WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Businesses plan ‘Rally for Relocation’

12:10 PM: While awaiting the next major step toward Sound Transit‘s West Seattle light-rail extension, the release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement – due sometime this summer – businesses in the project’s path continue their awareness/support campaign. We just got this announcement this morning:

Rally For Relocation
Rally in Support of West Seattle Businesses Facing Relocation
July 11th | 4 pm-7 pm
At Ounces Taproom & Beer Garden and Skylark Café

Join us for a rally in support of Ounces, Skylark, Mode, Alki Beach Academy, West Seattle Health Club & 60+ local businesses facing relocation as a result of light rail to our community. This rally is NOT about light rail, but instead about supporting those local businesses that face relocation as a result –– to ensure that they get the funding and assistance needed to successfully reopen their businesses in a new location should light rail be approved in the near future. Bring your family, friends & neighbors to stand with these businesses! Together, let’s walk Skylark to Delridge Deli Mart (and back) – all in support of local business! Then stick around for food, beer & community at Ounces & Skylark!

Skylark and Ounces are both on the west side of the 3800 block of Delridge Way SW. Meantime, we’re checking back with Sound Transit to see if there’s any new information on the FEIS timetable; after it’s released, the next step would be for the ST Board to take a final vote on routing and station locations. Construction is currently projected to start in 2027, with the line opening toward the end of 2032.

1:23 PM: ST’s Rachelle Cunningham replied to our inquiries, saying the FEIS release is “getting close, but there isn’t a publication date yet.” Also – a separate community group had said that ST Board Chair and King County Executive Dow Constantine was championing their request for a community forum for West Seattle; Cunningham says about that, “The team is working on scheduling some upcoming engagement, but there aren’t any specifics to share yet.”

69 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Businesses plan 'Rally for Relocation'"

  • Jake June 28, 2024 (12:26 pm)

    This is the correct way this should be handled. Don’t try to stop Lightrail, just try to find a new location. This way all sides win! We NEED light rail now. I am happy to see businesses can get some extra support this way. There is no “should lightrail be approved” talk. IT IS approved. The time is now for Skylark and Ounces to start saving and I sure hope they are!

    • Anne June 28, 2024 (1:41 pm)

      No we don’t NEED light rail. Expanding bus service so we have more clean , safe, on time buses would have been fine. Kind of a snide remark to Ounces & Skylark-thanks for that-so very helpful. 

      • T June 28, 2024 (2:18 pm)

        Agree !!!!!!!! ‘No we don’t NEED light rail’. (You waited too long) Expand & fix bus service 

      • Brad Garf June 28, 2024 (2:27 pm)

        If only there was some way the citizens could have decided this. Like some way to mail people a form (lets call it a “ballot”) and they could fill out these “ballots” and decide for themselves if they think Light Rail is needed (let’s call this process “voting”). If only at some point, let’s say, oh… eight years ago, this had happened, we coul- wait, hold the fort…

        • Scarlett June 28, 2024 (3:45 pm)

          Apparently you don’t seem to understand that our system of governance is there to protect those – a minority – who might be unfairly abused by the majority .  That something is decided by a “majority” vote is absolutely meaningless in of itself.  

          • Brad Garf June 28, 2024 (4:59 pm)

            I have some devastating news for you, then…

          • Lagartija Nick June 28, 2024 (6:54 pm)

            Good grief, Scarlett, this is your most specious argument yet. Yes, our Republican form of government was created to protect the political minority rights but it was not, does not, can not, and should not enable/allow minority rule. Voting for infrastructure is in no way an abuse of the political minority. 

        • LiouxLioux June 28, 2024 (9:28 pm)

          Ya mean like we did for the monorail expansion? Still have my ticket for it’s grand opening.

        • West Marge June 29, 2024 (12:50 am)

          Brad. Honey. This light rail package that many voted for in 2016, included a no build option which has not received the glossy packaging the light rail has received. Let’s ponder why that might be, shall we? 

