CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Post-burglary repairs under way at Menashe & Sons Jewelers

There’s a sidewalk detour in front of Menashe & Sons Jewelers in The Junction as repair crews work to fix the damage done by would-be crash-and-grab burglars early Saturday (previous WSB coverage here).

We say “would-be” because the Menashes told us today that the burglars did not succeed in getting inside, though as we reported Saturday, video shows them making three tries – two rounds of ramming a pickup truck into the front of the store, one attempt at smashing the storefront with a mallet. It’s expected to take about a week to fix the damage, but in the meantime, the shop is open, 11 am-4 pm daily – just go around back to the alley door and ring the bell. And if you have any information on the break-in attempt, the SPD case number for reference is 22-342460.

14 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Post-burglary repairs under way at Menashe & Sons Jewelers"

  • WW Resident December 27, 2022 (2:06 pm)

    An unfortunate world we live in, but to all these businesses, putting some type of ecology blocks or something similar like large planters designed to be car smashing deterrents would most likely help with this ever growing BS issue

    • Mr J December 27, 2022 (4:09 pm)

      Those eco-blocks are illegal and a hazard. When businesses in SODO first stated do this several people smashed into them. Throwing a little paint on them helps but it’s still illegal. Maybe we could divert some of that extra police money to retrofitting small business shops that are more prone to this sort of thing. Whatever the Menaches have installed seemed to work.

      • Jason December 28, 2022 (10:48 am)

        Metal bollards are used in most modern shopping centers to prevent cars from doing this. Target uses 2 ton red concrete balls in front of most of their stores for auto deterrents. I’m not sure how that would work on the public sidewalk though. 

      • Pdavis December 30, 2022 (9:25 am)

        Such a laugh:  diverting extra police money

  • Alki resident December 27, 2022 (3:17 pm)

    Please please get concrete blocks put out from so they can’t ram the building again. They can easily get a bigger truck to steal next time to ram it. 

    • Amy December 27, 2022 (4:25 pm)

      No thank you.

      • Alki resident December 27, 2022 (5:34 pm)

        Not asking you. This is happening everywhere and the only thing stopping vehicles from crashing and running is eco blocks. Businesses need to be protected. 

    • Alki Lifer December 27, 2022 (6:55 pm)

      Really.  (It’s not a question).

  • Scubafrog December 27, 2022 (3:50 pm)

    Menashe & Sons is fantastic, I had a wonderful experience there.  I’m really saddened by this attempted burglary.

  • Mj December 27, 2022 (5:53 pm)

    Mr J – maybe we could try catching, charging and sentencing these perps to a long time behind bars with work assignments to pay restitution to their victims.

    • Mr J December 27, 2022 (7:54 pm)

      Sure, we’ve been doing this lock them up and throw away the key nonsense for what 60+ years and it’s really working.  Let’s also toss in the 80% of homeowners that don’t shovel the ice off the sidewalks after a once in a generation ice storm. 

      • Byron James December 29, 2022 (7:51 pm)

        We’ve been catching, charging and sentencing rapists for even longer than that yet there are still rapists. Using your logic, we should stop doing that. 

  • WTF December 27, 2022 (6:54 pm)


  • C. Garcia December 28, 2022 (11:24 am)

    I grew up in west Seattle and have great memories from the Denny’s on California Ave, WSHS, and the small town that I remember. What happened to the police that were always present in the area? 

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