Summer Fest Eve, West Seattle Art Walk, low-low tide, much more for your Thursday

Looking ahead to the rest of today/tonight – first, the spotlight event:

SUMMER FEST EVE: Streets close this afternoon in The Junction for West Seattle Summer Fest setup, starting with California SW north of Oregon around noon, which is why the No Parking signs are out. California between Oregon and Edmunds, and Alaska between 42nd and 44th, is then scheduled to close around 4 pm. As has become a tradition, you’re invited to come wander the streets and enjoy the evening. Look for The Whale Trail‘s table to get started on the festival’s orca activity. And, as noted in our previous preview, that includes the Junction venues participating in the West Seattle Art Walk, which is where our list for today/tonight continues:

JULY’S WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: That’s the venue list – not just businesses where you’ll find art and/or artists, but also food/drink specials for Art Walk participants. For previews and details, see the WSAW website. While The Junction has always been at the heart of Art Walk, you can enjoy art all over the peninsula, from Alki to Arbor heights, “5 pm until late.”

THE ART OF MUSIC: To complement the visual-art feast laid out across the Art Walk map, two live performances are planned tonight, both 6-7:40 pm – Naby Camera at KeyBank Plaza (California/Alaska) and Alyvia Miller at Welcome Road Winery in South Admiral:

Read more about tonight’s featured musicians – with links to video previews – by going here.

And all that is just pqrt of what’s up!

BLOCK DROP: As previewed here, you’re invited to participate in Block Drop mini-cleanups – today, equipment is available at 26th and Brandon until 5 pm

LOW-LOW TIDE: Today the tide is out to an ultra-low -4.0 feet again, at 11:55 am. Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out until 2 pm. (We have no update yet today on the water safety between Alki Point and Andover but we’re checking.)

WADING POOLS OPEN: Sunny and warm today, so the city will open the pools that are scheduled for Thursday operations. In West Seattle, that means Delridge (4501 Delridge Way SW), noon-5:30 pm, and Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm. Highland Park Spraypark at 1100 SW Cloverdale is also open, 11 am-8 pm.

COLMAN POOL OPEN: Noon-7 pm, go swimming in the saltwater pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW).

SOUND TRANSIT BOARD COMMITTEE: At 1:30 pm, discussion of possibly modifying the “preferred alternative” routing for West Seattle/Ballard light rail is on the agenda for the Sound Transit Board‘s System Expansion Committee (hybrid meeting – public comment will be taken in person and online).

PARK DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING: As previewed here yesterday, the City Council, meeting as the Park District Board, holds a public hearing at 5:30 pm on the next six-year funding cycle for this property-tax-levy-funded source of supplementary funding for Seattle Parks and Recreation (hybrid meeting – public comment will be taken in person and online).

ALL-AGES OPEN MIC AT THE SKYLARK: 5 pm signups start this special all-ages open mic at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), sponsored by neighboring Mode Music Studios (which is also a WSB sponsor).

BLUES NIGHT AT THE SPOT: 5:30 pm blues music at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way).

ULTIMATE AT FAIRMOUNT: 6 pm, Thursday night summertime Ultimate pickup games are back at Fairmount Playfield (5400 Fauntleroy Way SW).

OPEN MIC AT C & P: Come share your talent with the world at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7 pm.

One more note:

BASTILLE DAY QUIZ: West Seattle resident Julia Douthwaite Viglione is offering a trivia quiz, with a prize, in honor of Bastille Day today. Find it here.

Have something to add to our calendar? Email info to – thank you!

3 Replies to "Summer Fest Eve, West Seattle Art Walk, low-low tide, much more for your Thursday"

  • Astro July 14, 2022 (10:53 am)

    It would have been nice if they stuck to 4 pm. I was planning on going to the post office well before the closure…since it’s sometimes hard to park in their lot. Oh well! ☚ī¸

    • YES2WS July 14, 2022 (12:43 pm)

      If you get a spot on Genesee close to Calif, it’ll be about the same distance.

  • Matthew July 14, 2022 (3:02 pm)

    The Fish Sticks are also playing a ball game tonight at Steve Cox Memorial Park:

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