TRAFFIC ALERT: Watch for street-painting crews

TUESDAY REPORT: Seen in The Junction today – SDOT crews repainting road markings. Warmer weather this time of year tends to launch a lot of work like this that couldn’t be done during the cold, rainy season, so be extra watchful, and be aware you may need a few extra minutes to get where you’re going.

ADDED WEDNESDAY: We asked SDOT for some context. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson replied:

Each year, we repaint over 1,500 crosswalks across Seattle to keep markings bright and visible. This work requires dry weather, and so as you guessed the spring and summer is re-painting season. This is made possible thanks to funding from the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle.

This year, we’re repainting about 160 crosswalks in Seattle City Council District 1. Our signs and markings crew have already completed roughly 125 of these crosswalks, and have about 35 crosswalks left to paint.

17 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Watch for street-painting crews"

  • Millie May 9, 2023 (1:25 pm)

    How about repairing the roads first (potholes, new asphalt, etc.) before stripping/painting?    My guess would be more of us would be happy and grateful.   Just a thought!

    • Mr J May 9, 2023 (2:27 pm)

      How much more are you willing to spend for that? Replacing roads comes at a big cost. Patching roads starts this time of year see above (Warmer weather this time of year tends to launch a lot of work like this that couldn’t be done during the cold) so a lot of those pot holes will get fixed. The City is pretty responsive with Find it Fix it too. You can also speak at Council Meetings and write SDOT if you have suggestions. 

  • Wendell May 9, 2023 (1:55 pm)

    Lipstick on a pig?

  • snowskier May 9, 2023 (3:20 pm)

    How about stopping the addition of speed bumps on arterials and spending the funds to fill the existing holes and cracks??  You know, basic maintenance.

    • WestSeattleBadTakes May 10, 2023 (7:44 am)

      People live on many of those arterials now. When that happens these arterials become streets, not roads. As a result, they will be made safer for people.

      That may initially be speed bumps until the street is redesigned.

      If people showed a little more self-control on these streets, we wouldn’t need the speed bumps.

      • snowskier May 10, 2023 (9:11 am)

        I know.  I live on one of those streets and hate driving around the cracks and potholes before I hit the new bumps that were installed.  BTW, people have always lived on those arterials.

        • WestSeattleBadTakes May 10, 2023 (2:19 pm)

          Places change over time. Density is up and so is the traffic calming.

  • Millie May 9, 2023 (3:20 pm)

    In answer to Mr J, I am not requesting new asphalt, merely using an example that before  using SDOT staff to paint, perhaps, road repairs first would be useful.   An example – would you paint your house before repairing obvious problems???   I’m aware of Council Meetings……..  Thank you for your comment.

    • Jim May 9, 2023 (3:58 pm)

      The example I often like to use with the way the city spends money is that they’re looking at tile for the bathroom while there is a hole in the roof

  • WSDAD May 9, 2023 (4:00 pm)

    Finally, I can see the roads at night again. Hopefully they can repaint all the main arteries in West Seattle. Much needed improvement. 

  • Crystal May 9, 2023 (6:16 pm)

    I’ve been waiting almost 20 years for the pot hole to me fixed on Henderson.  Have use find-it, fix it app multiple times called the city road repair and spoke live with multiple people in the department.  It has yet to be fixed. So I do not believe they are responsive 

  • Crystal May 9, 2023 (6:20 pm)

    I’ve been waiting almost 20 years for the pot hole to me fixed on Henderson.  Have use find-it, fix it app multiple times called the city road repair and spoke live with multiple people in the department.  It has yet to be fixed. So I do not believe they are responsive.

  • morealex May 9, 2023 (7:17 pm)

    As painted lane lines on streets get older and more faint, they become difficult to see and are less useful as a visual boundary marker, or as directionals (i.e. the Right or Left Turn Only curved arrows). If it’s after dark and also really wet out, then these things become really tough to see. If you’re familiar with the street and the area, you’re fine, but for those unfamiliar, keeping them fresh and bold is a good and safe thing, IMO.

  • Josh May 10, 2023 (12:04 am)

    I am always impressed with the way the commenters on this blog can take the most banal, helpful, non controversial posts on here and find a way to be truly aggrieved about it. 

    • WS Res May 10, 2023 (6:51 am)

      This post was a particularly impressive example of the genre, I must say.

  • Dooh May 10, 2023 (8:28 am)

    Yes,  it is really getting old having to listen to people complain daily about every post about the city or state.  If you don’t like it,  Vote.Almost enough to quit ready the blog.  Come on people,  aren’t you better than that.  

    • WSB May 10, 2023 (2:32 pm)

      WSB can be read without seeing a single comment. Laptop/desktop view doesn’t show them unless you specifically click the “comments” link – the full story shows in the stream. Only exception is the stories we jump, and that’s maybe two or three a week, out of 80+.

Sorry, comment time is over.