9:31 AM: 4th SW is blocked northbound at SW Roxbury/Olson because of a crash.
6:00 AM: Good morning. It’s Friday, September 30th.
Here’s the forecast – sunny after some possible patchy morning fog, breezy in the afternoon, high in the upper 60s.
Metro buses are on their regular schedules; watch @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations/reroute alerts.
No changes in ferries (check here for alerts/updates) or West Seattle Water Taxi service. WSF joins other services in free rides for youth starting Saturday.
TODAY: In South Park, a drainage project is closing S. Holden St. between W. Marginal Way S. and 5th Ave S. weekdays through October 14th.
THIS WEEKEND: WSDOT‘s “Revive I-5” work will close the southbound I-5 exit to the westbound West Seattle Bridge all weekend, starting at 7:30 tonight. Meantime, here’s SDOT’s weekend plan:
This weekend, we’re completing paving work as part of the Reconnect West Seattle program.
On Saturday and Sunday from 7 AM to 4 PM, we’re paving a section of Sylvan Way SW between SW Orchard St and SW Sylvan Heights Dr. Traffic will be maintained in both directions; however, please anticipate minor delays.
On Saturday, we’re replacing concrete panels at the intersection of 34th Ave SW and SW Barton St. We expect to start this work around 7 AM and conclude by 3 PM. On Sunday, we’ll have traffic control in place, so people do not drive on the new concrete panels while the concretes cures. Please navigate the area with caution.
On Saturday, from 7 AM to 4 PM, we’ll be installing a new crash cushion on SW Spokane St in the vicinity of 11th Ave SW that will impact the eastbound directions. We will be working on the eastern end of Harbor Island, where eastbound Spokane St splits into three ramp options. There will be a detour in place. Please anticipate delays while traveling in the area.
High Bridge – here’s the lone reactivated camera atop the span.

Low Bridge: Open to anyone who wants to use it.

1st Ave. S. Bridge: For those still finding it more convenient.

Highway 99: Whichever bridge you’re using to get to it, here’s a look at northbound traffic on 99 at Lander.

All currently functional city traffic cams can be seen here (new URL), many with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.
If you see trouble on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.
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