      • Mike June 28, 2024 (2:47 pm)

        Why not both? Why is the argument always light rail vs expanded bus service? We should be investing in both to have a system that benefits everyone and not only the almighty automobile. The whole point of this rally is to get these businesses the finances we need to relocate, not to argue about transit solutions.

        • K June 30, 2024 (10:31 am)

          Replacing some bus trips with the light rail will alleviate some of the train on Metro’s staffing and open resources to bring buses back into neighborhoods whose service has been cut back in the past (Arbor Heights, Admiral).  That’s the hope, anyway, as long as the driver shortage doesn’t get worse.

      • Bbron June 28, 2024 (5:27 pm)

        If the bus service was to expand, how do you balance the idea of it being “clean” when brake and tire pollution are immensely impactful especially to keystone aquatic species like salmon?

      • Delphoxy June 28, 2024 (6:55 pm)

        Expanding bus service won’t solve any long-term problems. It’ll just be a repeat of what we already have now. Busses  stuck in traffic and bunching together. A better solution would be to build on the existing right away. ( On , over the top of, or underneath some existing streets. Which would result in a lot less displacement. ) 

    • Alki resident June 28, 2024 (2:33 pm)

      You hope they’re saving? People are barely making it. What will saving do if there’s nothing remotely affordable as the place they’re in? West Seattle does NOT need light rail. The busses aren’t even full not to mention it’s only going to SODO. 

      • JDB June 28, 2024 (3:53 pm)

        I really wish you would use your energy to fundraise for the impacted businesses. You seem to be really well-connected to West Seattle and would be a great candidate for helping these businesses find new locations. The Light Rail is coming, so we should ensure those businesses are well-funded to move instead of making unproductive comments online.

        • Alki resident June 28, 2024 (9:22 pm)

          JDB I won’t be supporting the rail therefore won’t be “ fundraising “ to support the Sound Transit mess. Perhaps you can volunteer your services to those businesses. 

          • JDB June 29, 2024 (10:51 am)

            So your argument is “I don’t support the light rail so I’m not supporting the businesses who will inevitably be impacted,” am I reading that correctly? You’re such a great neighbor, Alki Res.

      • Arbor Heights Resident June 28, 2024 (4:38 pm)

        West Seattle voted for light rail, and we’re getting it. Those who want us to remain forever cut off from the regional transit network are a loud minority who won’t get their way.

        • West Marge June 29, 2024 (12:55 am)

          Your argument would be healthier if you lived in the impact zone of this build. Arbour Heights? Really? Us poor, service class folks are feeling a little different 

          • Arbor Heights Resident June 30, 2024 (8:26 am)

            West Marge, yes, the link will benefit tens of thousands of people from all across the peninsula, not just its immediate area. Light rail taking over from buses on the busiest transit routes will allow King County Metro to shift resources around, including to neighborhoods like Arbor Heights with really bad bus service. And of course there’s the eventual plan to extend the line further into West Seattle, maybe to White Center and Burien, which will never happen if NIMBYs get their way.

      • Bbron June 28, 2024 (5:23 pm)

        “The busses aren’t even full” looks like someone doesn’t ride the bus at all. I frequent the C, H, 60, 21, 22, 128, and 50 and each route has had consistently full buses during operation. It’s especially often on the rapid rides. You can have your opinions on the light rail, but don’t try to create a false narrative about low bus usage.

        • Alki resident June 28, 2024 (9:20 pm)

          Funny you think only you know what you’re talking about. My long time friend is a Metro driver whose route is in West Seattle. He adamantly claims the buses are not full. As much as I’m in my car as well, I never see a full bus so speak for yourself. 

          • Pete June 28, 2024 (9:45 pm)

            I take the H line home every day. It’s absolutely packed, what in earth are you on about? 

