day : 15/08/2023 12 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Trailer stolen; Kia theft attempt fails

Two reader reports:


Trailer in attached image taken from our driveway today in Fairmount Park neighborhood. No license plate or rear gate on trailer. An attempt to steal it occurred Saturday by a male and female in Ford Econoline van that now has front right damage after they smashed into my car!!

We’ll add the report # when we get it.


Sometime late Sunday night/early Monday morning, someone broke into my car. Parked in front of the house (west of The Junction). They smashed the passenger-side window and attempted to hotwire the car but failed. The police report number is 23-232990. Nothing was (thankfully) stolen from the inside of the car. Car is a 2014 black Kia Forte.

FESTIVAL: Here’s the 2023 Admiral Funktion band lineup!

August 15, 2023 10:12 pm
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 |   West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

One of the three street festivals coming up in the next two weekends announced its band lineup tonight. Here’s who’ll be playing at the Admiral Funktion, which the Admiral Neighborhood Association will present for a second year, 11 am-10 pm Saturday, August 26th, on California SW between Admiral and College:

Music is just part of what’ll be happening during Admiral Funktion. Festival admission will be free but ANA is fundraising to support the cost of making it happen; as they note on the crowdfunding page, any donation is welcome, and those donating $25 or more get a wristband good for food/drink discounts during the festival.

BOOKS: Concert photographer Steve Schneider signing ‘First Three Songs’ at Easy Street on Thursday

August 15, 2023 8:12 pm
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 |   West Seattle books | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

From the Grateful Dead to Neil Young to Nirvana and beyond, concert photographer Steve Schneider has photographed a half-century of music history. He’s turned much of it into a “coffee-table book” that he’ll be signing at Easy Street Records this Thursday night (August 17th). Here’s how the book is described in the announcement of its publication:

This $60 hardbound book has 220 pages of concert images with 350 photos from five decades of live music, and is printed on archival acid-free matte paper. The book features images of the Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Tom Petty, Pearl Jam, the Rolling Stones, and many others. Ten of the concerts featured — including shows by David Bowie, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Neil Young, and Willie Nelson — ones where Schneider was the only photographer with access.

The title comes from some acts’ directive that photographers only shoot the first three songs, but many of the best images in The First Three Songs are from when Schneider pushed around that. A shot of the Grateful Dead at the closing of the legendary San Francisco club Winterland in 1978 was taken at 5:30 in the morning. “This was back in the days of film, and I had saved just a few frames for when they would end,” Schneider recalled. “They started on at midnight, but I saved enough to capture their good-bye early in the morning.” The Grateful Dead liked the image enough that it was used on a CD and DVD of the event, and it ended the film of the event. The band signed a copy of a 1977 New Year’s photo from the same location in Winterland. They also gave Bill Walton a 20” x 30” signed copy of the same photo.

Schneider worked for multiple news services, and created images that the announcement says “have appeared in hundreds of newspapers and magazines,” adding that “the book also serves as a document of how concert photography is transformed with the development of digital photography, and when bands began to light their stage for video.” Thursday’s signing is set for 6 pm to 8 pm; if somehow you haven’t been to Easy Street, it’s on the northwest corner of California/Alaska in the heart of The Junction. (If you can’t get to the event but would like to buy the book, you can buy it directly from Schneider online.)

P.S. You can read more about Schneider, his book, and his work in this Seattle Now and Then installment by West Seattle journalist/historian/author Clay Eals.

STAGE 2 BURN BAN: This means no beach fires, among other types

(WSB file photo)

A Stage 2 burn ban is now in effect, first ordered by the King County Fire Marshal for unincorporated areas and extended into Seattle and other cities by agreement of the King Co. Fire Chiefs Association. Here’s what this means:

During a Stage 2 burn ban, any outdoor fire such as a backyard fire pit or campfire using chopped firewood or charcoal is prohibited.

