WEST SEATTLE ART: HPIC’s final pre-bridge-reopening A-boards

SW Holden, between 16th SW and Highland Park Way SW, just might be the West Seattle street most burdened by bridge-detour traffic these past 2 1/2 years. But a group of artists affiliated with the Highland Park Improvement Club (1116 SW Holden) chose to try to lighten the spirits of pass-through drivers and riders rather than resenting them, by installing roadside A-board art. Now – exactly two weeks before the bridge’s scheduled September 18th reopening – they’ve done it one more time. Here’s the announcement and photos:

we did a low key install this morning of our final set of A-frame reader signs before the High Bridge detour ends.

We have been consciously staying away from any bridge mentions during the hard times of the detour, but now we want to have a celebratory note on bridges and connections restored.

Highland Park poet Judith Camann penned our “Burma Shave” style message:

Life is a bridge
a Connection
Without taking sides.

The “B-sides” are drawings of some fantastical bridges, hiding the HPIC initials.

We have had a great time expressing for our neighbors hosting the detour traffic, and writing and painting together – and look forward to seeing you all down the road.

Kay Kirkpatrick
Monica Cavagnaro
Kelly Lyles
Judith Camann

If you missed the previous displays, here are some of the stories from our archives:
March 2022
April 2021
October 2020
August 2020

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE ART: HPIC's final pre-bridge-reopening A-boards"

  • Flivver September 4, 2022 (3:48 pm)

    With the bridge opening this route might be the sneaker route out of WS. Did i just let the cat out of the bag??  

    • WSB September 4, 2022 (4:26 pm)

      Of course it’s always been an option. But even if some people don’t return to the high bridge, we’re still going from 2 1/2 bridges to 4. (Plus the “drive around” option to, say, the Eastside.)

      • Flivver September 4, 2022 (5:44 pm)

        Was a bit in jest. However, I think that for people who live halfway between HP and the high bridge and took the high bridge may find HP is a viable-read faster route to I5 than before. In any case will be interesting to see what the traffic pattern is after opening. 

    • datamuse September 5, 2022 (1:30 pm)

      I mean, this is the way those of us who live here have always gone…

  • Jaye September 4, 2022 (5:33 pm)

    These A-boards – the art and the poem – are fantastic. They bring a smile to those passing through and pride to the Highland Park community. We love the creativity and the neighborhood spirit!

  • JustJedSaid September 4, 2022 (6:00 pm)

    Very nice. Thanks for your efforts. They are appreciated.

  • cjboffoli September 4, 2022 (6:11 pm)

    If only the distance between antisocial neighbors in West Seattle could be so easily bridged. But I guess people are often separated by less bridgeable things.

  • Midi September 4, 2022 (6:29 pm)

    I’ve loved these signs, a fun and simple connection within the community. Thank you to the people who have been doing them!

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