SKYWATCHING: How – and where – to see Comet ZTF from West Seattle tonight

2:07 PM: Late last night, the sky cleared and Comet ZTF (its abbreviated name) was visible from West Seattle. Expert skywatcher/educator Alice Enevoldsen tweeted about it, including photos:

Today, Alice says things are looking good for tonight – but you’ll need binoculars and something to steady yourself against, like a railing or tripod. In this tweet, she explains that “it will still be neatly between Polaris and the cup of the Big Dipper, so scan from the North Star (Polaris) slowly towards the Big Dipper.” Here’s a link she suggests for more info on how to find it; here’s what says about it, including some backstory.

9:08 PM: Alice is working on a pop-up comet-viewing opportunity for later tonight. We’ll add the info here as soon as she decides (or you can follow her on Twitter, where she’ll announce it).

9:52 PM: Alice is at Alki Playfield near Alki Elementary.

4 Replies to "SKYWATCHING: How - and where - to see Comet ZTF from West Seattle tonight"

  • Cosmic January 29, 2023 (11:58 pm)

    I am able to see it from my north facing window! Turned the lights off in the house and used binoculars. If you find the point of the Big Dipper that lines up with Polaris, at about the halfway point between the two scan down slightly and it will be there forming a triangle between them all. 

  • ohspeed1 January 30, 2023 (10:41 am)

    What direction/part of the Sky should I be looking at to see the Green Comet?  peace b .

  • ohspeed1 January 30, 2023 (11:06 am)

    Awesome sauce for the help!  I have  a pretty nice telescope, so maybe I can grab a picture or two.    Thanks again!   peace b.

  • Kim January 31, 2023 (10:09 pm)

    Will we be able to see it tomorrow night, also?

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