PHOTOS: Northern Lights, visible from West Seattle!

11:37 PM: On Twitter, some are reporting an aurora (Northern Lights) view – looking north from Alki, for example – so we thought we’d share the alert.

That was tweeted by @Ben_Wooley from the beach near Alki Bathhouse a short time ago. (added) And from @MoogleChemist in Seaview:

(added) Another photo from Alki, by Jon McAllister:

Here are Alice Enevoldsen‘s tips on aurora-viewing from Seattle.

2:20 PM: Another to add, sent by Ryan Bruels, from Alki:

Thanks to everyone who sent photos! And to Lara G, who provided the first heads-up via Twitter.

11 Replies to "PHOTOS: Northern Lights, visible from West Seattle!"

  • Hapachik March 24, 2023 (12:38 am)

    From Alki Beach 

  • Hapachik March 24, 2023 (12:40 am)

    STEVE was out for a long time as well! 

    • V March 24, 2023 (9:40 am)

      wow! no way! ugh, it was so cold and i was so tired! i have yet to see it from our shorelines with my naked eye. 

      • Hapachik March 24, 2023 (10:59 am)

        It was only visible to the naked eye for a few seconds and you have to know what to look for cause it doesn’t look like the bright green you expect (not with all this light pollution). It looks like a faint gray, very slightly greenish funny looking cloud.  Once you have seen it, you’ll get better at spotting it.  The camera picks up the color better especially with long exposure.  But STEVE was visible for a long time with the naked eye.   It’s always so hard to get bundled up and drive some place dark to maybe catch a glimpse but once you see it, it’s addictive! 🤣

        • v March 24, 2023 (1:02 pm)

          Oh, I’ve been hoping to see it with my eyes out here. I’ve seen it before in other countries and yes it is addictive, but now that I have a pup it’s hard to go chasing. Caught one last summer at Rainier post Milky Way shooting by accident and definitely not visible to the eye. Wish it was because shows are so spectacular if you can!

        • MysTuri March 26, 2023 (2:56 am)

          What is STEVE?

  • Rob March 24, 2023 (7:13 am)

    This is so cool!!!

  • NativetoSeattle March 24, 2023 (7:14 am)

    Beautiful. I thought the sky looked different last night around 8:30 as I was driving home, but I didn’t go out later to look. What a sight to be able to see!

  • Burgerman March 24, 2023 (4:19 pm)

    These are amazing! Man, I wish I’d know about it when it was happening. Are they expected again tonight?

    Edit: never mind, I looked at the link in the article. Lol

    • EJ March 24, 2023 (6:22 pm)

      I use the My Aurora Forecast app and it works great. Of course I dismissed the crazy alerts because it looked so cloudy. Maybe one day I’ll learn my lesson 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • Monica Z March 24, 2023 (6:42 pm)

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