FOLLOWUP: 1 more week for early closures at Alki Beach

(SPD car at Alki, early evening, May 27th)

Just in case you lost track – Labor Day is one week away. And that’s the date announced as the end of a second year of “piloting” early closures at Alki Beach Park (as well as Golden Gardens in the north). So we checked with Seattle Parks today to ask if that’s still the plan. Short answer: Yes. Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin confirmed to WSB that the city is “on track” to go back to 11:30 pm closures after Labor Day. The 10 pm closing time has been in place since Memorial Day weekend. Last year, Parks made the change in July after two notable incidents, a deadly shooting and a chaotic social-media-organized gathering that drew thousands. This year has been devoid so far of anything comparable, though ongoing complaints of street racing and other disorder have continued.

P.S. At the start of the season, Parks promised to evaluate the pilot, including community feedback. The survey they opened at the time appears to still be open.

4 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: 1 more week for early closures at Alki Beach"

  • tonenotvolume August 30, 2022 (12:32 am)

    My preference would be to maintain the early closing permanently. Also said so in the provided survey.

  • Alki Resident August 30, 2022 (8:50 am)

    The parks department and SPD did a great job over the summer. Hopefully I don’t jink it but it felt safe…locals and visitors just enjoying our beautiful area. It would be great to keep more of a presence (cops on bikes or walking that know the neighborhood would be awesome). 

  • Stevealki August 31, 2022 (11:08 am)

    This has been one of the most peaceful summers down here in years. 

  • Lori Boetel August 31, 2022 (3:37 pm)

    This is my first summer living on Harbor Ave and due to the loud street racing all night long and loud music coming from parked cars at Hamilton Point it will be my last.  It is really such a beautiful place and it is so sad that the noise goes on all night in a primarily residential location.

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