UPDATE: Another ‘remediation’ cleanup planned next week at SW Andover RV encampment

(WSB photo)

10:35 AM: The no-parking signs have just gone up for another “remediation” planned at the long-running RV encampment along SW Andover between 26th and 28th SW, four months after the last one. This was foreshadowed by a trash/debris pickup back on Monday; after that, we asked Seattle Public Utilities spokesperson Sabrina Register about what’s ahead. Her response via email:

With a focus on addressing public health and safety, Seattle Public Utilities performs multiple RV Remediations monthly in different areas of the City. We do site assessments where there are five or more RVs in one location to determine which areas should be prioritized for cleanup. The remediation schedule is subject to change depending on factors like working conditions, staff schedules and safety concerns, and therefore is not posted publicly.

The SW Andover location you mentioned is scheduled for remediation in the coming days. At least three days prior to the remediation, no park signs are placed at the location, letting the public know about parking restrictions for a particular time period. Staff follow up with direct outreach to RV occupants starting 72 hours prior to a remediation.

Separate from an RV Remediation, SPU performed a clean (Monday) in this location to mitigate ongoing trash and debris in the right-of-way.

Since then, we’ve looked daily for the no-parking signs, and just spotted them this morning; the dates on them are April 10th-14th (Sunday-Thursday). Parking enforcement is now part of SDOT, so we are checking with that department to see if enforcement policies have changed since the last “remediation,” which included removal of only one vehicle that we’re aware of. The number of RVs there has remained steady in the ensuing months – usually ~14.

3:37 PM: Here’s how SDOT responded to our aforementioned inquiry: “SDOT parking enforcement is continuing to focus on clearing abandoned and unoccupied vehicles, and at this time is not impounding vehicles which are occupied by people refusing to relocate. … People living in vehicles often voluntarily move their vehicles before or during the clean-up event. SDOT may assist with parking enforcement of unoccupied and abandoned vehicles, if there are any present at the site of the clean-up effort.”

53 Replies to "UPDATE: Another 'remediation' cleanup planned next week at SW Andover RV encampment"

  • Bill Brewer April 8, 2022 (11:05 am)

    Why am I not holding my breath that any vehicles will actually be removed? Did anyone notice the stack of bicycles and bicycle parts near the corner this past week? I wonder if that’s where all the stolen bicycles in West Seattle have wound up.

    • Bmc April 8, 2022 (1:26 pm)

      You bet that’s where the stolen bikes end up. It’s a disgrace / not safe to leave a bike locked up anywhere in the region.Hope they are all gone or rehoused soon.I drive this way daily… such a mess. And sad too.

    • Jay April 8, 2022 (1:44 pm)

      Many of them do wind up there, that pile of bikes is part of a chop shop that’s been operating there for years. Sometimes it’s hidden by tarps and sometimes it’s out in the open. When a bike is stolen in West Seattle that’s the first place the victim should check, and they should keep going back and checking for a while. There have been many successful stolen bike recoveries there.

  • Greg J April 8, 2022 (11:08 am)

    It’s disgraceful that the City has let this go on for so long.

    • Mr Henry April 8, 2022 (2:35 pm)

      What do you expect from a major and city council thatâ€Talk the talk but never walk the  walkâ€.  So discussing.No leadership and no accountability.Welcome to the New World Order.

  • snowskier April 8, 2022 (12:09 pm)

    So if the vehicles have been parked there for more than 72 hours, will a move or tow enforcement action be taken as it would be for the remainder of the citizens of West Seattle?  Especially if the vehicle is not operational?  Also, would there be an issue if Nucor or other entities delivered large concrete landscaping blocks to the formerly occupied spaces, as has been done along 1st Ave S following RV removal?  Thanks for the good reporting on this ongoing issue.

    • WSB April 8, 2022 (5:19 pm)

      I’ve since added SDOT’s response. Basically, they’re not towing anything unless it’s clearly abandoned.

  • Pete April 8, 2022 (12:16 pm)

    I hope they are also going to address the growing portion of the encampment along the shores of Longfellow Creek. The community has spent countless effort to clean up this waterway and should not have to worry about the pollution that could now being introduced into it.

  • StopCuttingDownTrees April 8, 2022 (12:20 pm)

    It’s a crime jamboree with no end in sight. The city officials who have allowed this biohazard and public safety threat to thrive need to be held accountable.