          • CAM June 30, 2024 (3:54 pm)

            AR – you do know that anecdotal evidence isn’t actually factual proof of something right? Unless you observe every bus coming and going from WS and your friend drives all those buses 24 hours per day those observations amount to nothing. But if that’s the game we’re playing, I’m regularly on buses that are standing room only. If your argument is that ridership has declined/not fully rebounded yet, then sure. I no longer have to wait 3 buses to be able to get on one or take a bus to the wrong place because all my buses are full to be able to get home in a reasonable amount of time. That likely has something to do with 1) the continuing recovery from COVID, 2) the consistent unreliability of buses right now (due to driver shortages and maintenance issues) and people opting out, and 3) people having more flexible schedules so not all riding the bus at the same time. None of those is an argument against light rail. 

        • Scarlett June 28, 2024 (10:20 pm)

          Adding a few more buses to the streets doesn’t require evicting people from their businesses and homes.  

          • Bbron June 29, 2024 (1:48 am)

            how many more buses would be needed to fill growing need? i don’t think you literally mean a few. how much more infrastructure would be needed to support those buses? the south maintenance facility could have additional space now, but how much until it would need to be expanded or another built? if we knew how many more buses we’d be getting, we could both more accurately imagine what’ll happen when there’s a future ice storm the fleet has to be parked somewhere. you’d also need more bus drivers, so could there be a point where you’d need an additional training facility, too? and this is all without mentioning that they take up a lot of room on streets which, like everything else, doesn’t have infinite capacity, so i’d like to get a more accurate estimate of bus amount if we’re gonna workshop it here.

          • K June 29, 2024 (8:53 am)

            Arguments for more buses show a complete disconnect from reality.  The extra buses may not require dislocating businesses, but they do require DRIVERS.  Metro is reducing service because they don’t have enough drivers.  They have major staffing issues, and are not projected to be flush enough with drivers to restore service to pre-pandemic levels any time soon, let alone have enough extra drivers to make the expansion of bus service required to replace the need for a light rail.  Jesus, you might as well pop into a forum about Vashon commuting and recommend they get another ferry.

      • MovedfromDelridge June 28, 2024 (8:13 pm)

        No, it’s not “only going to SODO”. Stop spreading misinformation.

    • Westseattle123 June 28, 2024 (4:13 pm)

      100% agree with you Jake! Light rail will happen and businesses need the right support/assistance! Can’t wait to level up our public transport!!

  • C June 28, 2024 (1:32 pm)

    Appreciate these businesses focusing energy on how to successfully navigate a tricky situation rather than impede the rail’s construction. 

  • Niko June 28, 2024 (2:41 pm)

    Just defund sound transit and this whole project put the money into increased bus service as time goes by we can move to green energy buses that are much more reliable

  • Marston Gould June 28, 2024 (2:59 pm)

    If West Seattlites do not want the light rail, I say don’t let them have it. What happens to those businesses in 10-15 years if WS is left out of system? Let them rely on the bridge.

    • Arbor Heights Resident June 28, 2024 (4:42 pm)

      We do want light rail- even these business owners who will be negatively impacted by construction say they want it. This is just to raise money to help with relocation. 

  • Ant June 28, 2024 (3:04 pm)

    Just to be clear we are talking about stopping progress on a multi million dollar project because of a gym. Is this an Onion article? 

    • BlairJ June 28, 2024 (6:05 pm)

      No, this rally is NOT about stopping progress on light rail.  As it says in the article, it is “to ensure that they get the funding and assistance needed to successfully reopen their businesses in a new location should light rail be approved in the near future.

    • Rusty June 28, 2024 (8:06 pm)

      If you actually read, or know/actually live in the area, it’s 60+ businesses and literally every business in north Delridge outside of the steel plant that will be displaced.It’s raising awareness for relocation options which a lot of the local community supports as well as assuring they get proper funding for relocation which the buyout tends to be a fraction of the actual cost needed. The city is choosing to buy out businesses because it’s easier than dealing with multiple landowners.Whatever your favorite restaurant or business that you frequent, name it and then when the city wants to demolish it have others say “who cares” and see how you feel. 

