DEVELOPMENT: Official notice of next Design Review meeting for 1116 Alki Avenue

(‘Preferred option’ massing from last year’s draft design packet by MZA Architecture)

As we reported two weeks ago, the Southwest Design Review Board has one of its now-rare meetings scheduled next month, for the second Early Design Guidance review of 1116 Alki Avenue SW. The date is now corrected to July 6th, and the official notice was made public by the city today. It’ll be a 5 pm online meeting, with the opportunity for spoken or written public comment. The project is proposed for six floors, 65 units, 102 offstreet-parking spaces; here’s our report from its first early-design meeting in April 2022. Information on how to attend/comment is on this city webpage, which is also where you’ll find the new design packet when available; note that the early-design stage is primarily about a building’s massing – size, shape, and placement on the site.

11 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Official notice of next Design Review meeting for 1116 Alki Avenue"

  • Robert Hull June 15, 2023 (6:03 pm)

    I vote this one of the ugliest new developments on the water.

  • Marcus June 15, 2023 (6:26 pm)

    Sorry, ugly design and color.

  • DeeJay June 15, 2023 (7:16 pm)

    why’s that picture of the building look insanely close to the street?  And I don’t think I see a sidewalk

  • Robert June 16, 2023 (7:14 am)

    I really wish they would stop approving building designs that are so boring looking.  This is our waterfront, we can do better than a giant box.  

    • WSB June 16, 2023 (9:17 am)

      Please note, as explained in the story, this stage of design review is about massing – building size and shape – this is by no means what the actual building would look like.

  • PDiddy June 16, 2023 (12:59 pm)

    I assume all the houses are going to be demolished? I looked at the pic on google maps and it looks like there are five and the one with the deck over carport I think is still occupied as a rental. Is that correct? Rendering looks pretty but not looking forward to them closing another lane again.

  • anonyme June 16, 2023 (5:25 pm)

    The houses that this monstrosity is replacing may have been a bit ramshackle, but that’s entirely appropriate for seaside shanties. Alki is not Miami Beach or Malibu. This new building will sit between at least two other equally massive eyesores. West Seattle seems set on a deliberate course to remove all character and history from our city. It’s all about profit and greed.

  • Alki Eye June 16, 2023 (6:39 pm)

    What’s the excuse for other properties to not build parking?  102 spaces! 

    • WSB June 16, 2023 (7:22 pm)

      Alki is a “parking overlay” district – 1 1/2 spaces required per residential unit.

  • JT June 18, 2023 (7:47 pm)

    Parking off site is a really bad idea even if it’s legal.  It will crowd out the people who want to enjoy Alki and patronize the restaurants and bars.  

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