  • bikerep April 8, 2022 (12:43 pm)

    well, at least it’s just a short trip for them to move up to new KOA Camp Ground we now have by the totem pole on 35th and/or in the woods in Camp Long (dozens of tents in there).  Pathetic we can not bust the drug dealers, get these people rounded up, give them shelter/help mentoring/re-hab facilities, and get these people back to contributing to society. Letting people destroy the city, businesses and our possessions we ‘ve all worked so hard for and love. 

  • Mj April 8, 2022 (1:07 pm)

    Bill – agreed everytime I drive past the site I see bicycles all over the place.  I suspect most were stolen, what does it take to get the City to do enforcement against the perps?

  • John April 8, 2022 (1:13 pm)

    Your tax dollars at work.

  • Roms April 8, 2022 (1:13 pm)

    If only they’d move the caravan which has been overtaking the bicycle lane at the Andover/26th intersection for days and days and days now, that’d be a success…

  • Yup April 8, 2022 (1:19 pm)

    I overheard a guy at the gym telling someone they got threatened to get beaten up if they didn’t give them his cell phone when he was walking to the gym right by the encampment. He didn’t give it to them because I heard him say he told the dude he had a gun and to back off. I do see police patrol there when I’m at the gym. 

  • T Rex April 8, 2022 (1:59 pm)

    I am taking bets on where they will move to next? Any one else in?The city will not do much but advise them they cannot park THERE. But they are welcome anywhere else where there is a place to park .Hey City Council, specifically you Lisa Herbold, how about you do a walk through, yes YOU and see what you can do about this problem. Last time I checked you were our “rep” for West Seattle right?

  • Mj April 8, 2022 (2:15 pm)

    Bill – agreed.  The City needs to also check the bikes against the those that have been  reported as stolen in conjunction with site cleaning.

  • anonyme April 8, 2022 (2:36 pm)

    It should be noted that the RV’s are only required to move long enough for the cleanup.  Then they come right back.  It is not a permanent ‘remediation’ – although it should be.  This is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded criminal enterprise.

    • nwpolitico April 8, 2022 (4:19 pm)

      The RVs aren’t even required to move for the cleanup.

  • Sillygoose April 8, 2022 (2:51 pm)

    So in an article a few days ago it was stated by an officer that daily they drive by to check on this location.  Well…can I suggest you are down here around 7:00 am to witness the line of young men waiting with all of their items to sell to the guy in the RV with Pink hearts spray-painted on the side.  Citizens should also come down they have bikes, compressors, car tires, wheels, and stacks of black backpacks full of items.  Really is disturbing nothing is done.  Now that the weather is warming up soon the stench will fill the air.

    • CheeseWS777 April 11, 2022 (2:23 am)

      Ummm.. a female owns that rv and nobody àctually stays in it. So idk what you are trying to pain’t a picture of.

      • neighbor April 11, 2022 (3:56 pm)

        If nobody actually stays in it then per SDOT it should be removed.

  • wetone April 8, 2022 (4:31 pm)

    There’s a new person in charge of cleaning up streets of Seattle, will see results shortly as the encampments are moved around and more fencing goes up. Be interesting to see how much $$$ city has spent on fencing over last couple years…. I hope workers doing the clean up have proper training on handling biohazards their dealing with. ;)

  • Ecology Block Lover April 8, 2022 (5:11 pm)

    Anyone want to start a gofundme for about 30 ecology blocks (~$1500) including delivery?

    • Mel April 8, 2022 (6:35 pm)

      I’d gladly contribute if I were guaranteed they’d be gone. My child goes to daycare next door and the amount of crime and drug use I see daily is disgusting. Shame on the city for not acting on this.

  • My Tax Dollars April 8, 2022 (5:51 pm)

    I find it sickening that the city (taxpayers) have to keep cleaning up their mess. The folks in the RV should be required to clean their own mess or kicked out (towed). Why am I paying to clean their mess when I pay plenty for my own garage removal? Our streets are so full of trash everywhere, not just where RV/tents are. Here’s an idea Lisa H, pay the homeless to pick up garbage, and be useful to the communities they choose to squat in. 

