Two development notes this afternoon:
(Rendering from 2021 design review of 4406 36th SW)
LAND-USE APPROVAL FOR PART OF TRIANGLE PROJECT: One of the two buildings planned on West Seattle Triangle land owned by the Sweeney family of Alki Lumber has received a key land-use approval, which in turn opens a two-week appeal period. The building at 4406 36th SW [map] is the easternmost of the two, proposed for 7 stories, 284 apartments, commercial space, and 162 off-street parking spots. It got Southwest Design Review Board approval a year and a half ago. Here’s the new city-staff decision; here’s the notice, which explains how to appeal (filing deadline is June 15th). We asked family spokesperson Lynne Sweeney about the project’s status recently, and she replied that they’re continuing to work through the permit process on both sites: “We are still moving toward construction, but no firm dates.” (The west building, 4440 Fauntleroy Way SW, is a bit further behind in the process, but received SWDRB approval two weeks after the east building.)
1116 ALKI AVENUE SW: This 6-story, 65-unit building with 102 offstreet-parking spaces [map] is tentatively set for its second Early Design Guidance meeting of the SWDRB on July 11th. We covered the first one in April of last year. Watch here for information on how to participate in the upcoming review.