  • WS Girl June 28, 2024 (5:23 pm)

     I think often about the impacts of light rail on the west Seattle community. I think the light rail should follow along the north side West Seattle freeway with a station for Delridge on the north side of the bridge west of Chelans. The next station could be at 35th SW and SW Avalon with a parking garage for those folks using light rail or an expanded area for metro transit.  I don’t oppose it, but it is such a large infrastructure that I feel it should stay along a transportation corridor. If it was placed at these locations the property is all right of way , so there would be minimal displacement and impacts to the environment, businesses and the local community.

    • my two cents June 28, 2024 (8:04 pm)

      couple of mitigating factors – coordination/approval from the railroad owner and Port of Seattle for parts of the proposed path … constructing a parking garage will be another substantial cost. Additionally would have to acquire the property  (approximately 300 square feet per vehicle x 100 cars = 30,0000 square feet which is the equivalent to a square 175 feet per side). For comparison, Mercer Island Park and Ride Lot which is not a garage can have 447 cars parked, so for West Seattle location you will have to build multi-level which significantly adds to the overall cost. Note that Mercer Island has approximately 20,000 residents (plus Eastsiders using the lot) compared to the 60,000+ in West Seattle – which I would speculate will add to the size/capacity of any West Seattle parking lot/garage.

  • Gary Richardson June 28, 2024 (8:05 pm)

    It seems like there might be a risk from relocating. Sometimes the moving makes staying alive worse. What I don’t see offered is a mobile trailer with a temporary tent that can be placed on government property such as the underutilized riverside park near the lower bridge or at least adjacent to this location.While temporarily relocated the rent should be free to make up for the costs associated disconnected customers, moving expenses, and time to overhaul hidden impacts to the disrupted business plan.Sometimes governments make it harder than it should be and instead treat the displacement not much different than when a mobile carnival comes to a neighborhood for a local event.If you notice, it doesn’t take much to part the seas when an event can boost business in a local community.It’s a no brainer and examples of it’s success can be seen where businesses have setup temporary shelter to keep things rolling 365 days a year.One last point, any disruption needs to be replaced with an upgrade to do right by those affected as if it were your business.

    • ZY June 29, 2024 (4:20 am)

      You can’t have a rock venue and a music school and restaurants which legally require bathrooms operating out of a tent. Sound transit should have picked a better location for their station. They’re demolishing the only reasons anyone would go to that neighborhood, building a train to nowhere. There is a strip mall with chain stores just one block away and a crackhouse across the street, either one of those would have made for a better location for the new light rail station. This is a completely brainless move by Sound Transit and the City of Seattle.

      • Avalonian June 29, 2024 (5:08 pm)

        This has always been my question for the designs on the table, too. If they take the heart out of the neighborhoods that the first 2 stops are supposed to service…Who is this for?I hope these businesses not only get better help relocating, but with also get help with a long term plan to RETURN to the area.Since the rail would not reach most of West Seattle, I worry this will turn the streets of these lovely established neighborhoods into an unofficial park n’ ride area, that has a few chain fast food joints near the stations.Hopefully not. But..😬

  • ZY June 29, 2024 (4:17 am)

    It’s nuts that there is literally a crack house on the opposite side of the street but Sound Transit decided not to demolish that because “muh low income housing” so instead they choose to demolish these businesses, one of which is a legendary venue and two of which require soundproofing and noise permitting which make them notoriously difficult types of businesses to move. It’s noble of these businesses to accept the light rail and ask only for financial support.

    • D-Ridge June 30, 2024 (9:35 am)

      The red house is most definitely getting demolished, it’s right in the path of the guideway in every alternative.

  • Hummer June 29, 2024 (7:59 am)

    ST WSLE light rail = the loss of 60+ businesses (residences not included) and 6-8 years of this.  

