UPDATE: Pedestrian hit by driver at Delridge/Genesee

12:15 PM: That was the traffic-camera view a few minutes ago as a collision response blocked northbound Delridge north of the Genesee intersection. This was dispatched as a pedestrian hit by a driver. We haven’t heard anything about the pedestrian’s condition so we’re headed to the scene to try to find out more.

12:20 PM: NB Delridge traffic is being diverted onto WB Genesee, and officers just told dispatch that this will last “for a while.”

12:30 PM: Contrary to that, our crew has been told the street will be reopened shortly – though there’s compounding trouble on the southbound side in the same area (bus-lane repair). The pedestrian, described as an “adult male,” was taken to a hospital for “observation.” No other information on circumstances.

12:46 PM: The northbound lane has reopened. Because of the construction on the southbound side, one northbound lane is being used for southbound traffic.

1:44 PM: SFD says the pedestrian is 87 years old; our contact is waiting for info from the medic-unit crew on his condition when transported. … (Added) SFD says he was in stable condition when taken to the hospital.

32 Replies to "UPDATE: Pedestrian hit by driver at Delridge/Genesee"

  • sam-c August 11, 2023 (12:24 pm)

    Oh man,  I hope the pedestrian is ok.  That intersection has been extra dangerous during construction, with people trying to turn right on Genesee from the lane on the opposite side of the median. Whenever crossing Genesee there, there’s always drivers speeding to take a right, regardless of the pedestrians having the right of way and a walk signal.  The drivers turning right onto Delridge from Genesee are also ones you have to look twice/ three times for.  

    • D-Ridge August 11, 2023 (12:48 pm)

      They need to make this a no right on red, stat.

      • Danimal August 11, 2023 (2:09 pm)

        No they don’t. Especially considering that light takes ridiculously long to turn green from gennesee to Delridge. Drivers and pedestrians both need to watch out for each other.

      • J Weaver August 11, 2023 (3:37 pm)

        I agree, this entire park area is one of the most unsafe places for those of us that walk it consistently. I have called PD to report nearly being hit on 3 separate occasions and filed online reporting for mitigation ideas!!! WE NEED OUR REPS TO STAND UP ANS MAKE IT SAFER!! Speeders and distracted drivers blaze through right where young kids live/play and people walk with dogs.

        • D-Ridge August 11, 2023 (4:15 pm)

          It’s also comical that the 26th “greenway” and sidewalks don’t have a protected crossing at Genesee, you just have to wait and hope someone stops to let you cross if you’re a biker or ped. It’s really just a suggestion that cars stop there.

      • ENOUGH August 11, 2023 (4:10 pm)

        all of US driving code needs to eliminate the right on red exception. it shaves off a second for a car trip and the consequence is that it makes the pedestrian experience deadlier.trying to patch this w/ no right on red exceptions doesn’t work. even w/ red arrows and signs in places, drivers will honk and insist you have to do the “free” right.

        • Freddie's Lebaron August 11, 2023 (8:04 pm)

          As a delivery driver, not Amazon, but a small west Seattle business, no right turn on red has made traffic even more of a nightmare in a city that has some of the worst in the USA. What should be done is have every crosswalk become an all pedestrian signal just like over in the junction. That way cars and pedestrians are never on the roadway at the same time. 

          • WestSeattleBadTakes August 12, 2023 (1:49 am)

            Seconds over human lives!

          • Sam-c August 12, 2023 (7:00 am)

            Yes that’s really what is needed at this intersection, because the only opportunity pedestrians have to cross Delridge is when drivers on Genesee have a green light.  Maybe (when activated by a pedestrian) a longer advance pedestrian walk signal before light turns green for Genesee drivers. 

  • Melissa August 11, 2023 (12:47 pm)

    It doesn’t look good. The pedestrian was hit from the front passenger side and broke the windshield all the way through. A neighbor I spoke to was with him and said he hit his head twice. 

  • Carson August 11, 2023 (12:51 pm)

    Hope the pedestrian is ok. Too many drivers here who drive too fast and no respect for pedestrians. I REFUSE to yield to any automobile when I am in a lawful crosswalk . 

    • Rick August 12, 2023 (7:20 am)

      Well you could be “right” or you could be dead. Your choice I suppose.

  • Jay August 11, 2023 (12:58 pm)

    I see drivers run the lights here all the time. I saw a lady almost get killed by a minivan casually speeding through the red on Delridge, she had to jump out of the way and was missed by inches. Nobody looks when making that right turn onto Delridge either.

  • DRW August 11, 2023 (1:00 pm)

    I saw 2 people almost get hit at Delridge and Henderson last week. A car was speeding northbound and ran the red light. It was pretty damn close.

  • Rene N August 11, 2023 (1:29 pm)

    We were stopped at the intersection behind a bus going southbound and saw the accident happen to our left, it was pretty bad, was not able to see how it happened, but it did happened at the intersection (whole intersection is a mess even with a traffic cop) and ended up 10-15 from there and flipped in the air. He had a few broken bones and head injuries. We helped to try no to move and were with him until the paramedics arrived, was conscious the whole time and in a lot of pain. Driver was very shaken as well. 

