Ice and snow didn’t stop the volunteer bakers of West Seattle this holiday season! The photo above is from Ross at West Seattle Coworking, where homemade cookies for The Christmas People were dropped off and packaged during a few days just before Christmas. He reports, “This year we had the goal to collect and distribute 7,000 cookies.The first day we only had about 1,000 cookies. The second day was the great freeze and we only had 2 donors (understandably). Luckily the good-hearted West Seattle community showed up at the very last day and, in what feels like a Christmas miracle, we were able to collect and distribute an additional 5k cookies for a grand total of ~6,000 cookies. All those bakers, and volunteers made a difference for thousands of less fortunate in our area.”

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE HOLIDAY FOOTNOTE: The cookie miracle"

  • Jill January 14, 2023 (7:50 pm)

    Thanks for reporting on this! I finally contributed a few dozen this year after a few years of wanting to but not making it happen. 

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