  • WS since 2000 April 8, 2022 (5:53 pm)

    I ride my bike along Andover at least once a week and I never have a problem. It’s sad that people are forced by our economy to live this way, and sadder still that someone – safe in their car on their way perhaps to a good job – can’t handle the sight of people less fortunate.  If there are bike thieves among them, find them and prosecute, but what’s really disgraceful is tarring every homeless person as a drug-dealer and part of a crime jamboree.

    • Lina April 8, 2022 (8:31 pm)

      Thank you.  The dehumanizing commentary on this thread makes my heart sink.  

      • Question Authority April 8, 2022 (8:48 pm)

        Have you considered the cost that those less fortunate you advocate for have upon those they a steal from and the mess they leave  behind?  There is a price to society and someone on both sides of this situation and story.

    • Frustrated April 8, 2022 (9:47 pm)

      I’m a little surprised that the down-on-their-luck campers are so tolerant of the drug den and bike chop shop just one RV over.

      • Kat April 9, 2022 (9:23 am)


    • Duffy April 9, 2022 (6:41 am)

      Sad that our economy forces people to live this way? Wow is that wildly presumptive. If you go down there and look at what’s going on with, I dunno, your own two eyes, you might sing a different tune. Stop making excuses and apologizing for those that don’t want to participate in our community, but instead want to steal from, threaten and accost the citizens of Seattle that are the backbone of our neighborhood.

    • WS123 April 9, 2022 (8:49 am)

      *if* there are any bike thieves among them? I guess things seem pretty rosy through those glasses.

    • Socialcontract April 9, 2022 (8:58 am)

      This is a good chance for anybody who doesn’t want to be part of the criminal enterprise to move somewhere else.

    • Just Stop April 9, 2022 (10:52 am)

      Maybe there are some people who “can’t handle the sight of people less fortunate”, but I think most people are tired of being threatened, harassed and stolen from.  It’s really quite offensive blaming the mess down by Nucor on people being “less fortunate”.  I grew up “less fortunate”, surrounded by people “less fortunate”, and being “less fortunate” does not equal stealing, threatening people and completely trashing your surroundings.  

      • T Rex April 11, 2022 (1:06 pm)

        Very good point! 

  • Sally April 8, 2022 (9:23 pm)

    I hope they clean it up soon. I rode my bike by it today and there is something dead rotting over there. It’s not a garbage smell. I’m hoping for the best.

  • Kat April 9, 2022 (9:44 am)

    Thank you God for another clean up. I have a lot of “stuff†and I can’t believe the amount of trash that collects at this site in a few weeks –  although partly due to dumpster diving in the area by a dude who is clearly a hoarder, and the chop shop guy. Deal with those two both camped more on 28th Ave SW and much of the “trash†situation would be remedied. I work odd hours and see a lot of the shady stuff, plus the blocking of the road for various reasons – with cars, cones, people, drug deals ect. This RV “spot†also has had campers moving into the other parts of Youngstown and the park. Lisa Herbold – where are you, and what is your plan? Because I distinctly remember you going door to door when first running for City Council and saying your priority and experience was around homelessness. 

  • Truth Teller April 9, 2022 (9:51 am)

    It’s sad that people are forced by our economy to live this way? The dehumanizing commentary on this thread makes your heart sink?Those perspectives are at root of why this avoidable, felonious mess will continue.A care-aratarian society, would get in front and confront each and every one of these individuals. It would be compulsory to submit to evaluations, and be housed in a locked down environment while they get their issues addressed, co-create a plan of health and vocational recovery and remain in rehabilitation until such time they are capable of contributing fully to their own health and well being.They would be required to have a sponsor that’s willing to commit to proper enablement. That is where some of the people that decry others for being firm, can stand up, step up and be part of the solution, not an enabler of this sh*t-show, status quo.Use existing facilities, such as military bases, and prisons. Yes prisons. Many need to be held accountable to the rule of law. The outcome…this is the EMPATHY PART.  We no longer accept living, essentially in a dumpster full of stolen property, used needles, your kids chopped bicycle, in a disgusting glide-path to insanity and death is compassion. It is the opposite!Empathy is getting in front of these people and making them commit to their own well being.

    • Lisa April 9, 2022 (8:50 pm)

      “Force people into a locked down environment?† In  America  that’s known as “kidnapping†and it is illegal.  