    • Derek June 29, 2024 (6:09 pm)

      This looks nice. Also the thing you have pictured took nowhere close to 6-8 years.  Now do 520, WSB, Viaduct, 405 expansions and the businesses and homes destroyed. I’ll wait.

      • K June 30, 2024 (10:26 am)

        Here’s one of some land they cleared to build I-5.  Just a small segment, too.  All of that area had homes and businesses before the freeway came through.  There is no displacement-free transportation option, but cars are definitely the worst.  

    • D-Ridge June 30, 2024 (9:38 am)

      Ah yes, because stations just stay perpetually under construction and never end up looking this at the end:

      • NIMBY YIMBY July 1, 2024 (11:55 am)

        Thank you.Evidence does a lot to get the frothing, intransigent nattering naybobs of negativity running for cover.  YES, stations’ construction is completed, and YES, taxpaying, employed Americans get from A to B, since there’s an overwhelming desire to restrict vehicles and the parking of them.They want it both ways:  no cars, but no light rail, either——-at least not at a location that is causing mass hysteria.There is no convenient location for this.  Someone, somewhere, will be impacted negatively.  Trying to keep everyone happy is a Fool’s Errand.

  • Bus Rider June 29, 2024 (8:30 am)

    Sound Transit plans to bulldoze 70 businesses and up to 1000 residences in West Seattle to make room light rail.   Does it make sense to destroy our entire community in order to “serve” it?   Sound Transit  relocation compensation covers only a percentage of the cost of moving.  And there is NOWHERE nearby to move.   When Sound Transit “claims” these businesses, 500 West Seattle jobs will disappear.  After they gut West Seattle, who will be left to ride their train?

    • K June 29, 2024 (4:09 pm)

      There are lots of commercial spaces for rent throughout West Seattle.  In the Admiral District, South Delridge/White Center, and even some in the Junction.  How about focusing on getting the businesses what they need to relocate, so they can keep their businesses going and enjoy the influx of customers coming to the peninsula.  You can’t be pro-business and also anti-mass transit or anti-development.  Businesses need customers even more than real estate to survive.

    • Arbor Heights Resident June 29, 2024 (5:08 pm)

      “Destroy our entire community”? What on earth are you talking about? This is why nobody takes the anti-transit people seriously. 

  • Nimby Yimby June 29, 2024 (10:01 am)

    Hmmmm……Very curious indeed, Alice.Lots of (a veritable plethora of) NIMBY stuff going on, but thus far, I’ve not read anything from any of them that includes a viable alternative that won’t impact someone or something.    No matter where tracks finally get laid (a suggestion, I think, that might help some people…..), someone or something is going to be impacted.  A good use of time and space at this rally would be the presentation by the NIMBYs of where the light rail station should be located instead.  What do they think would be a better alternative?   We’re all adults; if you’re coming to a problem, bring a solution——not just a ‘NO!’   I personally would like to see the tracks run parallel to Beach Drive Southwest, and not on the sand side…..that’s my alternative.

    • Scarlett June 29, 2024 (3:16 pm)

      The alternative?  Kill it.  And on the tombstone write something akin to: “Here lies good intentions spoiled by bad information.”

    • Hummer June 30, 2024 (8:00 am)

      Clarification to the references above. These people are not anti-transit or NIMBY’s. They are pro-mass transit or what you might call BIMBYs (Buses In My Backyard). There are ways to improve our existing transit, and it’s not light rail. Sound Transit can use ST3 money to enhance what we currently have without people losing their businesses, homes, or jobs with little environmental impact. It’s called the “No Build” clause. “No Build does not mean do nothing, it helps us build something better. It can use the ST3 project monies to take advantage of our current bus system by increasing the number of buses,  bus services,  routes, etc. Here’s how we do it. West Seattle by Bus instead of Light Rail west-Seattle-by-bus-instead-of-light-rail

      • K June 30, 2024 (10:24 am)

        There’s a driver shortage.  Throwing money at police didn’t solve their staffing issues, why do you think a temporary reallocation of ST3 funds to Metro (which isn’t even legal, but let’s roll with it for the sake of argument) would solve their staffing issues so buses can magically appear in place of the light rail?  Add a realistic staffing plan to your website and try again.  Buses don’t drive themselves.