    • Melissa August 11, 2023 (2:10 pm)

      I believe I spoke to you as you were leaving, Renee. Thank you for waiting with him. What a terrible situation. I walked by just a few minutes ago and the driver is still beside herself. So sad. 

    • flimflam August 11, 2023 (3:46 pm)

      Rene, how terrible. I hope this man recovers.

    • Concerned Neighbor August 12, 2023 (5:56 pm)

      Richard did not have the contents of his backpack when he got to the hospital. Did someone on the scene take his cell phone, wallet, and keys? I’m trying to help him track them down and figure out when and where they went missing. Any information is appreciated. He’s very worried. Please help. 

  • PDiddy August 11, 2023 (1:49 pm)

    I live right by here and I never see any traffic cops and people turning left even though its blocked and has a sign saying no left turn during construction. This was bound to happen with the stupid way they have the traffic lanes setup and no one policing the intersection. I dont agree with the no right on red from Genesee. But they could do a better design with the sidewalk. Personally I would just use the overpass…

    • ENOUGH August 11, 2023 (4:13 pm)

      > use the overpassthe victim is 87. we can’t force people with mobility issues to use the monkey patched pedestrian infrastructure like bridges over roads. removing the right on red privileged would be the difference between a second on someones car trip or the lives of pedestrians.

    • D-Ridge August 11, 2023 (4:18 pm)

      The overpass isn’t built to ADA standards and the pedestrian is 87 years old (not to mention it’s a block over). How about we just make things safe at street level for those outside of cars?

  • Michelle August 11, 2023 (2:13 pm)

    There are so many spots in West Seattle where construction is going on and it is both confusing and frustrating to figure out. The Junction construction has signal people stopping traffic to protect pedestrians so that’s smart. I hope the person recovers ok!

    • North Delridge August 11, 2023 (3:23 pm)

      We actually called SDOT to inform them that the intersection was unsafe with the construction configuration a few weeks ago and they didn’t care at all!  No one my husband talked to seemed the least bit interested in remediation after describing a near accident he witnessed because the turn radius for trucks is too tight and this forced multiple drivers off the road and onto the curb to avoid being sideswiped.  From the description of the driver in this (stayed behind, shaken) I wonder if unsafe conditions contributed at all.

      • Seattlite August 11, 2023 (4:20 pm)

        Agree.  I was down there yesterday for a PT appt.  The north and south bound drivers are still speeding in the reconfigured segment with only those orange cones as a barrier.  I found it quite scary.  One would think that the drivers’ common sense would kick in to go slower and pay attention to pedestrians.

      • Iono August 12, 2023 (9:57 pm)

        Use find it fix it app and create a record- city has to fix problems it is aware of or it can be sued

  • Marcus August 11, 2023 (4:28 pm)

    We need to bring back traffic police patrols.  Pure and simple traffic cops keep everyone fearful of a ticket and so everyone is more aware of the traffic rules.  Just cannot build a city around public transportation, bikes, scooters and walking with an out-of-control auto population.

    • Jill Loblaw August 11, 2023 (8:36 pm)

      I so agree. Time to start ticketing people again.

    • foop August 12, 2023 (12:09 pm)

      More automated enforcement. Red light /speed cameras. Cost far less than a cops salary, less likely to shoot you.

    • Melissa August 12, 2023 (4:03 pm)

      That’s the frustrating part about this incident, there was a traffic cop in the middle of the intersection and drivers were still driving recklessly and he was incessantly blowing his whistle and yelling as people drove however they wanted. 

  • Concerned Neighbor August 12, 2023 (2:04 pm)

    It turns out the man who got hit crossing the street at Delridge and Genesee was my neighbor Richard. He called me from the hospital today. He has physical injuries and has had surgery. Amazingly his head is ok even though he was knocked out cold when his head hit the curb. He said he was crossing Delridge on the walk sign when a car ran the red light and hit him in the crosswalk. I’m so glad he’s not dead. It was a close call. I use this crosswalk regularly and often see drivers speeding and running the red lights on Delridge. Crossing Delridge is very dangerous. I always make sure people are going to stop before I step out into the crosswalk even when I have a walk sign. Many drivers race up Delridge going 40 to 60mph (speed limit is 25) and don’t stop for red lights or pedestrians. 

    • DelridgeNeighbor August 12, 2023 (6:47 pm)

      Thank you for the follow up. I’m so glad he’s going to be ok. 

  • Avalon Neighbor August 14, 2023 (4:29 am)

    How sad for our neighbor and the driver! I’m not surprised at all- SDOT’s awful street / construction signage is DANGEROUS! For all of us traveling through that intersection. The southbound lane on Delridge  has a (closed?) sign  at Genessee, so when you are driving  and wanting to take a right onto delridge, you think- no cars at all, the lane is closed, but cars are zooming south bound  in the far (right- typically northbound lane)! And then the smattering of traffic cones in the middle of the street on the south side of the intersection make it difficult to know which lane is which- when trying to turn into and out of the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center driveway. It’s been going on (and off?) for weeks! Months? Definitely reporting to Find It FIX it! 

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