      • WS Res April 11, 2022 (11:20 am)

        Yeah it’s amazing and disturbing how excited people get for the idea of violating other people’s civil liberties in the service of their “forced compliance” fantasies.  

  • Mj April 9, 2022 (9:54 am)

    WS since 2000 – I’m confused by your comment blaming the economy.  Jobs are plentiful in the Seattle area.  I see many entry level jobs being advertised at $18 to $20 hour with benefits.  An Apodment unit can be rented for $800/month.  

  • Fitz April 9, 2022 (2:13 pm)

    If you’ve read this story and are angry that things are like they are…  AND you voted for Lisa Herbold for city council, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

    • David April 11, 2022 (7:59 am)

      I’d make one small amendment to your comment to add “OR did not vote during the last district 1 city council election”.  If I remember correctly, Lisa only won by a couple of hundred votes, so it wouldn’t have taken too many non-voters to have made a difference.

  • john April 9, 2022 (3:39 pm)

    The trash pile was just as big wed or thursday as it was before the city cleaned it up.  It smells like a cesspool there, and now the “campers” are setting up shop on the opposite side of the  street.   Half the time I bike by there are people IN the street, having a chat,  stumbling around, chopping a bike, screaming at the sky, what have you.  Enough!

  • Junction Lady April 9, 2022 (7:42 pm)

    It’s hazardous in more ways than one to drive that block.  The RVs are parked right up to the driving lane (no shoulder for emergencies) and it seems that at any untimely moment an RV door could open or a “resident” could suddenly walk between RVs and get hit by an off guard motorist.  It’s a hot mess on many levels!  Seattle isn’t what it used to be…upstanding tax paying citizens deserve a safe clean city at a minimum.  

  • Buck April 9, 2022 (9:45 pm)

    SDOT says “…not impounding vehicles which are occupied by people refusing to relocate…”  Huh? So I can keep my car parked in front of my house for over 72 hours and get no ticket if I “refuse” to move it?  BS NOT REAL this is so sick for the people of WS I am very very p-o’d about this mess w ehave to witness every day. CLEAN UP OUR STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, SDOT or get someone else to do the job. Temperature rising…

    • CheeseWS777 April 11, 2022 (3:31 pm)

      What is your guess at what will happen if they do tow away these people’s homes? That the problem will be gone? Because that’s just not the case. What’s left will be just more homeless people this time setting up tents in front of whatever business has the largest doorway. This solution just creates more problems and robs somebody of their place to live

      • YOUNGSTOWNRES April 11, 2022 (5:36 pm)

        If people do not want to live under the common laws & normalcies of the community, they can go take their mobile homes to whatever community that supports them. This community does NOT support this behavior. Law abiding citizens can relocate their mobile homes to a designated RV park and pay the dues. People breaking the law can be punished. Doing nothing hurts everyone.

  • Jeff Upthegrove April 11, 2022 (11:03 pm)

    Welcome to the collapsing American capitalist empire.  There will only be more and more and more of this in the coming years. Elect all the huffing and puffing angry law-and-order politicians you like, and scream your head off on Nextdoor and the rest of the internet. Keep sending cops to throw away possessions and crack heads and shuffle the human refuse from one place to another. You will change nothing.

  • TAnya April 13, 2022 (12:21 pm)

    We need to reach out to the city and voice it out that’s not acceptable to allow people to live in this situation and put an entire community in danger. A biker was shot recently there and the clean up they said they would do made no difference. Let’s voice it to the politicians and they will need to hear us and do something about it.Jennifer Samuels is the chief of staff – Jennifer.samuels@seattle.gov

    • WSB April 13, 2022 (5:39 pm)

      Just for accuracy’s sake, as I’ve seen this misinterpretation go around several times: It was not a “biker” being shot, in the sense of ‘somebody just biking by” – the victim was sitting on a 3-wheeled bicycle at the time (there’s a photo in the charging documents), but all parties were known to each other, according to prosecutors, who say the woman with the shooting suspect was the ex-girlfriend of the victim. We reported all this in a followup. Still horrible no matter what the motive or relationship, of course. Regarding the cleanup “ma(king) no difference,” what’s under way now is a junk cleanup, not a crime cleanup, also as reported here. But do definitely make your feelings known to every city rep you can think of. The person you mention is the mayor’s chief of staff. Also when reporting, be very clear about specific problems and incidents – TR

Sorry, comment time is over.