  • Scarlett June 30, 2024 (9:30 am)

    The defense of this ludicrous light rail extension gets more desperate by the day.  It is a billion dollar boondogle that will have negligible net benefit for West Seattle in terms of increasing access to public transportation or decreasing traffic congestion, on top of creating hardships for some of our neighbors.    

  • Scarlett June 30, 2024 (1:16 pm)

    Now bus drivers are the problem to our public transportation woes?  So, we are forced to invest in a billion dollar project that is environmentally damaging and with displace our neighbors for light rail that has been proven in other cities to be cost-ineffective and incapable of moving substantial numbers of people from point A to point B?  Come on. 

    Next time you are in Los Angeles, take the gold plated, spiffy light rail line from Pasadena out to the sprawling, non-stop cities that go on and on and on through San Gabriel valley.  Trust me, you’ll have the entire train largely to yourself, at any time of the day.   What is the estimated cost per rider?  Around $200 according to 2023 statistics. Next time you’re in Sacramento, take the RT line.  Again, you’ll have plenty o seats to choose from.   In Dec 2023 Sacramento bus ridership dwarfed light rail ridership by a margin of 10:1.  

    Do I need to go on?  In terms of providing a cost effective mass transit solution in American cities, light rail has been a flop.  If there ever was a time to consider light rail as an option, it’s far, far too late now. 

  • Scarlett June 30, 2024 (8:54 pm)

    It is heartening to see more commenters, including pro-transit and pro-density types like myself,  finally begin to push back on the unrealistic assumptions and unrealistic projections used to sell this light rail segment.  Now with a better understanding of the lives and businesses that will be effected and the cost is more brutally “tangible,” I would appeal to everyone to plumb their conscience and ask themselves if this is really the right course of action.   

    • Yes, it is July 1, 2024 (7:19 am)

      The light rail will improve my life massively. It’s going to save me so much time and money. My disability makes it impossible for me to drive and I am so excited that we’re finally getting light rail in West Seattle. It’s sooo worth it! You have no idea how much it will change my life. I will be able to get doctor’s appointments faster. No more cabs for the airport. It’ll be easier to visit friends. It’s totally worth it, Scarlet. 

    • Bus Rider July 1, 2024 (7:56 am)


    • NIMBY YIMBY July 1, 2024 (11:57 am)

      This is the right course of action.  Thank you for asking.

  • Canton July 1, 2024 (6:36 am)

    Instead of rail, maybe make Cali Ave a runway?… Then we could ride a 737 to Boeing field, and transfer planes to final destination? I mean, 2 miles is a incredible distance to traverse…

  • Marfaun July 1, 2024 (12:20 pm)

    Let’s be clear:   the 2016 ST3 that voters approved is not what Sound Transit is building (see Urbanist article).  Why is nobody discussing WSBLE’s 3 million ton carbon footprint (and 614,000 ton WS carbon), plus pollution & carbon from 5-8 years of traffic congestion during build-out that ST hasn’t calculated? Light rail use will not mitigate that for 200 years.   Where’s the discussion of bulldozing 6 acres of forests between Ballard & WS, with more than 3 acres alone in WS, causing “irreparable” damage to habitats (ST’s word)?  Basically, ST is helping prevent Seattle from achieving its 2050 carbon neutrality and tree canopy goals.  Yawn?  And let’s not forget housing advocates cheering as ST bulldozes dozens of acres of usable urban land that’ll now be  rail bed instead of affordable housing?  Do environmental health, green space and the economy matter, or not?  Yawn…

