WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Drop-off recycling in Fauntleroy

No waiting in the lot at Fauntleroy Church when we went over to check on the early turnout at today’s Recycle Roundup. Just drive/ride/walk into the lot at 9140 California SW, and the crews from 1 Green Planet will assist you in getting your recyclables into one of their big green containers..

This is free (though you can donate to help them cover the costs if you want to). The list of what they’re accepting, and not accepting, this time is here.

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Drop-off recycling in Fauntleroy"

  • valvashon September 24, 2022 (11:46 am)

    If you have any small TV’s that you were planning on bringing- 19″ or
    smaller diagonal measure or smaller- I’ll take them for a project I’m
    working on.  Please don’t bring them to get recycled today, save them
    and I will come and pick them up, working or not.  Flat screen TV’s
    only, no computer monitors or CRT (tube, big, non flat)

  • Julie September 24, 2022 (12:45 pm)

     I just returned from dropping off items. The line was manageable and moved quickly; lots of staff available to help and it took no more than 6 minutes to get in and out of the parking lot.  Grateful to have an event like this in our neighborhood. 

  • WS Guy September 24, 2022 (6:48 pm)

    This was great.  Thank you Fauntleroy Church and 1 Green Up!!

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