SING! Endolyne Children’s Choir welcoming new members for 20th season

If you have a young singer in the household, West Seattle’s Endolyne Children’s Choir welcomes their participation this fall! Here’s the announcement:

Join us for Endolyne Children’s Choir’s 20th season! We’d love to sing with you.

Endolyne Children’s Choir is a secular, non-audition, community choir, open to any child in grades K-12 who loves to sing. We offer a safe, equitable, inclusive environment that supports children’s emotional, social, and musical development.

Rehearsals take place in the Admiral Junction at 3050 California Ave SW on Tuesdays starting September 6:

Debut Prep (grade K): 4:30-5:15
Debut (grades 1-2): 4:30-5:30

Encore (grades 3-6): 5:45-6:45

Advanced Ensemble (grades 6-12): 7:00-8:30

Registration ends August 29. Choose your tuition tier when registering. Discounted tuition and scholarships available to anyone. Register at

1 Reply to "SING! Endolyne Children's Choir welcoming new members for 20th season"

  • DRW August 22, 2022 (11:09 am)

    Cant wait to see them perform! Such a nice community project. Hats off to all involved!

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