(Photo by David Dimmit, from Lincoln Park)
Here’s what’s up for the hours ahead:
ROAD-WORK REMINDERS: From SDOT, eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct, plus access to it and the Highway 99 loop ramp, is closed ~6 am-4:30 pm for pothole repair. And WSDOT continues its “Revive I-5” SB lane closures for expansion-joint work.
CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s list here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, find fresh food – produce, meat, fish, cheese, beverages, baked goods, and prepared food – and plants at the weekly WSFM. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: If the city opens wading pools today, the only one in West Seattle will be the one in central upper Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm.
COLMAN POOL: The outdoor pool on the Lincoln Park shore (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) is open noon-7 pm.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum< is open on Alki, and you can visit noon-4 pm, (61st/Stevens)
ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE: Weekly tours are back, as reported here. First tour at 1 pm, last at 3:45; here’s how it works.
MIKU, AND THE GODS. At 3 pm, it’s the closing performance at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), tickets available here. (Read our story about playwright Julia Izumi here.)
LIVE AT EASY STREET: The Darts and Sinister Six perform at 4:30 pm, free, all ages. (California/Alaska)
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
LIGHTS ON: Second night that Seattle Parks is turning on lights 8:30-11 pm at four local fields to discourage fireworks.
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event to list for our calendar? We update it daily – email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
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