Under the ban, any person with a recreational fire who fails to take immediate action to extinguish or discontinue when ordered or notified to do so can be charged with, up to and including, a misdemeanor. Seattle firefighters have also been directed to extinguish any illegal fires during this ban.

Manufactured portable outdoor devices are allowed, including barbecues and patio warmers that are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Approved fuel devices – including those that rely on charcoal, natural gas, or propane gas – are also allowed.

Of note, this means no beach fires, even in the rings at Alki.

BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Elliott Bay Brewing reopens in West Seattle

(Added: WSB photo)

4:07 PM: Just heard from Elliott Bay Brewing proprietor Todd Carden: They’re reopening EBB’s West Seattle Junction flagship location at 4:30 pm. As noted here last Friday, it’s been closed several days while plumbers worked on a stubborn sewer-line problem. Repairs are now complete.

ADDED 11:28 PM: Still some work to do, Tim O’Neill of O’Neill Plumbing (WSB sponsor) tells us: “We have been making repairs to an old sewer system that’s been functioning for a century, but finally decided to give up…….. We have found good solid pipe to connect to. The prior pipe we were following was in too bad of condition to reconnect to.” That’s what enabled Elliott Bay to reopen. Next: “Tomorrow we will be inserting a liner from where we made these repairs, out to the middle of the street to reinforce that stretch of pipe. Next step after that will be to make a smaller, yet similar repair to Talarico’s pipe that is in the same general location. We thank everyone for theit patience and please stop into these two great restaurants for a cold brew and a bite !!”

BIZNOTES: Triangle pet shop; Westwood Daiso update; ex-A’lora Mortgage

Three new-business notes today:

PET SHOP: From city permit files – All The Best Pet Care is apparently returning to West Seattle. The regional chain had a shop on Alki from 2007 to 2009 (where Outer Space Seattle is now). It’s applied for a permit to take a retail space at Maris, the Triangle-area mixed-use complex at 4722 Fauntleroy SW. We’ve had an inquiry out to ATB since seeing the application; haven’t heard back yet.

(Added: WSB photo)

WESTWOOD DAISO UPDATE: Also from the permit files – the plan for a Daiso store at Westwood Village appears to be advancing. When we first reported last month that the center’s directory map – often the first and only place WWV has “announced” new tenants – showed Daiso coming to a combination of the recently vacated ex-SportClips space and the 5-years-empty ex-Fresh Vitamins space, next to Lauren’s Jewelry (WSB sponsor). At the time, permit files showed nothing – but now there are permits both for combining the spaces and for setting up the Daiso store (which is named on the city docket). Still no word back from the company on timeline,

EX-A’LORA MORTGAGE: Readers recently pointed out that the “for lease” sign had been taken down from this standalone building at 6358 42nd SW, kitty-corner from the north side of West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). Though there’s no sign up, online searching identified the new tenant: U.S. offices for Lozano Funeral Transportation. Google’s translation of their website, which is entirely in Spanish, says it’s a branch of a century-old business founded in Mexico and specializing in repatriation – arranging for decedents to be returned home for burial.

UPDATE: I-5 getting back to normal after VP motorcade closures and officer’s fall

2:15 PM: Just a reminder if you missed it in our morning traffic roundup: Vice President Kamala Harris is in the area for another hour and a half or so, and that’s not the only reason to avoid I-5 – there’s also a collision on I-5 northbound at Michigan that’s led to some snarling both ways. As for the vice president, she’s reported to be at a fundraiser in Medina right now, after a speech in Georgetown, but will be headed back to Boeing Field for a scheduled 3:30-ish departure, and when the motorcade is in motion, that will again temporarily shut down traffic.

3 PM: The aforementioned collision has SB I-5 closed at Michigan. No word if that’ll result in a vice presidential detour getting back to Boeing Field.

