The coterie of artists and poets who have been creating signboard art installations along SW Holden by Highland Park Improvement Club [map] have done it again. They welcomed spring this morning by placing newly painted boards voicing hope – with the flip sides spelling HPIC via bird portraits:
The bird portraits were inspired by David Allen Sibley‘s book “What It’s Like to Be a Bird.” The creators are, from left below, Monica Cavagnaro (lead painter), Judith Camann (poet), Kay Kirkpatrick (themes), and Kelly Lyles (fonts):
Kirkpatrick says, “We just want people to have a good time while sitting in traffic.” The “hope” expressed by the boards this time has multiple meanings – including hope that the West Seattle Bridge will indeed reopen this year, removing some of the detour traffic that’s filled Holden, and hope of a rebirth for the fire-gutted HPIC building. (Next meeting about the rebuilding project is April 6th – watch HPIC’s website for details on that, as well as for word of a community cleanup on the citywide Day of Service April 23rd.)
P.S. It’s been more than a year and a half since the first HPIC streetside-art boards!