WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire on Harbor Avenue, in North Delridge

12:26 AM: Police are blocking Harbor Avenue SW by Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW; WSB sponsor) right now for a gunfire investigation. A 911 caller reported seeing someone who appeared to be shooting at cars in the area; police arrived and have reported finding both casings and “unfired rounds.”

12:52 AM: Harbor has reopened. Officers told dispatch they “recovered about 20 fired and unfired 9-millimeter casings.”

1:12 AM: Out on a separate gunfire call in North Delridge, officers told dispatch they’ve found “four shell (casings) in the 2600 block of SW Brandon.”

12 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire on Harbor Avenue, in North Delridge"

  • Rhonda July 8, 2023 (12:46 am)

    I’m counting the days until Fall. Weekend nights at Alki during Summer are dreadful.

  • Alki Jack July 8, 2023 (1:21 am)

    The police need to find some way to bring Harbor Avenue SW and Alki Avenue SW under control. It has become an absolute free for all. The short handed police aren’t able to pull anyone over, so the crazy dangerous driving goes unabated.  Super loud popping exhaust system’s, rubber burning, drifting, unbelievably loud music systems etc etc. Plus now, gunfire! What’s it going to take. We as tax paying, law-abiding citizens have to put up with this crap if we want to live here.

  • Marcus July 8, 2023 (6:34 am)

    Need drones with IF imaging.  Like I said several years ago-it is only getting worse.  Time to use technology to make our city safer.

    • Cameras July 8, 2023 (11:17 am)

      Drones and cameras.The more “eyes” the better Anything and any tools to fight these senseless crimes

      • Jethro Marx July 8, 2023 (1:48 pm)

        Going to need armament on those drones, but that could get weird. Which of your electronic devices would you trust to put a gun to your head?

      • Rhonda July 8, 2023 (7:40 pm)

        Yeah, no thanks. You may want to live in a surveillance state, but the vast majority of Americans don’t want flying cameras snooping on our every move.

        • Byron James July 9, 2023 (8:57 am)

          “Americans under the age of 30 stand out when it comes to 1984‐​style in‐​home government surveillance cameras. 3 in 10 (29 percent) Americans under 30 favor ‘the government installing surveillance cameras in every household’ in order to ‘reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity,'”

        • eastvashon July 9, 2023 (11:00 am)

          You have no right to privacy in public spaces, your nearly every move is already being recorded by private security cameras and especially ring/alexa/nest devices. You already live in a corporate surveillance state.Driving is a privilege the “privacy concession” for camera based tickets should be repealed. 

          • Rhonda July 9, 2023 (12:45 pm)

            Walking your dog down the sidewalk, bicycling to work in a bike lane, and having a family picnic at a Park are all activities in public spaces that would be snooped upon by government surveillance drones. Like I said, no thanks. Government surveillance is punitive, doorbell and business cameras are not. Red light cameras only photograph the license plates of violators, not everyone else driving through the intersection. 

        • AdmyrlByrd July 9, 2023 (8:23 pm)

          “don’t want to live in a surveillance state” she types on the web, probably from a cell phone.

          • Rhonda July 9, 2023 (10:16 pm)

            Go visit China, Cuba, or Singapore for a couple weeks and we’ll compare notes on what real public surveillance is like when you come home.

  • Lisa July 8, 2023 (8:18 am)

    A recent NY Times article said the crime rate is dropping after a post covid increase. I guess we’re trending late… https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/06/nyregion/shootings-nyc-crime.html

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