ORCAS: Get updates at The Whale Trail’s Summer Gathering

June 10, 2023 4:51 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | Whales

(J51 porpoising, photographed by Mark Sears, Permit 21348)

We haven’t seen them in West Seattle waters lately, but the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales are never far from many people’s hearts. Get updates and information at the Summer Gathering just announced by The Whale Trail:

Celebrate summer and the passage of a new law to protect the endangered southern resident orcas! The Washington State Legislature recently passed a bill requiring all boaters to stay 1,000 yards away from J, K, and L pods, starting in 2025. This milestone legislation will give the whales the space they need to find and catch their prey.

Join us for a special presentation by Dr. Julie Watson (Killer Whale Policy Lead, WDFW) and Captain Alan Myers (WDFW Enforcement). Learn more about background and need for the law, next steps, and how boaters in Puget Sound can help orcas today.

Featured speakers also include orca heroes House Majority Leader Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and researchers Mark and Maya Sears. Mark and Maya will share updates about recent orca encounters in central Puget Sound, including rare encounters with J pod in April!

Hope to see you there! Get tickets now, before they sell out!

What: Whale Trail Summer Gathering: Celebrate Give them Space!
When: Thursday June 22, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Where: C&P Coffee Company, 5612 California Ave SW
Cost: $5, Kids under 12 get in for free.
Advance tickets: brownpapertickets.com

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