3:30 PM: SB I-5 has reopened. And we have details of the incident from Bellevue PD via Twitter/X: One of their officers, while on detail because of the VP visit, fell off the Michigan ramp – an estimated 50- to 60-foot fall – but survived and was “conscious and alert” when taken to Harborview.

3:46 PM: Traffic advisory indicates the motorcade’s headed back this way now.

4:10 PM: WSDOT says highways have all reopened,

READER REPORT: Another new all-way stop

Thanks to the texter who sent the photo and report of the recently installed all-way stop, and painted crosswalks, at 44th/Lander, on the south side of Lafayette Elementary. This plan was mentioned by commenter Tony following our report last month about other school zones getting new all-way stops.

BACK TO SCHOOL: Chief Sealth International High School PTSA wants you!

Some students in West Seattle head back to class as soon as tomorrow. For Seattle Public Schools, summer break has three weeks to go – but a lot of preparation is happening, including organizations like the Chief Sealth International High School PTSA, which asked us to share this open invitation:

The Chief Sealth PTSA is gearing up for an amazing 2023-24 school year and is looking for some folks to join us. Our primary focus as PTSA is to build community and raise funds to support the programs and activities that provide enrichment and basic needs to students and staff.

We currently have a number of positions open on the Board including Co-Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, and Legislative/Advocacy Chair. These positions help make crucial funding decisions and take on projects that directly benefit the school. You don’t need to be a parent to join or take a leadership role on the PTSA – we invite all members of the school and local community who want to make a difference to sign up.

“We’ve got some exciting plans in the works for next year, including planning our first fund-raising auction in four years this December,” says incoming Chief Sealth PTSA co-President Shannon McDonald. “Becoming a PTSA board member is a great way for folks to get involved and help strengthen our school, family, and community partnerships here in West Seattle.”

If you’re a community-minded person looking to help actively support a local school and its students or have any questions, please reach out to You can also join the PTSA here. We promise it will be fun, interesting, and deeply rewarding!

WEST SEATTLE TUESDAY: Options for the rest of today/tonight

August 15, 2023 10:53 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Sunrise fishing at Seacrest, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

Here’s what’s happening for the rest of today/tonight, including some indoor activities you might consider to escape the heat:

HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK: Open 11 am-8 pm. (1100 SW Cloverdale)

SUMMER MEALS FOR KIDS: Here’s the list of local sites where free food is available for kids on weekdays this summer, 11:30 am-1 pm lunch, 2-3 pm snacks.

E.C. HUGHES WADING POOL OPEN: Noon-7 pm – last week for this pool, with its season ending Sunday, August 29th. (2805 SW Holden)

LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL OPEN: Noon-7 pm. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

COLMAN POOL OPEN: Also at Lincoln Park, this outdoor salt-water pool is open noon-7 pm daily through Labor Day. See the session schedule here.

CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm at the air-conditioned Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon): “Are you looking for a new activity to keep your brain sharp and clear? The Senior Center Chess Club welcomes both novice and experienced players. Join us at 1:30 p.m. for lessons, short tutorials, and chess for all levels of expertise.” (Questions? Email

DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t have your own.

STORYTIME IN THE GARDEN: 6 pm stories and activities for kids at the Delridge P-Patch, weekly throughout the summer. (5078 25th SW)

SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6-10 pm, you can play Scrabble at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW).

WINE & BUY: Free class for prospective homebuyers, 6 pm at Pine Lake Cellars (5405 California SW) – info and RSVP link in our calendar listing.

TOASTMASTERS ONLINE: Improve your communication skills without leaving your house/apartment, 6:30 pm online meeting of West Seattle Toastmasters 832our calendar listing has RSVP info to get the link.

THE CLAY CAULDRON: 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance or drop in to work on your project(s).

NEW TRIVIA: Zeeks Pizza West Seattle recently launched a Tuesday trivia night: 7 pm, teams of up to 6, free to play, happy-hour food and beverage specials. Hosted by Geeks Who Drink. (6459 California SW)

MORE TRIVIA: Three other places to play Tuesday nights – 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW); also, 7:30 and 8:30 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska).

