Remembering Stephen L. Fuller, 1968-2022

Family and friends are remembering Steve Fuller, and sharing this remembrance with the community:

It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of Stephen “Steve” Linton Fuller. Born May 23, 1968, in Columbus, Ohio, Steve passed in Seattle on March 25, 2022. He leaves behind his daughters, Anna and Sophia, and their mother Katharine, his brother Michael, and his family, and his parents David and Mary Ann.

Steve graduated from Medina High School in 1986 before participating in the Rotary Student Exchange Program from ’86 to ’87, where he lived in Sweden for a year. He then studied at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, class of 1991, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International/Global Studies. He was a 4-year member of the Miami University Glee Club.

After undergrad, he worked with AEISEC and participated in an International Internship in St. Julians, Malta from ’91 to ’93. He continued to travel and even lived in Costa Rica for a few years with his then-wife Katharine. His eldest daughter, Anna, was born in July ’98 while they lived in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Shortly after her birth, Steve enrolled in a Master of Fine Arts program at Savannah College of Art and Design, graduating in 2000. He and his family moved to Seattle in May 2000 and Sophia was born in 2003. Steve joined the Rotary Club of West Seattle and served as Rotary International Chair from 2006 to 2010. He proudly became a 4th generation Rotary Club President in 2010. In December 2011, he led a group to Nepal, serving as the Team Leader for the Rotary Group Study Exchange.

Steve traveled to 40 different countries and lived in at least 6 different states, collecting friends along the way. He was an accomplished artist and collector of art and antiques. Steve enjoyed being in nature, cooking and entertaining, camping, and sailing Puget Sound. There is a Steve-shaped hole in our hearts that cannot be filled. He will be deeply missed. A Memorial Service is planned for late May. Details will be provided on In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the West Seattle Rotary Club in honor of Steve. A link to donate will be provided on the website above.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to

3 Replies to "Remembering Stephen L. Fuller, 1968-2022"

  • Scott April 6, 2022 (10:34 am)

    Steve would often make his way down to San Diego and let me know when he would be in town.  I always enjoyed our time together and feel heartsick that I will no longer get a call from him to get together. My prayers go out to Dave and Mary Ann.

  • Nancy April 6, 2022 (12:31 pm)

    When Dick and I visited Uncle Walter and Aunt Joan, Steve’s art work was prominently displayed throughout their home. It’s wonderful that he could shared his talent with them and us. You are in our prayers.

  • KeithJ April 6, 2022 (11:12 pm)

    I met Steve and family, right after they moved in, across the street from my grandmother’s house. That house is mine now, and over the years, I was fortunate to get to know him, and to be able to call him a friend. I will never forget the first time I took him salmon fishing. His mind was never idle. Over the past year, it seems that we were closer than ever. Looking across the street, and seeing his car, still in the driveway, and knowing he’s not there, not going to be starting it up, shaking all the neighbors awake, has affected me, much more than I thought possible. My heart breaks, each and every time, I think of Anna and Sophia, and what they have lost. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family, friends,  and loved ones. 

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