  • Niko July 2, 2024 (1:41 pm)

    As a long-time resident of Rainier Beach, I was appalled and angry about light rail before, during and after its construction. More redlining, more surface grade, many small, minority-owned businesses relocated or closed – it all seemed unfair compared to the rest of the 1-Line plans. The closure of the bus line which ran right in front of my house, long before construction was finished,  was nearly the final straw for me. Then the following years of dealing with construction, and having to wait for the light rail trains to pass while crossing MLK,  in my single occupant car, multiple times a day. But you what? 15 years later, IMHO it’s one of the best things that ever happened in my neighborhood. Sure, MLK was an eyesore and still is, but light rail brought a lot more affordable, dense housing along that corridor, and with that the people who needed a comprehensive public transit system. Now, as a retiree, I love being able to take a MetroLink ride to the Othello or Rainier Beach Light Rail station, use light rail to quickly get to the airport, or even taking it to Westlake to connect with the Monorail to get to Seattle Center, roundtrip,  for under $4 with my Orca card!  No more having to pay absurd parking fees for Seattle Center or SoDo events! As far as safety, every light rail ride I’ve taken so far has been at least 10x safer than *any* Route 7 Bus I took in the past. Honestly, I can’t wait for the connection to the Eastside line and Line 1 expansions to the north and south. West Seattle, don’t fear this change. You got ripped off with the monorail measure, but your time for better transit  has come.

    • Scarlett July 2, 2024 (9:21 pm)

      With all due respect, Niko, one upbeat anecdote – or a hundred – doesn’t cover the sins of a system that will not deliver a mass transit solution to West Seattle or will likely reduce transit options.   What percentage of residents who live densely populated corridors rely on light rail on a regular basis?  I would suspect that number is rather low, honestly. 

      Let me give you my anecdote.  I used to take the the 71X Express bus between the UW and downtown Seattle, via I-5. It was a quick, easy and buses were always full.  With the advent of the U Station,  these routes were drastically pruned back, taking riders only as far as the UW station, where they would have to take light rail for the rest of the trip.  Rather than go through all that, I was resigned to a long, meandering non-express 70 between the UW and downtown.   The express bus routes that served riders efficiently for years were now deemed “redundant.”  Oh, the irony.   

      I’m happy that you’re enjoying your retired life,  even light rail, but I’m not exactly sure if your comment is an argument against or for bus transit because every trip you mention can be taken, or be potentially taken, on bus transit – without a couple billion dollar in capital infrastructure costs.  For every rider on light rail there are many more will not have access to a station (outside of a certain radius) without involving another trip on public transportation to get there, or god forbid, involving a car.  Light rail will eventually “plateau” in its ability to attract riders because of this and it certainly will not come anywhere close to keeping up with increasing population.  Bus transit is more capable of canvasing neighborhoods without any of these additional trip segments. 

      By the way, this has zero to do with fearing change, this is making best guess projections  into the future based on what we know today.  

  • Sona July 4, 2024 (2:45 pm)

    I take time to read the Blog’s reader comments to get a sense of the overall thought process. I remember when we only had the lower bridge in early 1980’s, and the boom that took place after the second bridge was built. The real estate market went crazy; West Seattle stopped being a sleepy small town. New restaurants and businesses opened. Suddenly, we became a desired place to live for all ages. The disruption to build the second bridge in comparison to suggested LR project is nothing. The project started in 1981 and delivered in 1984.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Seattle_BridgeThere is no such “happy ending” for LR project. It’s incredibly expensive with an estimated lead time of 6-8 years … and it’s only a starter project that will serve a very small sector of WS. During construction years, the real estate market will be flat and property values will be down and rental markets will suffer. In addition it’s hard to predict the impact of what AI will bring to our doorstep. I think some people are in fantasy land. This project has a very long lead time and the impact/disruption to daily life is going to be painful.

Sorry, comment time is over.