12:10 PM: While awaiting the next major step toward Sound Transit‘s West Seattle light-rail extension, the release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement – due sometime this summer – businesses in the project’s path continue their awareness/support campaign. We just got this announcement this morning:
Rally For Relocation
Rally in Support of West Seattle Businesses Facing Relocation
July 11th | 4 pm-7 pm
At Ounces Taproom & Beer Garden and Skylark CaféJoin us for a rally in support of Ounces, Skylark, Mode, Alki Beach Academy, West Seattle Health Club & 60+ local businesses facing relocation as a result of light rail to our community. This rally is NOT about light rail, but instead about supporting those local businesses that face relocation as a result –– to ensure that they get the funding and assistance needed to successfully reopen their businesses in a new location should light rail be approved in the near future. Bring your family, friends & neighbors to stand with these businesses! Together, let’s walk Skylark to Delridge Deli Mart (and back) – all in support of local business! Then stick around for food, beer & community at Ounces & Skylark!
Skylark and Ounces are both on the west side of the 3800 block of Delridge Way SW. Meantime, we’re checking back with Sound Transit to see if there’s any new information on the FEIS timetable; after it’s released, the next step would be for the ST Board to take a final vote on routing and station locations. Construction is currently projected to start in 2027, with the line opening toward the end of 2032.
1:23 PM: ST’s Rachelle Cunningham replied to our inquiries, saying the FEIS release is “getting close, but there isn’t a publication date yet.” Also – a separate community group had said that ST Board Chair and King County Executive Dow Constantine was championing their request for a community forum for West Seattle; Cunningham says about that, “The team is working on scheduling some upcoming engagement, but there aren’t any specifics to share yet.”