say the project’s not necessarily totally dead. Through a spokesperson, Aegis Development president Adam Clark says, “This project is still being considered and we will have a better understanding of its future in the coming weeks. We are proud to continue serving residents at our current community on Admiral Way and remain committed to sustainable buildings and delivering our assisted living and memory care support to even more older adults here in West Seattle and beyond.”

19 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Design Review meeting canceled for Aegis Living project at California/Brandon, city says project shelved"

  • CarDriver October 18, 2023 (12:25 pm)

    Speaking of long vacant any word on what is, or isn’t happening with the Quality Cleaners site at California and Admiral? Are the environmental concerns there dealt with?

    • WSB October 18, 2023 (2:04 pm)

      Still for sale.

  • Jeepney October 18, 2023 (12:42 pm)

    Wish that area could be developed, been run down for years.  Would be a great location for a Wal Mart, TJ Maxx, or other affordable retail.  Bring back Bison Creek Pizza!

    • Jeff October 18, 2023 (2:51 pm)

      Walmart? Uhhhh gross! No shopping. Need strip places here for entertainment/industry in my opninion

    • John October 18, 2023 (2:54 pm)

      Yuck… a Wal Mart or TJ Maxx.

    • Anne October 18, 2023 (3:09 pm)

      The place for businesses like that is Westwood Village- not California Ave. WWV has plenty of parking- several buses stop there too. Not to mention there’s 2 huge spaces already(or soon to be)available- old BB&B & Staples buildings. Other -smaller retail or eateries would be great there, however. 

    • No walmart! October 18, 2023 (3:44 pm)

      I think that’s a terrible idea! I live in the vicinity and I do not want a walmart or any other low end box store in that space. 

    • Peter October 18, 2023 (6:51 pm)

      NO! Nonononononono. We do not need or want any more bottom feeding suburban junk peddlers in West Seattle. We’ve lost Westwood to them, please do not let that garbage spread to the rest of West Seattle. 

    • West Marge October 19, 2023 (3:56 pm)

      Are you out of your mind? A Walmart? The Waltons are monsters, for one thing. And where propose people might park?

  • K October 18, 2023 (12:44 pm)

    Hopefully the site will be picked up by someone who intends to build an apartment building with several dozen units at least.

  • Jeff October 18, 2023 (1:00 pm)

    Not mad about it. Bad area for senior housing. I think there should be more senior housing but this needs to be more entertainments oriented. Bars, night clubs, etc. We need California to operate like a typical strip.

    • Steve October 18, 2023 (2:32 pm)

      There are plenty of bars on California. Many in the Junction a few blocks away.

  • Mark P October 18, 2023 (1:25 pm)

    Cool, now we get to look at a run down strip mall for even longer! Honestly I’m fine with the project going away and just replaced with townhomes or an apt building with ground level retail and/or food outlets. Activate the streetscape!

  • Michael Waldo October 18, 2023 (3:39 pm)

    In the meantime, the wonderful Thai restaurant could of been there all this time. Would of been better than a graffiti magnet.

  • Alex October 18, 2023 (4:12 pm)

    This site looks larger than what West Seattle Nursery has now.   I would love to see them move to a bigger lot that would accommodate more parking than what they currently have.

    • AJ October 18, 2023 (6:02 pm)

      Yes, please! I would shop there way more often if parking weren’t such a hassle. 

      • West Marge October 19, 2023 (3:59 pm)

        There’s lots of parking in the neighborhood if the nursery lot is full. Sometimes I need to walk a half block, but I take more steps than that while I’m shopping, so it’s just fine by me.

  • WSB October 18, 2023 (4:45 pm)

    Update, Aegis finally replied, and they say, “The project is still being considered,” so it’s not necessarily entirely scrapped. Quote added above.

  • Where’s Granny October 19, 2023 (12:49 am)

    Yes  ~ Thaitan…to have their laab again.   Senior living  like one Aegis proposed is a failing business model.  Covid settled the debate of health care vs hospitality models for senior care.  The Greatest Generation was served well by the industry. Doubt many Boomers are flocking to sign-up for an “independent living apartment” where they dropped-off Granny in 1998. And Gen X definitely won’t pay more than double market rent for just weekly housekeeping and salty meals. Bye ✌🏼 

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