BELLE OF THE BALLS BINGO: Play bingo with Cookie Couture at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm. Free, all ages!

You can see the future any time via our event calendar – if you have something to include on it, please email info to – thank you!

HELP FOR MAUI: Local updates

In Maui, last week’s catastrophic fires are now known to have taken at least 99 lives and done at least $6 billion in damage. People around the world are reaching out to help, including here in West Seattle, where we have updates and reminders:

FLEURT FUNDRAISING AUCTION: The Junction boutique at 4536 California SW is having an auction, Fleurt’s Keonii tells us:

Join us in supporting Maui’s recovery. We will be hosting an auction this Thursday 8/17 to Sunday 8/20 for a stunning 10″ Bird of Paradise and Pikake Jasmine candle. The highest bid contributes 100% to the Maui Humane Society’s vital work. Available for delivery in West Seattle or pick up at the shop.

They’re taking bids on social media, but you can also participate in other ways: “People can also come into the shop, email, or call with their best and final bid because people on social media will keep upping their bid price. We will collect their name, contact info and their best/final bid.” Fleurt’s hours and contact info are at

‘MUSUBI FOR MAUI’ TOTAL: Last weekend’s fundraiser at Marination Ma Kai and its sibling restaurants was a big success, with the help of a match from a West Seattle family:

We went into the weekend with a goal of raising $20,000 in two days. We didn’t hit that goal but instead we exceeded it due to the incredible outpouring of support from all of you and the amazing generosity of the Arakawa family.

Total Musubi Sold: 2930
Cash Received: $1,439
Arakawa Family Match: $15,000
TOTAL RAISED: $30,356.50

Continuing local fundraisers, from our previous roundup:

GRILLBIRD: The teriyaki restaurant (35th/Morgan) is inviting customers to “round up” their tabs so the extra can be donated to Maui relief – through the end of August.

ALAIR/DYLAN: The South Admiral shop (3270 California SW) will send you a 10 percent discount code if you message them with word you’ve donated to Maui fire relief.

ARTIST FUNDRAISER: West Seattle artist Eileen Jiminez is donating proceeds from sales at MaeseArt “to mutual aid efforts in Maui and to directly impacted native Hawaiians.”

ROTARY DONATION FUND: There are many options for donating money rather than goods. Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s Brian Waid invites support for “the Hawaiian Wildfire Disaster Relief Fund managed by Rotarians in Hawaii at; the Rotarians do not charge anything for administering the funds and do not siphon off a percentage for a national organization.”

CHURCH DONATION FUND: West Seattle has three UCC churches and one parishioner has pointed out the denomination is supporting this fund.

OTHER MONETARY DONATION OPTIONS: The State of Hawai’i has an official information page about the fire aftermath, and it includes these two links:

Maui Strong Fund
Hawai’i Red Cross

Any other local (West Seattle/White Center) ways to help, please email us – so we can add to this list – thank you!


6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, August 15th.


The National Weather Service‘s heat alert remains in effect until late Wednesday night. Today’s forecast: Sunny, high in the upper 80s. Today’s sunrise will be at 6:05 am; sunset will be at 8:22 pm.


Vice President Kamala Harris visits Seattle for a few hours today. Her published schedule starts with 11:10 am arrival at Boeing Field, from which she heads to McKinstry in Georgetown for a noon speech; after that, it’s off to a campaign fundraiser (unannounced location), and her departure from Boeing Field is expected just after 3:30 pm.


Metro – regular schedule – check here for advisories.

Water Taxi – regular schedule.

Washington State Ferries – 2-boat service. Check Vessel Watch to see where the boats are.


Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also up at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.

High Bridge – the main camera:

High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):

Low-bridge cam:

1st Ave. S. Bridge – alternate route across the river:

Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.

If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!