HOLIDAY HELP: Can you be a flag volunteer for West Seattle Junction?

(WSB file photo)

As is customary on the Fourth of July, the West Seattle Junction Association will place dozens of American flags in the heart of the business district – with volunteer help. WSJA’s Stacie Woods tells WSB they have enough help in the morning but need more in the afternoon to remove the flags, 4-5 pm. All ages welcome – sign up to help out by going here!

4 Replies to "HOLIDAY HELP: Can you be a flag volunteer for West Seattle Junction?"

  • America July 2, 2024 (10:46 pm)

    Why not ask for people to help take down the flags end of weekend, or even Monday morning?  Why only allow the US flag to wave more than just a few hours?

    • WSB July 3, 2024 (2:05 am)

      See section 6.

      • AMERICA July 3, 2024 (11:41 pm)

        Okay, fair. I do agree hugely that flags displayed 24 hours should be properly illuminated.  Guess I figured California Ave bulbs would help in the lighting.  As much as I often appreciate WSB input and regulation…sometimes you all need to fight a different opponent.  God Bless America.

  • Deb July 3, 2024 (1:08 pm)

    Volunteer List is FULL as of Wednesday  1pm

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